About to crash

Then your investments may not keeping up with the market. The DJI is is up over 4000 points since Trump left office.

Maybe 4 or 5 companies drive the 'markets' up or down; means nothing re the real economy, which is now even more concentrated than it was in the Gilded Age of trusts and monopolies. This is a result of both left and right wing policies that destroyed the New Deal legislation that prevented chain stores and massive industrial mergers that created the Great Depression from destroying the markets' ability to create new businesses and social advancement. Now all we have is a series of debt bubble 'economies' centered around real estate scams and govt. subsidized multi-nationals.
Maybe 4 or 5 companies drive the 'markets' up or down; means nothing re the real economy, which is now even more concentrated than it was in the Gilded Age of trusts and monopolies. This is a result of both left and right wing policies that destroyed the New Deal legislation that prevented chain stores and massive industrial mergers that created the Great Depression from destroying the markets' ability to create new businesses and social advancement. Now all we have is a series of debt bubble 'economies' centered around real estate scams and govt. subsidized multi-nationals.
4 or 5 companies will not drive the DJI up 13% and the SP500 18% over a 3 year period.
4 or 5 companies will not drive the DJI up 13% and the SP500 18% over a 3 year period.

Of course they will, especially when they can jack up prices and declare fake 'shortages' because they don't car about increasing tier own logistic costs and can make just as much by selling less, same as big oil companies did. We had 'empty shelves' because there are a lot fewer companies out there to compete with for shelf space.


7 Stocks Generate An Astounding 25% Of The S&P 500's Profit​

Then check out how many companies contract from these 7, and so on down the food chain.
A good read for the upper quintile....

and fwiw, if you city folks want to come up to the sticks, you'd better have something to trade

we're all well armed, and no, we're not interested in yer 'ol lady

have a grand Apocalypse

yer friend


Then your investments may not keeping up with the market. The DJI is is up over 4000 points since Trump left office.
It's actually up over 5,000 since the former 1-term fuckup slithered out of DC.

Downgrading banks means the flow of credit will get tight. That’s when recessions hit and markets crash.

This is awful news.

So, it has been 122 days since you prediction of a crash "about" to happen, any idea when it might actually happen?
The unemployment rate is 3.5%. If Trump was still president you'd be singing his praises from the mountain tops about what a wonderful economy we're in.

You’d be telling us what a major flop his Administration is.
Because you’re completely unhinged by Trump.

So you can't explain why I would criticize a president for a 3.5% unemployment rate?

Sounds like you're the one unhinged. You should maybe see someone about that. Have a nice day.

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