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According to these guys the US attacke Japan in ww2

You keep asking him to prove it but everytime he has you keep deflecting ignoring the evidence.lol
Evidence? I pointed out that quoting a google search that claims that the Air Force assured us that Japan could be beat by air power alone, when NO AIR FORCE existed in 1945 is not ignoring nor deflecting. It is stating a fact. There was no Air Force in 1945.

You are now claiming that jipper has proved there was an Air Force in 1945? Where did you see that proof, that evidence.

Evidence is a smoking gun submitted in court. This is a message board. Arguments are made using material from various sources. That material is not evidence. At the least, you should be intelligent enough to know that. But no, you are making a claim, that a google search is evidence. That is the only way you can attempt to change ones opinion, to make believe what you return in your google search is evidence.

Sorry dipshit, your google search is not admissible as evidence in a court, nor is it evidence in a these here opinion pieces.

U S Army Air Forces

My 3rd Grade teacher was a B17 pilot and a cousin was a B17 bombardier

United States Army Air Forces
US Army Air Corps Hap Arnold Wings.svg
AAF Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Disbanded18 September 1947
United States
BranchUnited States Army
TypeAir force
RoleAerial warfare
Size2.4 million airmen (March 1944)
80,000 aircraft (July 1944)
Garrison/HQMunitions Building, Washington, D.C. (1941–1942)
The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia (1942–1947)
EngagementsWorld War II
GA Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, (1941–1946)
GEN Carl Spaatz, (1946–1947)
You keep asking him to prove it but everytime he has you keep deflecting ignoring the evidence.lol
Evidence? I pointed out that quoting a google search that claims that the Air Force assured us that Japan could be beat by air power alone, when NO AIR FORCE existed in 1945 is not ignoring nor deflecting. It is stating a fact. There was no Air Force in 1945.

You are now claiming that jipper has proved there was an Air Force in 1945? Where did you see that proof, that evidence.

Evidence is a smoking gun submitted in court. This is a message board. Arguments are made using material from various sources. That material is not evidence. At the least, you should be intelligent enough to know that. But no, you are making a claim, that a google search is evidence. That is the only way you can attempt to change ones opinion, to make believe what you return in your google search is evidence.

Sorry dipshit, your google search is not admissible as evidence in a court, nor is it evidence in a these here opinion pieces.

U S Army Air Forces

My 3rd Grade teacher was a B17 pilot and a cousin was a B17 bombardier

United States Army Air Forces
US Army Air Corps Hap Arnold Wings.svg
AAF Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Disbanded18 September 1947
United States
BranchUnited States Army
TypeAir force
RoleAerial warfare
Size2.4 million airmen (March 1944)
80,000 aircraft (July 1944)
Garrison/HQMunitions Building, Washington, D.C. (1941–1942)
The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia (1942–1947)
EngagementsWorld War II
GA Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, (1941–1946)
GEN Carl Spaatz, (1946–1947)
yes, as I stated, 1947 the Air Force was created.
You keep asking him to prove it but everytime he has you keep deflecting ignoring the evidence.lol
Evidence? I pointed out that quoting a google search that claims that the Air Force assured us that Japan could be beat by air power alone, when NO AIR FORCE existed in 1945 is not ignoring nor deflecting. It is stating a fact. There was no Air Force in 1945.

You are now claiming that jipper has proved there was an Air Force in 1945? Where did you see that proof, that evidence.

Evidence is a smoking gun submitted in court. This is a message board. Arguments are made using material from various sources. That material is not evidence. At the least, you should be intelligent enough to know that. But no, you are making a claim, that a google search is evidence. That is the only way you can attempt to change ones opinion, to make believe what you return in your google search is evidence.

Sorry dipshit, your google search is not admissible as evidence in a court, nor is it evidence in a these here opinion pieces.

U S Army Air Forces

My 3rd Grade teacher was a B17 pilot and a cousin was a B17 bombardier

United States Army Air Forces
US Army Air Corps Hap Arnold Wings.svg
AAF Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Disbanded18 September 1947
United States
BranchUnited States Army
TypeAir force
RoleAerial warfare
Size2.4 million airmen (March 1944)
80,000 aircraft (July 1944)
Garrison/HQMunitions Building, Washington, D.C. (1941–1942)
The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia (1942–1947)
EngagementsWorld War II
GA Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, (1941–1946)
GEN Carl Spaatz, (1946–1947)
yes, as I stated, 1947 the Air Force was created.

