According to CNN, Attacks On Whites Are Not 'Hate Crimes'?!

This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Lol, when did that start?

If so, you libs are out of anything to talk about.

I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.
Ah, come on, Old Lady, you know I'm just funnin.

Lots of good ole liberals here to discuss things with, but every once in a while you gotta let loose, you know what I mean?

Animals can't hate, only humans can
Who are you calling an animal?
This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Lol, when did that start?

If so, you libs are out of anything to talk about.

I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.
Ah, come on, Old Lady, you know I'm just funnin.

Lots of good ole liberals here to discuss things with, but every once in a while you gotta let loose, you know what I mean?

Yup. I've been in a cranky mood all day. Will end up paying for it tomorrow, I'm sure.
It is perfectly clear that when those on the left commit hate crimes, the supporters of the left support those hate crimes.

If they didn't, they'd actually do something other than shut up and/or attack the victims.
that is your definition. ours is anything that is hate related no matter the victim. you should get some new material. if you think hate isn't hate. Do you understand the word?

Review the law.
post up your version.

I'm not sure about the wording, you?
well, just post up what you believe is a hate crime law.

I would never do that, that's your problem. This law and it's defninitions have nothing to do with my feelings. You wandered into a legal discussion and I won't just make shit up. And it's obvious you don't understand this law and the application thereof either.
we will see won't we.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

According to many-a-liberal (turds without benefit of fertilization) you cannot be racist if "you don't have the upper hand". Some shit like that. These people are irrational and operate on emotions.
This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Lol, when did that start?

If so, you libs are out of anything to talk about.

I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.
I will no longer defend Trump again. Get used to it. He won the battle, the war is still up for grabs and it is what our attention is positioned today. All you libturds trying to demand something can step to the back of the line and wait until next election cycle.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

According to many-a-liberal (turds without benefit of fertilization) you cannot be racist if "you don't have the upper hand". Some shit like that. These people are irrational and operate on emotions.
what is an upper hand? So if twenty five blacks pick on one white they don't have the upper hand in the confrontation? how's that work for you libs? oh yes, hypocrites. that's the ticket.

hate begets hate. retaliation to someone else's hate is also hate. no matter how you wish to spin it. Otherwise, it would be legal to shot someone in retaliation who shot their child .
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I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say.
I would argue that Conservatives, such as myself, are not 'shitting in the pool' but instead are feeling obligated to respond to much of the ridiculous, Trump-hatred-generated, sour-grapes, sore-loser deluge flowing from many of the despondent Liberal Snowflakes.

Case in point, sidetracking from this thread focus for a second:

Liberals ONCE AGAIN started a thread about how a small group of white supremacists just met together and expressed how they are happy that Trump won the election rather than Hillary....declaring since this group of hate-filled assholes said nice things about Trump then Trump is obviously one of them and / or supports their group /cause. Another group of the 'usual suspects' criticized Trump for not denouncing them.

YOU AND I BOTH KNOW this repeated liberal lie / BS continues to come up over and over despite it having already been debunked numerous times....because it seems the Trump-haters just can't seem to let it go.
- I, along with others, have posted numerous links, quotes, transcripts, etc showing how Trump has REPEATEDLY denounced the KKK, denounced David Duke, denounced the "nazi' which Liberals have declared 'Well Trump hasn't denounced them strenuously enough or completely denying - despite repeatedly posted links/proof that he has.

YOU AND I - and all INTELLIGENT people - understand that thanks to our 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech any racist, sexist, homophobic, or other hate group or person can simply announce their support for / endorsement of any candidate ... yet doing so does NOT make that person a supporter of that person or group, does NOT make that person a fellow-believer in whatever radical crap the endorser subscribes to.
-- YOU AND I BOTH KNOW, however, that is what these radical, sour-grape, Trump-haters are suggesting. WE also know that doing so makes the person doing so look like an idiot.

I would love to engage in much more relevant conversations than having to constantly go back into these repeated posts where Liberals are still posting BS - even when they KNOW it has already been debunked. It is as if hate has totally consumed well as their common sense and integrity.

I have to admit, I have simply chosen to completely ignore - not even enter - some threads because the titles are SO amazingly stupid / rabidly partisan where it is obvious the OP is just venting, spewing propaganda, nonsense, and hatred. I also have to admit I allow myself to be drawn into them. I will try to make a more concerted effort to not allow myself to be so in the future.

