According to "Social Justice" does this apply to Bruce Willis..$100m/Tom Cruise..$200m


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From Department of Government and Justice Studies
Appalachian State University
For example, if in one arrangement, the most well off class (e.g., chief financial officers) received compensation in the amount of ten million dollars per year while the least well off (e.g., average workers) were paid a salary of $14,000, and in another the most well off received compensation in the amount of three million dollars per year while the least off were paid a salary of $30,000, the second arrangement would be to the greatest advantage of the least advantaged and thus the most just.

What is Social Justice Department of Government and Justice Studies Appalachian State University

So please all you "social justice" advocates... explain the below...
List of highest paid film actors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 1.48.01 PM.png
How many days of "work" do the above movie stars and athletes put in per year?
Do these movie stars and athletes work 52 weeks 40 hours per week as the "Social Justice League" illustrates?
(e.g., chief financial officers) received compensation in the amount of ten million dollars per year while the least well off (e.g., average workers) were paid a salary of $14,000, and in another the most well off received compensation in the amount of three million dollars per year while the least off were paid a salary of $30,000, the second arrangement would be to the greatest advantage of the least advantaged and thus the most just.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.
I guess the question is, why do "Progressives" get all worked up about bankers and business executives making tons of money while the lowest paid people in their organizations might only make a relative pittance, but they never make the same case "against" entertainers (except professional athletes), who produce NOTHING.

I never hear any complaints that, for example, Judge Judy makes a hundred Mil a year for a couple weeks of, basically, sarcastic antagonism, while her tipstaff is on food stamps. Or the cast of Friends were making more than a million PER EPISODE in their last years while the people licking their boots were making MW. Or Britneeee Speeeeers makes half a million per show in Las Vegas, while the babes serving drinks in the same casino make less than minimum wage.

It is a curiosity, is it not?
Mr. Camp. Have you ever been gainfully employed? Outside the fast food industry, that is?
Mr. Camp. Have you ever been gainfully employed? Outside the fast food industry, that is?
Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Never worked at a fast food place. How about yourself?
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

I have yet to see ONE CEO do this

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I cant believe Keanu made the top paid actors list. A corpse could act better than him.
Yes you prove the point that without any question the "Social Justice League" holds up a CEO,,,,
Many of the CEOs interviewed by The Guardian estimate that they arrive at home around 7:00-8:00 p.m.
This gives most of the CEOs interviewed an 11-12 hour work day. or an average of 60+ hours..
The Reality of Running a Business An Inside Look...

YET these same" Junior Social Justice League"members don't seem to grab the distinction that Reeves works probably less the 5 weeks for a movie that grosses
for him millions... Where is the "social justice" in this???
I'm waiting for the justification of the "Social Justice League" in using a CEO as the punching bag for their "pay scale injustice" when most CEOs work MORE
hours then the average worker who GETS paid for overtime... and even more glaring the lack of including entertainers...Tiger Woods, Cruise, etc. who make
millions more then the CEOs do.
This "selective" hypocrisy really negates ANY of their statements!
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

I love it when liberals tell us who they really are, but wow.
From Department of Government and Justice Studies
Appalachian State University
For example, if in one arrangement, the most well off class (e.g., chief financial officers) received compensation in the amount of ten million dollars per year while the least well off (e.g., average workers) were paid a salary of $14,000, and in another the most well off received compensation in the amount of three million dollars per year while the least off were paid a salary of $30,000, the second arrangement would be to the greatest advantage of the least advantaged and thus the most just.

What is Social Justice Department of Government and Justice Studies Appalachian State University

So please all you "social justice" advocates... explain the below...
List of highest paid film actors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 36060

While they do make a lot of money they aren't deciding others wages. For instance the Waltons are making billions while paying workers so little they are on welfare. Actors don't have employees making the money for them.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?

Because movie stars, atheletes often support the stupidity of wealth redistribution/stealing, but then shelter every penny they can from those policies........

I could care less how much anyone makes as long as they are not stealing it...and if a corporation wants to pay 100 million dollars for a CEO who is a disaster...then their board of directors can make a change.....dittos actors and athletes.....

Just make a flat tax rate, and call it a day...10% 0f 20 million is more than 10% of 50 thousand.......and I don't care how much the guy with 20 million has left....unlike the left who think that money belongs to them......
From Department of Government and Justice Studies
Appalachian State University
For example, if in one arrangement, the most well off class (e.g., chief financial officers) received compensation in the amount of ten million dollars per year while the least well off (e.g., average workers) were paid a salary of $14,000, and in another the most well off received compensation in the amount of three million dollars per year while the least off were paid a salary of $30,000, the second arrangement would be to the greatest advantage of the least advantaged and thus the most just.

What is Social Justice Department of Government and Justice Studies Appalachian State University

So please all you "social justice" advocates... explain the below...
List of highest paid film actors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 36060

While they do make a lot of money they aren't deciding others wages. For instance the Waltons are making billions while paying workers so little they are on welfare. Actors don't have employees making the money for them.

Oh....not true....the budget of a movie relies on salaries.....and if Tom or Bruce are making 20 million...that doesn't trickle down to the make up people....and if Tom and Bruce are getting a percent of the movie....why aren't the make up people....?

Again...I don't really care....the greedy leftists do......
Yes you prove the point that without any question the "Social Justice League" holds up a CEO,,,,
Many of the CEOs interviewed by The Guardian estimate that they arrive at home around 7:00-8:00 p.m.
This gives most of the CEOs interviewed an 11-12 hour work day. or an average of 60+ hours..
The Reality of Running a Business An Inside Look...

YET these same" Junior Social Justice League"members don't seem to grab the distinction that Reeves works probably less the 5 weeks for a movie that grosses
for him millions... Where is the "social justice" in this???

If someone wants to pay Keanu millions for a few weeks....good for them and for him.........go into acting if you are jealous........simple solution.....

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