According to "Social Justice" does this apply to Bruce Willis..$100m/Tom Cruise..$200m

Yes but the actors aren't deciding the wages. Someone above is deciding to pay so much for the actors. what........if those who work for the company don't like the wages.....start their own company, make their own movie......simple solution....then they would have a lot of money...........why bitch and moan about people who went out and worked to get that money....less time bitching....more time planning, and getting the necessary training, education and experience...........

Let go of the hate and jealousy people......go and get the skills to get that money.....

The problem is people like the Waltons gettng rich on welfare.

How exactly do they get rich on welfare......they are getting rich because they produce goods that people pay for......

This helps explain it:
How McDonald s and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

They are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Meanwhile they a making billions.

Brain....they don't own their employees....I know the left likes that model....but only an owner of another human being is responsible for every aspect of their lives....they get a wage....they take it or get a different job......

In the preferred relationship of the left....slave and master......the master provides for food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of his a free country....a man has work that needs to be done and either he can't do it himself, or he doesn't want to do it himself so he pays someone else to do it....if he offers too little, he gets no one to work, or poor quality workers...too much, and he wastes his money.....

I really don't understand how you blame Walmart and MCdonalds if their employees can't live on the wages they pay.....

Here is a fucking clue.....

--graduate from high school...get the diploma...

--don't have sex or kids until you are established....that way you aren't a single parent providing for children on a low wage...

--if you want to have kids, have a job and a spouse first...makes raising kids a hell of a lot easier...especially in hard times....

--get an education, training and experience at a job and advance in that job to the point where you can provide for a family.......before you have the fucking family......

Do those things Brain.....and you won't be working for a low salary at McDonalds trying to support 3 or 4 kids........

How about the individual tries that before they bitch about McDonalds and Walmart..........?

Why should the Waltons get rich off government subsidized employees?
If a walmart employee wants to make millions..........go to school, get a degree and work really hard and work your way up to the upper levels of Walmart......seems like their executives make some nice money.....but no one gave it to them.....they worked for it and sacrificed certain things to make sure they got there.....
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.
Yes but the actors aren't deciding the wages. Someone above is deciding to pay so much for the actors. what........if those who work for the company don't like the wages.....start their own company, make their own movie......simple solution....then they would have a lot of money...........why bitch and moan about people who went out and worked to get that money....less time bitching....more time planning, and getting the necessary training, education and experience...........

Let go of the hate and jealousy people......go and get the skills to get that money.....

The problem is people like the Waltons gettng rich on welfare.

How exactly do they get rich on welfare......they are getting rich because they produce goods that people pay for......

This helps explain it:
How McDonald s and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

They are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Meanwhile they a making billions.

Brain....they don't own their employees....I know the left likes that model....but only an owner of another human being is responsible for every aspect of their lives....they get a wage....they take it or get a different job......

In the preferred relationship of the left....slave and master......the master provides for food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of his a free country....a man has work that needs to be done and either he can't do it himself, or he doesn't want to do it himself so he pays someone else to do it....if he offers too little, he gets no one to work, or poor quality workers...too much, and he wastes his money.....

I really don't understand how you blame Walmart and MCdonalds if their employees can't live on the wages they pay.....

Here is a fucking clue.....

--graduate from high school...get the diploma...

--don't have sex or kids until you are established....that way you aren't a single parent providing for children on a low wage...

--if you want to have kids, have a job and a spouse first...makes raising kids a hell of a lot easier...especially in hard times....

--get an education, training and experience at a job and advance in that job to the point where you can provide for a family.......before you have the fucking family......

Do those things Brain.....and you won't be working for a low salary at McDonalds trying to support 3 or 4 kids........

How about the individual tries that before they bitch about McDonalds and Walmart..........?

Why is it that the left always looks the other way when teenagers have sex, have kids, drop out of school and then end up supporting their kids on a low wage salary because they have no skills, no time to get those skills, and no money to get those skills because they have to support children they can't afford....

We need to teach kids not to have sex till they are well and truly they don't have to bitch and moan about working at a low wage job......

