According to CNN, Attacks On Whites Are Not 'Hate Crimes'?!

Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?
that is your definition. ours is anything that is hate related no matter the victim. you should get some new material. if you think hate isn't hate. Do you understand the word?
So you're saying the law should be re-written? In the meantime, it isn't actually "propaganda" to not label crimes that aren't hate crimes, as hate crimes. (that's almost as good as 'how much wood can a woodchuck chuck...)

I hear what you're saying, but in that case isn't almost every assault or murder a "hate crime?" Which brings us back to it meaning nothing.
hate is hate or do you disagree? so only whites have that ability? really?

You're going to have to confine yourself to the legal definitions defined by the law as it relates to the law. You do understand that, don't you?
"Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability."

Read wikipedia.
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?
that is your definition. ours is anything that is hate related no matter the victim. you should get some new material. if you think hate isn't hate. Do you understand the word?

Review the law.
post up your version.

I'm not sure about the wording, you?
well, just post up what you believe is a hate crime law.

I would never do that, that's your problem. This law and it's defninitions have nothing to do with my feelings. You wandered into a legal discussion and I won't just make shit up. And it's obvious you don't understand this law and the application thereof either.
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?
that is your definition. ours is anything that is hate related no matter the victim. you should get some new material. if you think hate isn't hate. Do you understand the word?
So you're saying the law should be re-written? In the meantime, it isn't actually "propaganda" to not label crimes that aren't hate crimes, as hate crimes. (that's almost as good as 'how much wood can a woodchuck chuck...)

I hear what you're saying, but in that case isn't almost every assault or murder a "hate crime?" Which brings us back to it meaning nothing.
hate is hate or do you disagree? so only whites have that ability? really?

You're going to have to confine yourself to the legal definitions defined by the law as it relates to the law. You do understand that, don't you?
"Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability."

Thanks for the wiki generalized overview.
"Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability."
Bah, yo have once again committed the "Giving Proof to Libtards Fallacy".

Shame on you.
"Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability."
Bah, yo have once again committed the "Giving Proof to Libtards Fallacy".

Shame on you.

I love generalized linkoffs in avoidance of a real discussion followed by self decparations of victory, it's ..................... so adult.
Just more double standards and hypocrisy from the left, its why the filthy scumbags lost.
"Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability."
Bah, yo have once again committed the "Giving Proof to Libtards Fallacy".

Shame on you.
This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Hate Crimes are designed to protect against hate?

As a police officer, how can I detect hate in 'your' heart when to do so is subjective?

I know 'you' committed assault; therefore, you broke the law and should be punished to the full extent of the law.

Recently 2 black men were filmed pulling a white man out of his car, beating him because he had a Trump bumper sticker, and berated him for voting for Trump while they beat him.

The police stated their political motivation eliminated the attack as a Racial hate crime and their state did not recognize Political Hate crimes. So they had to charge them with assault and a few other crimes.
-- Protect people from Hate? The police suspected 'Politically Motivated Hatred' but could not charge them with that because it did not exist.

IMO, 'Hate Crimes' should not exist - there are already laws to protect people from 'hate'.

According to CNN and many others there is no such thing as racism I regards to blacks, racism is only a 'white thing', and there is no such thing as a 'hate crime' against whites.

It's a way to inflict more pain against whites seen as 'racist'. If it 'Hate crimes' do not protect ALL people from 'hate' they need to be eliminated - go back to just charging people with crimes!

STOP trying to control people's thoughts / minds with subjective laws.
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Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they?
Why do they have to be against a minority group?

Cant people hate other people for racial reasons and be themselves in a minority group?

Why do you discriminate against whites like this? How long have you been an anti-white bigot? Do you hate yourself?

I asked a question. That was my understanding of the hate crimes law. If I am wrong about that, please enlighten me.
Currently, for example, there are cities / states who do not recognize 'Political Hate Crimes'. Recently a video was shown of 2 young blacks pulling a white man out of his car - a car that had a Trump Bumper Sticker on it - and beating him as they berated him for voting for Trump and while witnesses cheered the attackers on.

The police were reported as saying ON CAMERA that since the attackers comments were about politics and not about race they could not charge them with a RACIAL Hate Crime and since their state did not recognize POLITICAL Hate Crimes as a crime not much would be done to the attackers.

This sparked outrage, and the police department quickly stated the last statement about not much being done to them was NOT the case because - as everyone was upset about - the individuals would still be charged with several crimes for attacking the man they pulled out of the car.

The whole idea of 'Hate Crimes' is a STUPID, BIASED idea, not to mention as some argue a case of 'double jeopardy' - being charged for the same crime twice.

- I have never heard of a crime like the one mentioned above that did NOT include some type of HATE.
- 'Assault' is 'assault' - punish the CRIME, don't try to control/punish the thoughts/attitudes of people, trying to decide why someone broke the law.

A whistleblower came forward when Eric holder took over the AG position and revealed Holder briefed his staff that the US AG's office would NOT be enforcing any more cases of 'Reverse Discrimination'.
-- That's RACIST.

CNN sowed they believe that black-on-white crimes can NOT be 'Hate crimes'.

Polls have shown that many (liberals/blacks) believe blacks can NOT be racist, that it is only a 'white thing'. (Good grief)

The whole idea of 'Hate Crime, imo, needs to be abolished. Punish people for breaking the law EQUALLY! No special treatment for anyone!

The symbol of Justice is a lady wearing a blindfold holding a scale. The whole reason behind the blindfold is to demonstrate how JUSTICE IS SUPPOSED TO BE BLIND to color, race, sex, religion, monetary status, political status, etc.

For too long to many people / groups have had their thumps on the scale with the blindfold off:

Federal Politicians ILLEGALLY & UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY exempting themselves from laws, protecting each other from prosecutions for crimes WE are all held to.

Illegals in this country protected because they are part of an agenda.....


One thing I am hoping for in the future is that the DOJ 'house' is CLEANED - wiped cleaned and started again. That EQUAL JUSTICE will begin being applied, that the Constitution and Rule of law will once again be upheld, enforced, defended, and applied equally. It has been too long since this has been the case.
Well said. I believe it is perfectly possible for a hate crime to be committed against someone for being white, but I can see why not including "political views" in the definition is the law in many states. Having a political view is not actually a "protected class."
This argument will be manipulated, however, by those defending their hate, who resent being punished for it. So I agree with you with great caution.
This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Lol, when did that start?

If so, you libs are out of anything to talk about.

I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.
I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.


What you support is just unreal. You support

1. running up the national debt $11 trillion
2. deliberately lying to medical marijuana users and then locking them up because they were white
3. cheering as thugs shoot cops in the back
4. making every Dem guilty of anything above the law
5. staging fake hate crimes and blaming the opposition

You are nothing but pure scum. You hate this country. You hate everyone who doesn't support your despicable views.
I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.


What you support is just unreal. You support

1. running up the national debt $11 trillion
2. deliberately lying to medical marijuana users and then locking them up because they were white
3. cheering as thugs shoot cops in the back
4. making every Dem guilty of anything above the law
5. staging fake hate crimes and blaming the opposition

You are nothing but pure scum. You hate this country. You hate everyone who doesn't support your despicable views.
Whoa, buddy. I thought you were a bit off this morning, but now I KNOW you are. Maybe it's time to take a little break? Until whatever it is wears off?

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