According to CNN, Attacks On Whites Are Not 'Hate Crimes'?!

Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?

No, that's not what "hate crimes" are.

Hate crimes are crimes "motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class". "Protected class" doesn't mean "minorities", it refers to categories of bias that are protected - specifically those of race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, and disability.

About a quarter of racial-biased hate crimes each year are "anti-white" hate crimes, the opinion of writer in question notwithstanding.
Why aren't all PEOPLE considered a 'protected class'? Crimes against PEOPLE should be punished EQUALLY. If I am assaulted and another person is assaulted, why is one considered more protected, more important than the other? Makes no sense to me.

If those in the so-called "protected class" are attacked or assaulted, it is because the attacker hates them.
If you are attacked or assaulted by the same attacker, it is because he loves you.

Isn't that obvious??
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?
From the OP
Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy”
Hate crimes are crimes against a minority group or a discriminated against group, aren't they? Like crimes against someone because they are gay or black? Who you vote for doesn't really apply to "hate crimes," does it?
From the OP
Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy”
Hate crimes can be committed against a white guy. I already said that. The DOJ is currently construing that wrong, imo.
This is a political discussion board. If you can't back up your views, you lose.
Lol, when did that start?

If so, you libs are out of anything to talk about.

I've heard you make arguments with a reason behind them. I am perfectly aware you know how to do it. The conservatives on this board have taken an interesting turn, I notice, since Trump's election. They are now simply shitting in the pool and not even trying to actually discuss or defend anything they say. Don't know why. Trying to get rid of us? But why would you do that? All your threads would be one or two pages long if you didn't have us to swear at.
I will no longer defend Trump again. Get used to it. He won the battle, the war is still up for grabs and it is what our attention is positioned today. All you libturds trying to demand something can step to the back of the line and wait until next election cycle.
I still live here and am still a citizen, you arrogant fuckwad. I don't see that I'm demanding anything except the same respect to be able to have an opinion that you do.
"Ebony And Ivory...

Li-buh-rals & G O P....

Livin' together in perfect har-mo-nee..."

Nah, it'll never work. :p
It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.
Why do we give a fuck what anyone who we know is not a real source for anything says?
We don't, which is why we don't give a shit about CNN, but we love pointing out their bias and will continue to do so until they admit it.
It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.
I completely agree that it takes two and that there are many Conservatives with such an attitude...but I will also add that such an attitude is not limited to Conservatives, as we see all the time on this board.

What is remarkable to me is THIS:

Our Politicians are so manipulative and have so partisanly divided this nation that most citizens sit around arguing over whose politician are LESS corrupt / criminal / useless....

But I never thought THAT would be the case in regards to the worst 2 candidates in US history to ever run for President. I personally thought we would all agree they were / are BOTH horrible choices and that no matter which one WON we would all end up the 'losers'.

It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.
wow, the stupidest president, do you libs ever get new material?
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."

Are you just now learning this? The media has been pretty clear that they will bend over backwards to not discuss race with black-on-white crime. They've openly rationalized it. While simultaneously sensationalizing stories of supposed white-on-black crimes. Countless, countless examples--and it is the media that has fabricated the false narrative that blacks are being hunted when in reality 7% of the American population (black males) commit 60% of all homicides, 95% of all interracial sexual assaults (rape), and are slaughtering each other. This same 7% claims that police only encounter them while they are driving, doing nothing wrong.

And the democrats feed into this bullshit claiming over policing of black communities is causing crime. Get it? The police CAUSE crime, they aren't in the neighborhoods where crime is committed. If the police decided to start showing up in China Town, within days it would be like Chicago--get it? That is liberal logic.
It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic.
Lol, OldLady, lets look for just a second at Trumps accomplishments:

1. Self made billionaire

2. Successful author

3. Successful TV star

4. Successful Amateur Presidential candidate and future 45th President of the United States.

Not bad for a "stupidest dink", now is it?
It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.
I completely agree that it takes two and that there are many Conservatives with such an attitude...but I will also add that such an attitude is not limited to Conservatives, as we see all the time on this board.

What is remarkable to me is THIS:

Our Politicians are so manipulative and have so partisanly divided this nation that most citizens sit around arguing over whose politician are LESS corrupt / criminal / useless....

But I never thought THAT would be the case in regards to the worst 2 candidates in US history to ever run for President. I personally thought we would all agree they were / are BOTH horrible choices and that no matter which one WON we would all end up the 'losers'.


Well as a conservative that has been called a racist by my literature professors, ignorant by my sociology professors, and have to keep my mouth shut in the office while liberals proclaims republicans horrid people--KISS MY ASS. I love that you hate Trump so much. Your candidate sucked that much. I LOVE the hysteria. Conservatives on this board are like that? You are a F-ing hypocrite.
In Story On Hate Crimes, CNN Excludes Assaults On White People As ‘Other Attacks’

"In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the “hate crime” category, but dismisses assaults on white people as “other attacks.”

Actually the clearest example of a hate crime in the story is the assault of a white Trump supporter caught on camera. Several black men brutally beat the man in the video, verbally calling him “white boy” and accusing him of voting for Trump as bystanders cheer them on. CNN buries details of this and other attacks against Trump supporters deep in the story, and does not designate them as hate crimes."

CNN is a propaganda branch of the DNC now - during the election they openly admitted it: "WE have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have ignored every scandal."
Please try to remember that anything having to do with race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality or "identity™" falls under the exclusive authority of the PC Zealots, and all questions and requests for clarification are to be submitted to them directly.

Please allow seven to ten working days for a response and be sure to include a phone number and email in your Request for Clarification (RFC).
It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.

Liberals can do nothing but name call. People are tired of it.
Nope. I'm sick of NOT name calling when that's all I get, day after fucking day. Not in the mood for it, and you know what? It won't make a bit of difference, either way.
The media that demanded the Duke Lacrosse team be lynched, the coach who did nothing at all fired--the media that doctored 911 tapes to make Zimmerman appear racist--that same media ignores COUNTLESS, and I literally mean countless, I couldn't possibly post all of the videos of black men attacking elderly white people, white women, Asians, Jews in NY--black men are not victims. Imagine just one white guy attacking an elderly black man, that story would be huge. Now imagine it happening every other damn day, an epidemic.

It takes two to get along. This attitude among SOME conservatives that their shit doesn't stink, all because they elected the stupidest dink of a President EVER, is pathetic. Cranky, Day Two.

Liberals can do nothing but name call. People are tired of it.
Nope. I'm sick of NOT name calling when that's all I get, day after fucking day. Not in the mood for it, and you know what? It won't make a bit of difference, either way.
You said the 'F' word....Mary Poppins would NEVER say the 'F' word...


(Just picking at you... :) )

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