I know you were not talking to me specifically, but when I read your "conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say" comment I felt the need to speak up.
I don't know how many on this board (are old enough to) remember the LA Race Riots years ago, but....

I remember during the riots a case where protesting blacks blocked off an intersection, stopped an 18-wheeler, pulled the white driver out of his rig, and attacked him. The whole thing was caught on video and televised for the whole country to see.

One 'thug' is particular was shown / seen picking up a brick - standard, heavy - and driving it down on top of the prone driver's head...several times. When the man became unconscious the 'thug' began to dance around him in a circle in a way I can only describe as like a 'savage' (the old western shows where the Indians danced around a fire whooping and hollering).

The truck driver survived, and his attacker was arrested, charged with both counts of assault and attempted murder. The (black - not sure if this has anything to do with it or not) found the black 'thug' INNOCENT of assault and attempted murder - found him guilty of 'disorderly conduct'. The REASON why, the judge explained, was that 'the court' (HE) did not recognize a brick as a weapon'.


This is one of those cases that exposes WHY the statue of 'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold...and why many 'officers and enforcers of the court' should as well when administering justice! In a case such as this, your race, sex, etc should not matter...the fact that 1 individual attacked and used a brick to repeatedly bash another person's skull is ALL that should / should have mattered.

Sadly, that is not the world we are living in.
I don't know how many on this board (are old enough to) remember the LA Race Riots years ago, but....

I remember during the riots a case where protesting blacks blocked off an intersection, stopped an 18-wheeler, pulled the white driver out of his rig, and attacked him. The whole thing was caught on video and televised for the whole country to see.

One 'thug' is particular was shown / seen picking up a brick - standard, heavy - and driving it down on top of the prone driver's head...several times. When the man became unconscious the 'thug' began to dance around him in a circle in a way I can only describe as like a 'savage' (the old western shows where the Indians danced around a fire whooping and hollering).

The truck driver survived, and his attacker was arrested, charged with both counts of assault and attempted murder. The (black - not sure if this has anything to do with it or not) found the black 'thug' INNOCENT of assault and attempted murder - found him guilty of 'disorderly conduct'. The REASON why, the judge explained, was that 'the court' (HE) did not recognize a brick as a weapon'.


This is one of those cases that exposes WHY the statue of 'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold...and why many 'officers and enforcers of the court' should as well when administering justice! In a case such as this, your race, sex, etc should not matter...the fact that 1 individual attacked and used a brick to repeatedly bash another person's skull is ALL that should / should have mattered.

Sadly, that is not the world we are living in.
it's not the world the libs want and you can take that to the bank.
I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say.
I would argue that Conservatives, such as myself, are not 'shitting in the pool' but instead are feeling obligated to respond to much of the ridiculous, Trump-hatred-generated, sour-grapes, sore-loser deluge flowing from many of the despondent Liberal Snowflakes.

Case in point, sidetracking from this thread focus for a second:

Liberals ONCE AGAIN started a thread about how a small group of white supremacists just met together and expressed how they are happy that Trump won the election rather than Hillary....declaring since this group of hate-filled assholes said nice things about Trump then Trump is obviously one of them and / or supports their group /cause. Another group of the 'usual suspects' criticized Trump for not denouncing them.

YOU AND I BOTH KNOW this repeated liberal lie / BS continues to come up over and over despite it having already been debunked numerous times....because it seems the Trump-haters just can't seem to let it go.
- I, along with others, have posted numerous links, quotes, transcripts, etc showing how Trump has REPEATEDLY denounced the KKK, denounced David Duke, denounced the "nazi' which Liberals have declared 'Well Trump hasn't denounced them strenuously enough or completely denying - despite repeatedly posted links/proof that he has.

YOU AND I - and all INTELLIGENT people - understand that thanks to our 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech any racist, sexist, homophobic, or other hate group or person can simply announce their support for / endorsement of any candidate ... yet doing so does NOT make that person a supporter of that person or group, does NOT make that person a fellow-believer in whatever radical crap the endorser subscribes to.
-- YOU AND I BOTH KNOW, however, that is what these radical, sour-grape, Trump-haters are suggesting. WE also know that doing so makes the person doing so look like an idiot.

