According to CNN, Attacks On Whites Are Not 'Hate Crimes'?!

In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."
I feel hate crimes can happen against whites.
I believe there will be more hate crimes against whites supremicists in the future.
I am white and I understand the hate of white supremicists.
I do not feel violence is ever the answer and I do not condone violence against white supremicists or anyone else but I understand the negative emotions against slime bucket white supremicists.

White supremicists would be wise to strengthen hate crime laws.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

The "OBJECTIVE MEDIA" for you.

Holy SHIT...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They are going to MAKE SURE Trump is a 2 termer, huh?

In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

The "OBJECTIVE MEDIA" for you.

Holy SHIT...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They are going to MAKE SURE Trump is a 2 termer, huh?

Are you referring to the CNN story that actually covered the violence against Trump supporters or the dishonest headline and partisan opinion piece by the daily caller that misrepresented the CNN piece?
Wait, hold up here... I only read two pages of this thread before reading the actual CNN article that the OP referenced. Did any of you actually read the article. They specifically address the violence against Trump supporters!

So whats the problem here?

Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -

Trump supporter beaten in Maryland, police say
A young Trump supporter was beaten Wednesday by students during an anti-Trump protest in Rockville, Maryland, police said.
Police Maj. Eric Over said a juvenile has been charged with a misdemeanor in connection with the assault. He could face additional charges.
Police are reviewing a video of the incident. Over said the protest was largely peaceful.
A witness, Kathy Silverstein, told CNN the young man who supported Trump came upon the protest and exchanged words with some demonstrators before the alleged assault occurred.
Hat-wearing supporter: I was assaulted on subway
Corey Cataldo was riding a subway car to the Bronx when a man asked him whether he was a Trump supporter, police spokeswoman Sgt. Jessica McRorie said. When Cataldo said yes, the man grabbed him by the neck, hurting his left shoulder, McRorie said.
Cataldo, 24, was wearing a white hat with the motto "Make America Great Again" stitched on it, CNN affiliate WABC-TV reported.
The electrician told WABC that as he was being chocked another man acted like he was going to help, but shoved him against a window.
McRorie said no one has been arrested and the investigation into the reported incident continues.
CNN called a number listed for Cataldo and left a message seeking comment.
Men charged in beating of Trump supporter in Connecticut
Two men were arrested in the punching and kicking of a Connecticut man who was waving an American flag and holding a Trump sign on November 12, Meriden police said.
Wilson Eschevarria and Anthony Hobdy were charged with assault.
you know the left is doing it all though correct? tell me you do.
The left is doing what?
the vandalism.
If that's the case you would have to concede that the vandalism and violence featured in the majority of the article was done by the Right, would that be your conclusion?

Personally I think they are done by thugs and trouble makers on both sides. Many who don't really even follow politics but like to cause trouble
not when they got the perps and they were left nutjobs.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

The "OBJECTIVE MEDIA" for you.

Holy SHIT...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They are going to MAKE SURE Trump is a 2 termer, huh?

they are all trying to secure Trump's second term.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

According to many-a-liberal (turds without benefit of fertilization) you cannot be racist if "you don't have the upper hand". Some shit like that. These people are irrational and operate on emotions.
what is an upper hand? So if twenty five blacks pick on one white they don't have the upper hand in the confrontation? how's that work for you libs? oh yes, hypocrites. that's the ticket.

hate begets hate. retaliation to someone else's hate is also hate. no matter how you wish to spin it. Otherwise, it would be legal to shot someone in retaliation who shot their child .

Upper hand meaning more power and money or more privileged I suppose................ Don't ask me, I'm not a liberal dippy make shit up as we go along hypocrite emotionally unstrung brainless coward.
How are the media treating Obama's DRONE STRIKES and DEPORTATIONS?

It's as if the media are ignoring these things because it doesn't fit their bullshit narrative about Obama's humanity.

Kind of like how they ignored and LIED about OBAMA BEING A SMOKER during the 2008 campaign.
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?

No, that's not what "hate crimes" are.

Hate crimes are crimes "motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class". "Protected class" doesn't mean "minorities", it refers to categories of bias that are protected - specifically those of race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, and disability.