Chicken and egg......right?
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

I'd rather people not screw up their lives and then bitch about Walmart......the taxpayer needs to stop voting for policitians that encourage kids to have kids......but that is tough because they make up too many voters in the democrat party.....
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

The government is getting bigger because people keep voting for the very politicains who create this problem....they want kids having kids, with no education, no jobs, and a lot of anger.....then they pick them up at their government housing to vote power to the politicians who helped victimize order for those same politicians to steal money from other people......
Oh....not true....the budget of a movie relies on salaries.....and if Tom or Bruce are making 20 million...that doesn't trickle down to the make up people....and if Tom and Bruce are getting a percent of the movie....why aren't the make up people....?

Again...I don't really care....the greedy leftists do......

Yes but the actors aren't deciding the wages. Someone above is deciding to pay so much for the actors. what........if those who work for the company don't like the wages.....start their own company, make their own movie......simple solution....then they would have a lot of money...........why bitch and moan about people who went out and worked to get that money....less time bitching....more time planning, and getting the necessary training, education and experience...........

Let go of the hate and jealousy people......go and get the skills to get that money.....

The problem is people like the Waltons gettng rich on welfare.

How exactly do they get rich on welfare......they are getting rich because they produce goods that people pay for......

This helps explain it:
How McDonald s and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

They are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Meanwhile they a making billions.
And it has nothing to do with actors, actresses and sports figures getting overpaid. what........if those who work for the company don't like the wages.....start their own company, make their own movie......simple solution....then they would have a lot of money...........why bitch and moan about people who went out and worked to get that money....less time bitching....more time planning, and getting the necessary training, education and experience...........

Let go of the hate and jealousy people......go and get the skills to get that money.....

The problem is people like the Waltons gettng rich on welfare.

How exactly do they get rich on welfare......they are getting rich because they produce goods that people pay for......

This helps explain it:
How McDonald s and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

They are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Meanwhile they a making billions.

Brain....they don't own their employees....I know the left likes that model....but only an owner of another human being is responsible for every aspect of their lives....they get a wage....they take it or get a different job......

In the preferred relationship of the left....slave and master......the master provides for food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of his a free country....a man has work that needs to be done and either he can't do it himself, or he doesn't want to do it himself so he pays someone else to do it....if he offers too little, he gets no one to work, or poor quality workers...too much, and he wastes his money.....

I really don't understand how you blame Walmart and MCdonalds if their employees can't live on the wages they pay.....

Here is a fucking clue.....

--graduate from high school...get the diploma...

--don't have sex or kids until you are established....that way you aren't a single parent providing for children on a low wage...

--if you want to have kids, have a job and a spouse first...makes raising kids a hell of a lot easier...especially in hard times....

--get an education, training and experience at a job and advance in that job to the point where you can provide for a family.......before you have the fucking family......

Do those things Brain.....and you won't be working for a low salary at McDonalds trying to support 3 or 4 kids........

How about the individual tries that before they bitch about McDonalds and Walmart..........?

Why should the Waltons get rich off government subsidized employees?

The government shouln't be subsiding anyone that gets paid $8/hour for $8/hour skills because it's not enough.
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

I'd rather people not screw up their lives and then bitch about Walmart......the taxpayer needs to stop voting for policitians that encourage kids to have kids......but that is tough because they make up too many voters in the democrat party.....

I prefer that too, but I also prefer the Waltons don't use government subsidized workers to get rich. Clearly the Waltons make a lot off these people.
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

Please document your source OK?

