AC/DC's Brian Johnson Has Never Voted In His Life: 'F**k Politicians'

One of Colin Powell's jobs as Reagan's NSC advisor was to prevent Reagan from talking in public about his fear of an invasion from outer space. When Reagan got going, Powell would say, ā€œHere come the little green men again.ā€ [Lou Cannon, President Reagan: Role of a Lifetime]

Glad no one in my family voted for Reagan, except Aunt Bee
If I am on here I am not watching old people with dementia now am I?

Besides this place is far more entertaining than just about anything on TV these days.
Defending the dementia patient is the same thing isn't it ?? Agree with TV has gone to the dog's.
One of Colin Powell's jobs as Reagan's NSC advisor was to prevent Reagan from talking in public about his fear of an invasion from outer space. When Reagan got going, Powell would say, ā€œHere come the little green men again.ā€ [Lou Cannon, President Reagan: Role of a Lifetime]

Glad no one in my family voted for Reagan, except Aunt Bee
Trying to be funny are you ? Star war's enacted by Reagan was definitely something during the cold war in which was to be considered vital in defence of nuclear strike's and their possibilities. Right now we have the newly formed space force, and this is a very much needed counter offensive designed for defending against nuclear attacks as well. Take everything seriously, even if it sounds fair fetched when it comes to nuclear deterrents.
Some people say that Dan Quayle got nervous and thought before he spoke and some say he was geographically challenged:

What do you think? ā€œI love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix.ā€ ā€œItā€™s wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.ā€

typical phony.
When asked by a Fox News reporter, ā€œWhat should we do about Ukraine?ā€ Trump answers:

"i've gone to war, i've raised twins, i prefer going to war, that's easier" - President George W Bush

Bush: No Child Left Behind or No Beer Left Behind?
"Nobody needs to tell me what I believe. But I do need somebody to tell me where Kosovo is." George W. Bush August 25, 1999

Gov. George W. Bush could not name several foreign leaders when he was hit with a pop quiz by a television reporter

Andy Hiller, the reporter for WHDH-TV in Boston who administered the impromptu test, asked Bush in an interview on Wednesday if he could identify the top person in power in 3 countries and a Russian republic that have recently encountered turmoil: Taiwan, India, Pakistan and Chechnya.

Bush, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, seemingly knew the answer for Taiwan -- Lee Teng-hui -- but not the others, and tried to turn the tables on Mr. Hiller.

''Can you name the foreign minister of Mexico?'' asked Mr. Bush, whose state borders Mexico.

''No, sir,'' Mr. Hiller answered, ''but I would say to that, I'm not running for president.''

Bush has inadvertently fueled that criticism with references to Greeks as Grecians and East Timorese as East Timorians.

Bush referred to the Taiwanese president simply as ''Lee,'' and could not name the leader of the breakaway Russian republic of Chechnya, who is Aslan Maskhadov, or the new prime minister of India, Atal Behari Vajpayee.

Bush has no monopoly on foreign flubs among Republican presidential candidates. At a ceremony a week and a half ago, John McCain twice referred to the Czech Republic as Czechoslovakia, a nation that ceased to exist after Jan. 1, 1993, when it became two separate states -- the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Remember when Rick Mercer got George W. Bush (and John Engler) to go along with the idea that Canada's prime minister was "Prime Minister Jean Poutine"?

In the runup to the 2000 election, a writer from Glamour magazine asked Bush what came to mind to the word ā€˜Talibanā€™. Bush shook his head.

The writer gave a hint: ā€œBecause of repression of women in Afghanistan.ā€

ā€œOh, I thought you said some band. The Taliban in Afghanistan! Absolutely. Repressiveā€

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