2023 officially over with no recession in sight. Thanks Biden!

Of course if you tried going the other way, selling in Sacramento and buying in LA, you'd have to take out a mortgage.
I just showed you how you could.

Don't be stupid. Sell in 2023 from LA, and buy in Sacramento properties that had the same value in 2022., And you'd make a 30% gain.
show me the pricing history for both, not just yours.
Except you said that's who he "had" to beat, not "has" to beat.
Are you illiterate? I'm not.
Try smarter next time, kid.
There is no excuse though for typing “try smarter”. That’s not English and an easy mixup for a Russian or Chinese troll. Hmmmm.
There is no excuse though for typing “try smarter”. That’s not English and an easy mixup for a Russian or Chinese troll. Hmmmm.
If you were intelligent enough to recognize it being a play on "try harder", you wouldn't have posted that response.
If you were intelligent enough to recognize it being a play on "try harder", you wouldn't have posted that response.
Googled an English phrase eh? You’ll get it down eventually and will be able to pass as American mostly.
First: My income has kept pace. So has my youngest teenager who simply works food as a part time job. He was making $9 an hour in 2019 and now makes $17 an hour. That is an 88% increase. Well ahead of inflation.

Second: Check my postings. I am way too informed for your misinformation campaign. Oil production and all energy production is at all time highs. Biden is a better "drill baby drill" president than Trump ever was. Inflation was a result of shortages in production from shut downs under trump and bottlenecks in transportation after the pandemic. That was compounded by companies trying to gain profit under the guise of inflation.
Who shut down keystone? Who blocked offshore drilling? Who banned drilling on federal lands? Answer those and you will identify who is responsible for high gas prices and record high inflation. Its great that you are doing fine under senile joe, but millions are not and they will not vote for that criminal again.
Who shut down keystone? Who blocked offshore drilling? Who banned drilling on federal lands? Answer those and you will identify who is responsible for high gas prices and record high inflation. It’s great that you are doing fine under senile joe, but millions are not and they will not vote for that criminal again.
Record. Oil. Output.
that is a dem/lib lie. if there was record oil output, gas at the pump would be cheap, but its not.
Is that true? What if the US was outputting record oil… and OPEC had cut back even more? Would that result lower gas prices than when the whole world shut down for a pandemic? Show your math!
if we are pumping at record levels why is Biden buying oil from the mid east and Venezuela? your facts are not facts.

Wow,. Eloquent.
if we are pumping at record levels why is Biden buying oil from the mid east and Venezuela? your facts are not facts.
Biden doesnt buy oil. What are you talking about?

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