Abrams calls for removal of Confederate faces off Stone Mountain""


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2017

"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams called for the removal of the giant carving that depicts three Confederate war leaders on the face of state-owned Stone Mountain, saying it “remains a blight on our state and should be removed.”
“We must never celebrate those who defended slavery and tried to destroy the union,” Abrams said in a series of tweets posted early Tuesday, a response to the deadly violence sparked by white supremacist groups in Charlottesville, Va. "

Abrams calls for removal of Confederate faces off Stone Mountain | Political Insider blog

But, but, but, jump in here Mr. Slade and deny this too ;)
Stone Mountain.... Stone Mountain..... Ah yes, the site where "Colonel Joe" Simmons took fifteen sychophants including members of a lynch mob up on a rented bus and founded the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan", burning a cross at midnight on Thanksgiving 1915 so he could profit off "Birth of a Nation". That Stone Mountain.
Anecdote of the Jar
I placed a jar in Tennessee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion everywhere.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee.

I don't like carving on Mother Nature.
I took my daughter and her two kids to Stone Mountain on a day trip last summer.

There were plenty of black families at the park enjoying the amusement rides and having picnics. In fact, many black teens were employed there operating the rides and concession stands.

None seemed the least bit concerned about the giant stone carvings of Confederate icons. .... :cool:
I took my daughter and her two kids to Stone Mountain on a day trip last summer.

There were plenty of black families at the park enjoying the amusement rides and having picnics. In fact, many black teens were employed there operating the rides and concession stands.

None seemed the least bit concerned about the giant stone carvings of Confederate icons. .... :cool:

It was fun wan't it? Our family enjoyed it and I didn't see anyone wailing over Confederates
That monument was paid for by the KKK and federal money.

I guess rednecks are okay with government gifts when it suits them.
It was fun wan't it? Our family enjoyed it and I didn't see anyone wailing over Confederates
We spent the first day at the Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.

Spent the night and then drove to Stone Mountain for the day. ..... :cool:
At the time of his Death, George Washington owned 317 slaves.
Ten Facts About Washington & Slavery

This monument must come down:

Thomas Jefferson owned more than 350 slaves.
Property | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

This memorial must come down:
That monument was paid for by the KKK and federal money.

I guess rednecks are okay with government gifts when it suits them.

I'm calling for the TOTAL ABOLISHMENT of the party of the KKK, the DEMOCRAT PARTY...

That monument was paid for by the KKK and federal money.

I guess rednecks are okay with government gifts when it suits them.


Even if there had ever been a "Democrat Party" --- it wouldn't have started the Klan. In either iteration. Because that's not who started it. In either iteration.

Break open the piggy bank and go buy yourself a history book.

Or hell, just read what those of us dedicated to fact rather than mythology bring to this board for free. Here's what I posted to the last yahoo that tried to float this myth, just yesterday:

Why would the democrat formed KKK be GOP approved? I thought you liberals always said the GOP was always against everything the Democrats stand for? Well you CREATED the KKK, why would we support that? We aren't racist like you.

The KKK was never created by Democrats. Nor am I a "Democrat" but I do know my history.

There were two iterations of the Klan. The original (1865) which lasted less than a decade and was confined to the former Confederacy, was formed by (in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed --- none of whom had any poltiical affiliations, and the Confederacy had no political parties anyway.

This would be Christmas 1865, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.

The second (revival) one (1915) which was far larger and spread nationwide, was started by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons, who was known to be an ex-Methodist minister, a salesman, a drunk, a con artist and a hypocrite, but again, no known political affiliation. And that would be at midnight on Thanksgiving 1915, on Stone Mountain Georgia, to which he brought his gang in a rented bus and burned a cross.

Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. No one has yet.

That Klan by the way was notorious for opposing Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions, all of which are Democratic Party constituents. And it worked to elect high Republican officials literally from coast to coast including Governors and Senators. It also supported Coolidge in 1924 and Hoover in 1928, and took credit for those victories.

Whatcha got?

And if you want sources, click on that thread, I've got nine of them in there.

Again, there's historical fact, and there's generated Googly Image memes. Guess which one is real.
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That monument was paid for by the KKK and federal money.

I guess rednecks are okay with government gifts when it suits them.


Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?
Eventually, they will all come down if on public property. They can be placed in museums in the section for traitors and enemies of the
United States.

Get used to it. You won't stop progress.
That monument was paid for by the KKK and federal money.

I guess rednecks are okay with government gifts when it suits them.


Even if there had ever been a "Democrat Party" --- it wouldn't have started the Klan. In either iteration. Because that's not who started it. In either iteration.

Break open the piggy bank and go buy yourself a history book.

Or hell, just read what those of us dedicated to fact rather than mythology bring to this board for free. Here's what I posted to the last yahoo that tried to float this myth, just yesterday:

Why would the democrat formed KKK be GOP approved? I thought you liberals always said the GOP was always against everything the Democrats stand for? Well you CREATED the KKK, why would we support that? We aren't racist like you.

The KKK was never created by Democrats. Nor am I a "Democrat" but I do know my history.

There were two iterations of the Klan. The original (1865) which lasted less than a decade and was confined to the former Confederacy, was formed by (in alpha order) Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed --- none of whom had any poltiical affiliations, and the Confederacy had no political parties anyway.

This would be Christmas 1865, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.

The second (revival) one (1915) which was far larger and spread nationwide, was started by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons, who was known to be an ex-Methodist minister, a salesman, a drunk, a con artist and a hypocrite, but again, no known political affiliation. And that would be at midnight on Thanksgiving 1915, on Stone Mountain Georgia, to which he brought his gang in a rented bus and burned a cross.

Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. No one has yet.

That Klan by the way was notorious for opposing Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions, all of which are Democratic Party constituents. And it worked to elect high Republican officials literally from coast to coast including Governors and Senators. It also supported Coolidge in 1924 and Hoover in 1928, and took credit for those victories.

Whatcha got?

And if you want sources, click on that thread, I've got nine of them in there.

Again, there's historical fact, and there's generated Googly Image memes. Guess which one is real.
Yeah, they did. The facts and proof are there, and no amount of denials by you progs will change that.

The democrats are the founders of the KKK, they are the party of the KKK, period.

The democrat party should be abolished.

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