I would love to engage in much more relevant conversations than having to constantly go back into these repeated posts where Liberals are still posting BS - even when they KNOW it has already been debunked. It is as if hate has totally consumed well as their common sense and integrity.

I have to admit, I have simply chosen to completely ignore - not even enter - some threads because the titles are SO amazingly stupid / rabidly partisan where it is obvious the OP is just venting, spewing propaganda, nonsense, and hatred. I also have to admit I allow myself to be drawn into them. I will try to make a more concerted effort to not allow myself to be so in the future.

I know you were not talking to me specifically, but when I read your "conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say" comment I felt the need to speak up.
It's the "sidetracking" from the thread that is making it so hard to discuss anything with anyone. (See post #39). Not every concern of liberals (since you insist on putting me in that pigeon hole) is whining and sour grapes. Just because Trump won doesn't mean I had a sea change in my beliefs or that there is nothing worth speaking up about.
This thread began with whining that a Trump supporter got beat up and the assaulter didn't end up with a hate crime charge, even though "political views" is not part of the law in that state. Immediately taking that to mean that every liberal wants death to whites or whatever the hell everyone is fuming about, is the true definition of whining, imo.
I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say.
I would argue that Conservatives, such as myself, are not 'shitting in the pool' but instead are feeling obligated to respond to much of the ridiculous, Trump-hatred-generated, sour-grapes, sore-loser deluge flowing from many of the despondent Liberal Snowflakes.

Case in point, sidetracking from this thread focus for a second:

Liberals ONCE AGAIN started a thread about how a small group of white supremacists just met together and expressed how they are happy that Trump won the election rather than Hillary....declaring since this group of hate-filled assholes said nice things about Trump then Trump is obviously one of them and / or supports their group /cause. Another group of the 'usual suspects' criticized Trump for not denouncing them.

YOU AND I BOTH KNOW this repeated liberal lie / BS continues to come up over and over despite it having already been debunked numerous times....because it seems the Trump-haters just can't seem to let it go.
- I, along with others, have posted numerous links, quotes, transcripts, etc showing how Trump has REPEATEDLY denounced the KKK, denounced David Duke, denounced the "nazi' which Liberals have declared 'Well Trump hasn't denounced them strenuously enough or completely denying - despite repeatedly posted links/proof that he has.

YOU AND I - and all INTELLIGENT people - understand that thanks to our 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech any racist, sexist, homophobic, or other hate group or person can simply announce their support for / endorsement of any candidate ... yet doing so does NOT make that person a supporter of that person or group, does NOT make that person a fellow-believer in whatever radical crap the endorser subscribes to.
-- YOU AND I BOTH KNOW, however, that is what these radical, sour-grape, Trump-haters are suggesting. WE also know that doing so makes the person doing so look like an idiot.

I would love to engage in much more relevant conversations than having to constantly go back into these repeated posts where Liberals are still posting BS - even when they KNOW it has already been debunked. It is as if hate has totally consumed well as their common sense and integrity.

I have to admit, I have simply chosen to completely ignore - not even enter - some threads because the titles are SO amazingly stupid / rabidly partisan where it is obvious the OP is just venting, spewing propaganda, nonsense, and hatred. I also have to admit I allow myself to be drawn into them. I will try to make a more concerted effort to not allow myself to be so in the future.

I know you were not talking to me specifically, but when I read your "conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say" comment I felt the need to speak up.
It's the "sidetracking" from the thread that is making it so hard to discuss anything with anyone. (See post #39). Not every concern of liberals (since you insist on putting me in that pigeon hole) is whining and sour grapes. Just because Trump won doesn't mean I had a sea change in my beliefs or that there is nothing worth speaking up about.
This thread began with whining that a Trump supporter got beat up and the assaulter didn't end up with a hate crime charge, even though "political views" is not part of the law in that state. Immediately taking that to mean that every liberal wants death to whites or whatever the hell everyone is fuming about, is the true definition of whining, imo.
well there are those out there that do think that way. do you disagree? Especially on CNN. go read the comments of their anchors after the election. It was all about white folk. Like we're not supposed to be allowed to vote or something. Nope, the thread went to the correct place.
It's the "sidetracking" from the thread that is making it so hard to discuss anything with anyone. (See post #39). Not every concern of liberals (since you insist on putting me in that pigeon hole) is whining and sour grapes. Just because Trump won doesn't mean I had a sea change in my beliefs or that there is nothing worth speaking up about.
This thread began with whining that a Trump supporter got beat up and the assaulter didn't end up with a hate crime charge, even though "political views" is not part of the law in that state. Immediately taking that to mean that every liberal wants death to whites or whatever the hell everyone is fuming about, is the true definition of whining, imo.
Gottcha, understand, and somewhat agree...but it still doesn't mean Conservatives are just 'shitting in the pool'. In some of these threads, like I pointed out, the pool was already pretty 'shitty'. :p
Wait, hold up here... I only read two pages of this thread before reading the actual CNN article that the OP referenced. Did any of you actually read the article. They specifically address the violence against Trump supporters!