Walmart Income tax expense: $7.98 billion
Companies paying the most in income taxes
3,275 supercenters, Time to close Wal-Mart stores Analysts think so

$7.98 billion divided by 3,275 equals: $2,436,641 per super center.
Hmmm... so It appears that the Supercenter PAID $686,641 more in taxes then the $1.75 million you calculated!
PLUS ignorant uninformed people LIKE YOU don't comprehend that ALL EMPLOYERS MATCH the EMPLOYEES Social Security and Medicare payments!
SO given the AVERAGE employee of walmart
Average worker $9.40 per hour or $20,000 per year.
Assistant store manager $47,000 per year
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

Assuming 10 assistant managers of your 300 workers that means:
Assist. Managers $ 47,000 times 10 equals $470,000
Regular workers @ $20,000 times 290 equals $5,670,080 in wages
Total wages $6,140,080 !
TIMES 6.2% Walmart share of Social security and 1.45% Medicare or total of 7.6% IN ADDITION to wages $469,716 paid additional by WALMART!
Add that to the $686,641 more in income taxes you come up with over $1,156,357 per SUPER CENTER you didn't COUNT!

SEE you guys always seem to forget the Employers' contribution of an additional 7.6%
1) Provide YOUR sources as I've done
2) Explain how come Walmart Supercenter store pays $1.2 million above your calculation???
Last edited:
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

Please document your source OK?

Walmart Income tax expense: $7.98 billion
Companies paying the most in income taxes
3,275 supercenters, Time to close Wal-Mart stores Analysts think so

$7.98 billion divided by 3,275 equals: $2,436,641 per super center.
Hmmm... so It appears that the Supercenter PAID $686,641 more in taxes then the $1.75 million you calculated!
PLUS ignorant uninformed people LIKE YOU don't comprehend that ALL EMPLOYERS MATCH the EMPLOYEES Social Security and Medicare payments!
SO given the AVERAGE employee of walmart
Average worker $9.40 per hour or $20,000 per year.
Assistant store manager $47,000 per year
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

Assuming 10 assistant managers of your 300 workers that means:
Assist. Managers $ 47,000 times 10 equals $470,000
Regular workers @ $20,000 times 290 equals $5,670,080 in wages
Total wages $6,140,080 !
TIMES 6.2% Walmart share of Social security and 1.45% Medicare or total of 7.6% IN ADDITION to wages $469,716 paid additional by WALMART!
Add that to the $686,641more in income taxes you come up with over $1,156,357 per SUPER CENTER you didn't COUNT!

SEE you guys always seem to forget the Employers' contribution of an additional 7.6%
1) Provide YOUR sources as I've done
2) Explain how come Walmart Supercenter store pays $1.2 million above your calculation???
It is truly a DAMN shame people can't document their sources as the Internet is so EASY to use!
The facts are contrary to "Brain357" (truly an oxymoron!) A Walmart store PAYS MORE in taxes then the employees get in Walmart (i.e. TAXPAYER!!!) AID!
Nearly $1.2 million MORE when counting Walmart's employer 7.6% SS/Medicare payments!
But again... why is it so difficult for idiots to comprehend the simple FACT!
Without the Walmart there would be NO $7 billion in income tax revenue much less income for 300 plus employees per "Brainfart's mythical supercenter!
This is silly. If you really have a problem with this then stop demanding that liberals do your dirty work and do it yourself.

But your lack of action shows how concerned you really are.
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are.

You are a pathetic anti-capitalist class warfare retard.
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

Please document your source OK?

Walmart Income tax expense: $7.98 billion
Companies paying the most in income taxes
3,275 supercenters, Time to close Wal-Mart stores Analysts think so

$7.98 billion divided by 3,275 equals: $2,436,641 per super center.
Hmmm... so It appears that the Supercenter PAID $686,641 more in taxes then the $1.75 million you calculated!
PLUS ignorant uninformed people LIKE YOU don't comprehend that ALL EMPLOYERS MATCH the EMPLOYEES Social Security and Medicare payments!
SO given the AVERAGE employee of walmart
Average worker $9.40 per hour or $20,000 per year.
Assistant store manager $47,000 per year
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

Assuming 10 assistant managers of your 300 workers that means:
Assist. Managers $ 47,000 times 10 equals $470,000
Regular workers @ $20,000 times 290 equals $5,670,080 in wages
Total wages $6,140,080 !
TIMES 6.2% Walmart share of Social security and 1.45% Medicare or total of 7.6% IN ADDITION to wages $469,716 paid additional by WALMART!
Add that to the $686,641more in income taxes you come up with over $1,156,357 per SUPER CENTER you didn't COUNT!

