'Absolute stupidity': Cybersecurity experts condemn White House for breaking with FBI and suggesting private companies could pay ransomware demands as

If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Spoken like a true communist c------! But you know what you are.
Vital infrastructure is vital. We can't trust it to fuck-up corporations who are more concerned with their shareholder value than U.S. security.
You truly are a communist. What part of private do you not understand. What are you calling "vital infrastructure?" Seven Eleven, Pizza Hut, Standard Oil, Walmart? You really don't have a brain in your head.
Oil pipelines, dumbass - the subject of this thread. :rolleyes:
So what infrastructure was Biden trying to improve when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline. I wouldn't be surprised that he is behind this hack, trying to hurt oil more than he already is. You heard him say it during the debates--Yeah, I'm going to shut down the fossil fuel industry. Do you remember, moron? And you voted for him anyway You just don't have much luck keeping up with yourself do you. Like Biden, you've chased your own tail so long you don't know what's up. Now run along you commie c------.
Only losers change the argument when they're losing.

Address the posts you are replying to.
If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Spoken like a true communist c------! But you know what you are.
Vital infrastructure is vital. We can't trust it to fuck-up corporations who are more concerned with their shareholder value than U.S. security.
You truly are a communist. What part of private do you not understand. What are you calling "vital infrastructure?" Seven Eleven, Pizza Hut, Standard Oil, Walmart? You really don't have a brain in your head.
So... why are you angry with President Biden leaving private enterprise alone and making their own decisions?
Who are you replying to? I am for private business operating free of government intervention. The communist is the one that feels that government should take over private corporations--read.
I was responding to you. You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money to get incompetent corporations out of hot water. So which is it? Government shouldn't intervene or government should intervene?
He can't even follow his own argument/bullshit, Borillar. Sad!
The OP is upset that President Joe Biden is not directing private business from the oval office?


Nope they are upset foreign powers damaged a private infrastructure that effects millions and millions of Americans, and includes airlines and other public and private companies. And is going to cost millions of dollars.

This doesn't effect just that company, it effects millions of average Americans directly and indirectly.

Biden also made a emergency declaration for 17 states so obviously it is a bad big deal.

But I get it, you'll let millions of people suffer because you're trying to mindlessly and obsessively attack/defend someone out of pure spite and unadulterated anger at the other side you hate so much. You remind me of when Nancy pelosi withheld stimulus money for the entire country because she hated trump. She was willing to fuck over a nation because she wanted to fuck over people who didn't agree with her. You're both the same, so blinded by idiocy you won't look at what's actually happening.
You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money
Please show me where I said that--you won't be able to because it is completely contrary to everything I believe in. No ransom for hostages, No ransom for cyber attacks--I believe in finding who is responsible and decimating them so that they are either unwilling or unable to carry out such threats again. I advocated turning Iran into a sheet of glass in 1979. The infrastructure the current regime needs to fund is CYBER SECURITY for the US, but that incompetent POS couldn't find his way out of the john.
Trump cut funding to cyber security, fool.
If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Spoken like a true communist c------! But you know what you are.
Vital infrastructure is vital. We can't trust it to fuck-up corporations who are more concerned with their shareholder value than U.S. security.
You truly are a communist. What part of private do you not understand. What are you calling "vital infrastructure?" Seven Eleven, Pizza Hut, Standard Oil, Walmart? You really don't have a brain in your head.
Oil pipelines, dumbass - the subject of this thread. :rolleyes:
So what infrastructure was Biden trying to improve when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline. I wouldn't be surprised that he is behind this hack, trying to hurt oil more than he already is. You heard him say it during the debates--Yeah, I'm going to shut down the fossil fuel industry. Do you remember, moron? And you voted for him anyway You just don't have much luck keeping up with yourself do you. Like Biden, you've chased your own tail so long you don't know what's up. Now run along you commie c------.
Only losers change the argument when they're losing.

Address the posts you are replying to.
GFY, you smelly twat.
If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Spoken like a true communist c------! But you know what you are.
Vital infrastructure is vital. We can't trust it to fuck-up corporations who are more concerned with their shareholder value than U.S. security.
You truly are a communist. What part of private do you not understand. What are you calling "vital infrastructure?" Seven Eleven, Pizza Hut, Standard Oil, Walmart? You really don't have a brain in your head.
So... why are you angry with President Biden leaving private enterprise alone and making their own decisions?
Who are you replying to? I am for private business operating free of government intervention. The communist is the one that feels that government should take over private corporations--read.
I was responding to you. You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money to get incompetent corporations out of hot water. So which is it? Government shouldn't intervene or government should intervene?
He can't even follow his own argument/bullshit, Borillar. Sad!
Hahaha, looking for validation, eh. I didn't change anything.
You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money
Please show me where I said that--you won't be able to because it is completely contrary to everything I believe in. No ransom for hostages, No ransom for cyber attacks--I believe in finding who is responsible and decimating them so that they are either unwilling or unable to carry out such threats again. I advocated turning Iran into a sheet of glass in 1979. The infrastructure the current regime needs to fund is CYBER SECURITY for the US, but that incompetent POS couldn't find his way out of the john.
Trump cut funding to cyber security, fool.
Linkie? What has Biden done to increase it? Oh, I understand, that isn't as important in your mind as signing a bunch of press-grabbing, economy-destroying executive order. Try again.
If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Hey synthetic twat--do you remember this commie post that YOU put up when you called for the government to sieze a privately-owned pipeline? Yeah, you did, commie.
You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money
Please show me where I said that--you won't be able to because it is completely contrary to everything I believe in. No ransom for hostages, No ransom for cyber attacks--I believe in finding who is responsible and decimating them so that they are either unwilling or unable to carry out such threats again. I advocated turning Iran into a sheet of glass in 1979. The infrastructure the current regime needs to fund is CYBER SECURITY for the US, but that incompetent POS couldn't find his way out of the john.
In post #3, you stated that Biden didn't have any problems paying ransom to Iran and questioned why he wasn't in this situation. Then you called him a spineless jellyfish.