From 1907 until 1947 it was normally called the Air Force. I never heard any former members say they were in the Army Air Force. They called it the Air Force. But not to quibble.....
From 1907 until 1947 it was normally called the Air Force. I never heard any former members say they were in the Army Air Force. They called it the Air Force. But not to quibble.....
Not to quibble, prior to 1941 it was the Army Air Corp. And as far as the people who flew the planes, I have talked to dozens. Not one states they were in the Air Force. Not one, not ever, has anybody in the Army flying a B-29 stated to me, or my son, that they were in the Air Force. They all refer to the plane they flew or the position they were in, in the plane they flew.

But hey, maybe your experience is different than mine and I guess you can do what jipper has not, and actually quote stimson?

Maybe you can make jipper's entire argument for him, than none of us have to quibble. Yes, I am being picky, demanding, I am riding his ass, to produce something, and he can not do it. So while you are defending that which jipper can not. Show us where stimson made the statement that jipper quoted.

Not to quibble, right, show us the statement.
.Are you going to tell us as well that Oswald shot JFK as well? If you are,then you are as bad as retired moron Sargent and mushroom government shill is.lol
As a marine, I hit 7 out of 10 bullseyes at 500 meters, that is with iron sights, without a scope. JFK was shot at 68 yards and 98 yards. As a marine, we pretty much spit that distance. We qualified at 200 meters and above. If you can not figure out that simply puzzle, I am surprised you got online.

There you go again deflecting as always,you can’t even give a strait simple yes or no question,from your babble though it seems like that was your way of saying yes,am I right?

If you are indeed saying yes,you totally lost your credibility major big time and are as big a clown as army retarded Sargent And mushroom shill is both have zero credibility the fact They never address evidence same as you won’t. are you that stupid as those two trolls are that you are not even aware Of the fact that the best most accurate sniper in the world Even said he could not have killed Oswald with that rifle which by the way was a piece of crap with a badly misaligned scope.comedy gold.

Next thing your going to say is that is not true about the best sniper in the world saying that.gipper knows that to be true because I know fir a fact he is as much an expert on that subject as much as I am because same as me,he also Has studied and researched that topic thousands of hours thousands of days over the these years instead of being gullible and blindly believing everything our government and our corrupt school system taught us in their revisionist corrupt history classesas you have,comedy gold you are.lol

I always gathered from your user name you were female but It’s always males that talk about Being marksmen in marines,NEVER WOMEN,so has my assumption on you been wrong all these years on being female if I may ask.?
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From 1907 until 1947 it was normally called the Air Force. I never heard any former members say they were in the Army Air Force. They called it the Air Force. But not to quibble.....
Never called Air Service? Or Air Corp? And yes, not to quibble, I have never heard a WW II veteran state he was in the Air Force.
From 1907 until 1947 it was normally called the Air Force. I never heard any former members say they were in the Army Air Force. They called it the Air Force. But not to quibble.....

Weird, because my uncle was in from the mid 1930's. And he always called it the "Army Air Corps". And the correct title is the "Army Air Forces", not "Air Force".

In fact, until 1947 their official song was still known as the "Army Air Corps Song".

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun;
Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun, now!)
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under
Off with one helluva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame.
Nothing'll stop the Army Air Corps!
You obviously have only Gone by what our corrupt school system taught us in their textbooks.Lol what really happened and what they teached and indoctrinated us with were nothing anything close to each other,lol I thought you knew that.lol
When I went to school, it was not corrupt. So your assumption is wrong. I was actually taught the facts. On top of that, I have heard your tired old argument for many years. Since I been posting on message boards back in 1999. My reaction to everything your side has stated was to go to the source. Even you, the apologists, eventually inadvertently refer to someone who wrote a book. I have found that every single time, the book, your source, disagrees with what you state.

So, here I am, telling you that you do not know shit, and all you can do is type, "lol", in response. That is about thee most pathetic response and all you are capable of, "lol".

