About those sirens.....


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Around dinnertime last night it sounded like disaster had struck the neighborhood
first a fire truck
then an ambulance
then two police cars

Surrounding the house across the street.
The house with the yellow bug-lights by the garage door and entryway.
The bug lights that replaced the energy-saving LEDS that were trendy last year.
With good intent. After all, viruses are "bugs" and those lights, bigod, were going to keep the nutty old lady there safe.

Yup. That house.

Oh there WAS a fire.
In the kitchen.
Not a big fire but enough to set off the alarms connected to one of those "Help Me I Can't........" systems.

The mail had been delivered just before dinner.

The concerned lady had put on her rubber gloves and picked up the mail.

Then carefully put it in her toaster-oven and set it at 450 degrees; the highest it would go.
Then she put the rubber gloves on top of the stack.

Can't be too safe, right?

That's why she wouldn't let the first-responders in until they donned THEIR rubber gloves and masks.

I got scolded by a cop for walking my driveway to see what had happened.
I think he was really upset by my laughing.
Around dinnertime last night it sounded like disaster had struck the neighborhood
first a fire truck
then an ambulance
then two police cars

Surrounding the house across the street.
The house with the yellow bug-lights by the garage door and entryway.
The bug lights that replaced the energy-saving LEDS that were trendy last year.
With good intent. After all, viruses are "bugs" and those lights, bigod, were going to keep the nutty old lady there safe.

Yup. That house.

Oh there WAS a fire.
In the kitchen.
Not a big fire but enough to set off the alarms connected to one of those "Help Me I Can't........" systems.

The mail had been delivered just before dinner.

The concerned lady had put on her rubber gloves and picked up the mail.

Then carefully put it in her toaster-oven and set it at 450 degrees; the highest it would go.
Then she put the rubber gloves on top of the stack.

Can't be too safe, right?

That's why she wouldn't let the first-responders in until they donned THEIR rubber gloves and masks.

I got scolded by a cop for walking my driveway to see what had happened.
I think he was really upset by my laughing.
She'll probably try to sue the oven manufacturer, because it got to Fahrenheit 451....:)
Back in high school I was making french fries in a dutch oven and the oil caught on fire...before I could get to the kitchen my brother tossed his glass of water in the pot....flames and black smoke rolled across the ceiling like a red wave....we both leaped out the window and jumped off the deck...ran around the house to find the fire had put itself out...the fire dept came and used fans to clear the smoke....we had three days to paint and refinish the cabinets my grandfather who was a painter helped us...my mom found out what happened because all of her movie posters were chard on the corners and the leaves on her house plants were burnt...
I had this brother-in-law who was a food broker.
Called on institutions and restaurants.
One of his suppliers came out with a line of stuffed clams.
They sent him demo-packs of six stuffed clams each.
Each "stuffer" banded with a red plastic strap to keep them closed in transit.
Not a word in the instructions about the bands. Only directions to run 'em through a (then wonderfully new) microwave oven for 5-6 minutes on HIGH.

First customer demo all six stuffed clams EXPLODED.

Those weren't simple clams. Oh no! Hard-shelled New England quahogs.
Not only was there stuffing all over the oven - the thin stainless steel liner was badly dented.

Those "clams" didn't sell.

OK with me - he dumped the lot on his sister (my wife) who knew enough to remove the bands.

They were great!

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