So whats the problem here?

Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -

Trump supporter beaten in Maryland, police say
A young Trump supporter was beaten Wednesday by students during an anti-Trump protest in Rockville, Maryland, police said.
Police Maj. Eric Over said a juvenile has been charged with a misdemeanor in connection with the assault. He could face additional charges.
Police are reviewing a video of the incident. Over said the protest was largely peaceful.
A witness, Kathy Silverstein, told CNN the young man who supported Trump came upon the protest and exchanged words with some demonstrators before the alleged assault occurred.
Hat-wearing supporter: I was assaulted on subway
Corey Cataldo was riding a subway car to the Bronx when a man asked him whether he was a Trump supporter, police spokeswoman Sgt. Jessica McRorie said. When Cataldo said yes, the man grabbed him by the neck, hurting his left shoulder, McRorie said.
Cataldo, 24, was wearing a white hat with the motto "Make America Great Again" stitched on it, CNN affiliate WABC-TV reported.
The electrician told WABC that as he was being chocked another man acted like he was going to help, but shoved him against a window.
McRorie said no one has been arrested and the investigation into the reported incident continues.
CNN called a number listed for Cataldo and left a message seeking comment.
Men charged in beating of Trump supporter in Connecticut
Two men were arrested in the punching and kicking of a Connecticut man who was waving an American flag and holding a Trump sign on November 12, Meriden police said.
Wilson Eschevarria and Anthony Hobdy were charged with assault.
Yes, I read it...and as I pointed out - while CNN covered much of the violence against Trump supporters - they did not refer to it as a 'Hate Crime'.

I am glad that the individuals perpetrating the violence were arrested and punished, but on a larger scale / issue you have a questionable 'news' source reporting in such a fashion as to partly define 'Hate Crimes' while (Intentionally?) leaving out crimes perpetrated against Conservatives / Trump supporters as 'Hate Crimes'.

While not justifying the crimes themselves it still leaves the perception that CNN is declaring violence against Conservatives / Trump supporters are in fact NOT Hate crimes.
Wait, hold up here... I only read two pages of this thread before reading the actual CNN article that the OP referenced. Did any of you actually read the article. They specifically address the violence against Trump supporters!

So whats the problem here?

Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -

Trump supporter beaten in Maryland, police say
A young Trump supporter was beaten Wednesday by students during an anti-Trump protest in Rockville, Maryland, police said.
Police Maj. Eric Over said a juvenile has been charged with a misdemeanor in connection with the assault. He could face additional charges.
Police are reviewing a video of the incident. Over said the protest was largely peaceful.
A witness, Kathy Silverstein, told CNN the young man who supported Trump came upon the protest and exchanged words with some demonstrators before the alleged assault occurred.
Hat-wearing supporter: I was assaulted on subway
Corey Cataldo was riding a subway car to the Bronx when a man asked him whether he was a Trump supporter, police spokeswoman Sgt. Jessica McRorie said. When Cataldo said yes, the man grabbed him by the neck, hurting his left shoulder, McRorie said.
Cataldo, 24, was wearing a white hat with the motto "Make America Great Again" stitched on it, CNN affiliate WABC-TV reported.
The electrician told WABC that as he was being chocked another man acted like he was going to help, but shoved him against a window.
McRorie said no one has been arrested and the investigation into the reported incident continues.
CNN called a number listed for Cataldo and left a message seeking comment.
Men charged in beating of Trump supporter in Connecticut
Two men were arrested in the punching and kicking of a Connecticut man who was waving an American flag and holding a Trump sign on November 12, Meriden police said.
Wilson Eschevarria and Anthony Hobdy were charged with assault.
you know the left is doing it all though correct? tell me you do.

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