SEE you guys always seem to forget the Employers' contribution of an additional 7.6%
1) Provide YOUR sources as I've done
2) Explain how come Walmart Supercenter store pays $1.2 million above your calculation???

Health does this often:

He'll ask for proof but wont say he doesnt believe it just in case you provide said proof.

Step 2: When he receives proof, he'll either tell you that he doesnt care (after asking for it) or he'll tell you that the information is wrong without proof.
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

Please document your source OK?

Walmart Income tax expense: $7.98 billion
Companies paying the most in income taxes
3,275 supercenters, Time to close Wal-Mart stores Analysts think so

$7.98 billion divided by 3,275 equals: $2,436,641 per super center.
Hmmm... so It appears that the Supercenter PAID $686,641 more in taxes then the $1.75 million you calculated!
PLUS ignorant uninformed people LIKE YOU don't comprehend that ALL EMPLOYERS MATCH the EMPLOYEES Social Security and Medicare payments!
SO given the AVERAGE employee of walmart
Average worker $9.40 per hour or $20,000 per year.
Assistant store manager $47,000 per year
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

Assuming 10 assistant managers of your 300 workers that means:
Assist. Managers $ 47,000 times 10 equals $470,000
Regular workers @ $20,000 times 290 equals $5,670,080 in wages
Total wages $6,140,080 !
TIMES 6.2% Walmart share of Social security and 1.45% Medicare or total of 7.6% IN ADDITION to wages $469,716 paid additional by WALMART!
Add that to the $686,641more in income taxes you come up with over $1,156,357 per SUPER CENTER you didn't COUNT!

SEE you guys always seem to forget the Employers' contribution of an additional 7.6%
1) Provide YOUR sources as I've done
2) Explain how come Walmart Supercenter store pays $1.2 million above your calculation???

Was that so difficult??
PLus who RUNS Americans for Tax Fairness:
Mary Kusler, Director of Government Relations, National Education Association UNION!
Kim Fellner, Associate Director, Working America

Kim Fellner is associate director of Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Starting out at SEIU in the distant 1970s, she worked at the Screen Actors Guild and directed the National Writers Union, before helping to found and direct the National Organizers Alliance.

Frank Clemente, Executive Director

Frank helped found Americans for Tax Fairness in 2012. Previously he was Campaign Manager for the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of 320 organizations. Prior to that he managed a health care campaign for the Communications Workers of America in support of the Affordable Care Act.

He was Issue Campaigns Director at the Change to Win Labor Federation and Director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, a national consumer watchdog organization. Frank also has been senior policy advisor to the U.S. House Committee on Government Operations and Issues Director for Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign. Frank edited Keep Hope Alive: Jesse Jackson’s 1988 Presidential Campaign.


Jay Davis, Digital Director

Jay oversees and executes ATF’s digital strategy, and he coordinates the coalition’s digital efforts.

Prior to ATF, he was a part of Obama for America 2012’s digital team, where he managed the part of the email program that supported the campaign’s field efforts and drafted fundraising and other emails. He previously directed the digital efforts of Equality California, the largest LGBT organization in the state, and he was a consultant at Spitfire Strategies, where he advised numerous advocacy organizations on their digital, media and coalition strategies to advance their policy goals.

Jay holds a Bachelor’s degree from Pomona College and a Master’s degree from San Francisco State University. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his German shepherd.


Harry Gural, Communications Director

Harry is in charge of communications strategy and relationships with the print and broadcast press.

Before joining ATF, he was the communications director for the House Financial Services Committee and for Congressman Barney Frank.

Harry also worked for more than 14 years in documentary television, spending most of his career at public television station WGBH in Boston. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Wesleyan University and a master’s degree from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Notice anything in common with these people???
ALL Democrats first, Labor union and Obama campaign workers are the common characteristics!

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