Again, which is it? Should the government intervene or not? Should the government have to come in and clean up because some corporation doesn't have a decent IT department? Should the corporation have to face the consequences of being unprepared?
You were upset earlier that Biden wasn't paying ransom money
Please show me where I said that--you won't be able to because it is completely contrary to everything I believe in. No ransom for hostages, No ransom for cyber attacks--I believe in finding who is responsible and decimating them so that they are either unwilling or unable to carry out such threats again. I advocated turning Iran into a sheet of glass in 1979. The infrastructure the current regime needs to fund is CYBER SECURITY for the US, but that incompetent POS couldn't find his way out of the john.
In post #3, you stated that Biden didn't have any problems paying ransom to Iran and questioned why he wasn't in this situation. Then you called him a spineless jellyfish.

Again, which is it? Should the government intervene or not? Should the government have to come in and clean up because some corporation doesn't have a decent IT department? Should the corporation have to face the consequences of being unprepared?
what makes this any different, That is cut and pasted from my post. I did not say that I felt it should be done, but that it was also WRONG! This is nothing more than a question--I didn't agree with paying ransoms to Iran either, as I also stated. Your smelly girlfriend OTOH, said, and I quote, "If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over." She is a commie. Do you agree with her communist statement. If you do, you're a commie too. The government cannot take over private enterprise in peacetime in the US. Read what I write and not what you want to see. Now you and synthetic twat can go discuss among yourselves. Try again, troll.
Traitor Joe©™ in full blossom.

Imagine everything the same but one thing, change Biden to Trump. The DemonRats and the MSM would be in non-stop meltdown mode, spewing 24/7.

Cybersecurity experts condemned the White House after senior officials broke from the FBI's advice that companies should not pay ransomware demands, saying instead it was instead a decision for the private sector.
Specialists in computer security fear the lure of easy corporate money could trigger a fresh wave of attacks even as gas stations run dry in the wake of the Darkside attack on a major fuel pipeline.
James Knight, of Digital Warfare Corp, told DailyMail.com: 'I think it is incredibly foolish that they even suggested it.
'It may be something that has to be done in practice – but to say it live was ridiculous. Absolute stupidity.'
Her stance is at odds with FBI advice on paying ransoms.
It tells victims not to make the crime profitable by paying up.
'Paying a ransom doesn't guarantee you or your organization will get any data back,' it says on its website.
'It also encourages perpetrators target more victims and offers an incentive for others to get involved in this type of illegal activity.'
Jim Carafano, national security expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said he was 'gobsmacked' by the White House's cavalier approach.
'This is a very risk averse administration that doesn't want to get deeply bogged down in a lot of things that distract from its domestic agenda,' he said.
'For them to take ownership of this pipeline issue would make it their problem.
'It is more convenient for them to push it back on the company.'
The attack on a company that delivers almost half of the fuel used on the East Coast, underscores the vulnerabilities in the nation's critical infrastructure.

Wow...looks like joe has yet another secret bank account that we don't know about.....

Cybersecurity experts condemned the White House after senior officials broke from the FBI's advice that companies should not pay ransomware demands, saying instead it was instead a decision for the private sector.
That's what you get from the party of gun control, protection rackets, extortion and murder-for-hire.
If private corporations cannot manage vital infrastructure then it's time for government to take it over.
Spoken like a true communist c------! But you know what you are.
Vital infrastructure is vital. We can't trust it to fuck-up corporations who are more concerned with their shareholder value than U.S. security.
You truly are a communist. What part of private do you not understand. What are you calling "vital infrastructure?" Seven Eleven, Pizza Hut, Standard Oil, Walmart? You really don't have a brain in your head.
Oil pipelines, dumbass - the subject of this thread. :rolleyes:
So what infrastructure was Biden trying to improve when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline. I wouldn't be surprised that he is behind this hack, trying to hurt oil more than he already is. You heard him say it during the debates--Yeah, I'm going to shut down the fossil fuel industry. Do you remember, moron? And you voted for him anyway You just don't have much luck keeping up with yourself do you. Like Biden, you've chased your own tail so long you don't know what's up. Now run along you commie c------.
Only losers change the argument when they're losing.

Address the posts you are replying to.
GFY, you smelly twat.

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Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
The cyber terrorist are typically Russian or Chinese backed...it’s no wonder Xiden wants people to pay...the Quid Pro Joe, the big guy, gets his 10 percent

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