About a quarter of racial-biased hate crimes each year are "anti-white" hate crimes, the opinion of writer in question notwithstanding.
According to what? Answer: Your hurt behind
No - the facts and circumstances of each case. (Sorry, I forgot - you don't put much stock into fact, figures, or having to figure out things for yourself. You just go with what you are told / what you hear on CNN, etc...) :p

Like this:

You claimed the other day that the media wasn't reporting much on the deaths of the Policemen who have been killed lately BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL KILLED BY WHITE this guy above. :p

Suspect arrested in shooting of San Antonio police officer - Hot Air

I'll ask again since you missed it. CNN doest report hate crimes against whites according to what?

For example: a list of hate crime's against whites that CNN neglected to leave out the statement "hate crime".

Or your butt hurt. Pick one.
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?

No, that's not what "hate crimes" are.

Hate crimes are crimes "motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class". "Protected class" doesn't mean "minorities", it refers to categories of bias that are protected - specifically those of race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, and disability.

About a quarter of racial-biased hate crimes each year are "anti-white" hate crimes, the opinion of writer in question notwithstanding.
Why aren't all PEOPLE considered a 'protected class'? Crimes against PEOPLE should be punished EQUALLY. If I am assaulted and another person is assaulted, why is one considered more protected, more important than the other? Makes no sense to me.
I'll ask again since you missed it.

I didn't miss anything, especially your attempted LIE about how the media was not reporting the stories of the cops being targeted / shot because the shooters were all WHITE.

I corrected you on your claim, and you began declaring you 'owned my ass' somehow after being corrected on the stories 'not' being aired and the perps being 'all white'.

Now you're obviously still butthurt about being corrected in public.


THIS is straight out of the article:

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter
caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

If you have a problem with what the author wrote, take it up with him. If you're still upset about your lie / 'error' being corrected, get over it, Snowflake.
So, the supposedly liberal CNN posts something and the resident RWNJs object…

I was told that the liberals were the intolerant ones.

Which is it?
So, the supposedly liberal CNN posts something and the resident RWNJs object…

I was told that the liberals were the intolerant ones.

Which is it?
You seem to think if people do not agree with 'you' they are 'intolerant'. Years ago, before Libs went off the 'deep end', it was perfectly acceptable to 'agree to disagree'.
So, the supposedly liberal CNN posts something and the resident RWNJs object…

I was told that the liberals were the intolerant ones.

Which is it?
You seem to think if people do not agree with 'you' they are 'intolerant'. Years ago, before Libs went off the 'deep end', it was perfectly acceptable to 'agree to disagree'.

So you started a thread (and probably a dozen others) about CNN Because you wanted to highlight how tolerant you are?
So, the supposedly liberal CNN posts something and the resident RWNJs object…

I was told that the liberals were the intolerant ones.

Which is it?
You seem to think if people do not agree with 'you' they are 'intolerant'. Years ago, before Libs went off the 'deep end', it was perfectly acceptable to 'agree to disagree'.

So you started a thread (and probably a dozen others) about CNN Because you wanted to highlight how tolerant you are?

CNN has some issues going on....lying being one of the main ones.

CNN Implies Jerusalem Not Really Israel's Capital Unless Other Countries Accept It

CNN Implies Jerusalem Not Really Israel's Capital Unless Other Countries Accept It
So you started a thread (and probably a dozen others) about CNN Because you wanted to highlight how tolerant you are?
No, I disagree with their story / view.

Again, you continue to seem to think disagreeing with someone's opinion is 'intolerance'. it isn't.
So you started a thread (and probably a dozen others) about CNN Because you wanted to highlight how tolerant you are?

THIS is 'Intolerance':

'Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats

National editor at Politico Michael Hirsh resigned after publishing the home addresses of alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer Tuesday morning and advocating for serious violence.."

- Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats’

...and such intolerance didn't come from a Conservative / 'AltRight'.

Thankfully the 'disturbed individual' was shown the door ('Resigned' sound so much better than 'Fired' and helps make it easier to get another job...)
It's the "sidetracking" from the thread that is making it so hard to discuss anything with anyone. (See post #39). Not every concern of liberals (since you insist on putting me in that pigeon hole) is whining and sour grapes. Just because Trump won doesn't mean I had a sea change in my beliefs or that there is nothing worth speaking up about.
This thread began with whining that a Trump supporter got beat up and the assaulter didn't end up with a hate crime charge, even though "political views" is not part of the law in that state. Immediately taking that to mean that every liberal wants death to whites or whatever the hell everyone is fuming about, is the true definition of whining, imo.
Gottcha, understand, and somewhat agree...but it still doesn't mean Conservatives are just 'shitting in the pool'. In some of these threads, like I pointed out, the pool was already pretty 'shitty'. :p

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