Your bio states you are like 38 years old or so so you Have been caught lying your ass off that it was not corrupt back then,I am quite a bit older than 38 and the school system was for sure corrupt back then in history classes and got even worse I later years for people that are 38 years old you nutcase. You keep showing you are the one that does not know shit, he has given you the evidence that you won’t look at and never has been debunked it’s the government you worship as your source For the truth so of course it disagrees with me our corrupt government does you nutcase.lol Jesus Christ you are a crazy one. Getting to be as much a lunatic as mushroom moron shill and retired retarded Sargent is. Lol.

The only apologist is you the fact your a gubernut apologist same as mushroom shill and retired moron Sargent is.lol so of course I keep saying lol cause of your stupidity using the government as your source.hee hee.

I havent even been on this thread near as long as gipper has but you have proved to the entire message board who views your posts on this thread he told the truth about you that you deflect and ignore evidence and Facts the fact that you would not even answer a simple yes or no question I MYSELF just posed to you do you believe Oswald shot jfk thst instead of just giving a simple yes or no question as I asked,you deflected from it answering it with babble about being a marine marksmen same as you have with gipper deflecting his facts claiming they are not true citing the governments version of events as your truth ignoring documented statements people in the military said back then what liars the government is,you keep acting childish as those two trolls do dismissing that evidence.jesus christ,grow up already,don’t be childish as those two,always are pretending the evidence is not there.grow up.

Just in my short time hear on this thread you proved in that post gipper told the truth about you that you indeed have deflected from his facts this whole time here cause you just did the exact same thing with me on my simple yes or no question posting babble and rants instead of just giving a simple yes or no answer,you just keep posting babble with no facts that prove your case other than lies the government has told for decades that people who were there back then have proved are lies that you pretend they never proved, damn you are a crazy one.lol

Again,you need to look in the mirror when calling someone an apologist the fact you have proved in this entire thread you are a government apologist.lol
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Your bio states you are like 38 years old or so so you Have been caught lying your ass off that it was not corrupt back then,I am quite a bit older than 38 and the school system was for sure corrupt back then in history classes and got even worse I later years for people that are 38 years old you nutcase.
My bio? You think I will tell an asshole such as yourself my age? How about my birthday as well, and my social security number? It is nice of you to tell us that you use all your personal information that one could use to steal your identity.
You keep showing you are the one that does not know shit, he has given you the evidence that you won’t look at and never has been debunked it’s the government you worship as your source
Any result from google is evidence? Evidence being something like a gun with fingerprints admissible in a court of law?

No, you attempt to prove your lies (I assume you and the jipper are the same, two accounts one person), so you attempt to prove your lies by dictating that a google search is evidence! Even when the quote your produce declares there was an Air Force years before there actually was an Air Force.

Then there is the fact that you/jipper have not linked or quoted a thing in response to the fact I posted. You can not substantiate the lie presented, so since then all you have done is launched personal attacks, such as my age in my bio can't be real? Which all I can say in reply, is, "you think?" Not my real age? You got me there, not my real age dumb ass.
I MYSELF just posed to you do you believe Oswald shot jfk thst instead of just giving a simple yes or no question as I asked,you deflected from it answering it with babble about being a marine marksmen
You know nothing about shooting! A Marksman? Not a sSharpshooter? Not an Expert? I am an Expert with the M-16. I never stated I was a Marine Marksmen. That would be, Expert. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess this proves you reply without thinking or knowing what the hell you are talking about and that you are willing to make things up and attribute them to the person who wish to discredit. That make you a liar? Making stuff up, or does it just make you dumb, feel free to clarify.
Just in my short time hear on this thread you proved in that post gipper told the truth about you that you indeed have deflected from his facts this whole time here
Please, by all means, go ahead and quote his comment which I deflected and show his following post that contained these facts. Go ahead.

We will all wait here, for your response. I bets you all the money you got that you will not prove what you just stated. I bet you can not quote and direct us to the posts your are referring to, because they do not exist and you are pretty confused as to what you read.

You proved you are very confused when you made the claim that I stated I am a USMC Marksman. How about quoting that post! Highlight where I state I am a Marksman. You wont do it cause you cant do it cause you are nothing but a troll, lying his/her ass off.
I MYSELF just posed to you do you believe Oswald shot jfk thst instead of just giving a simple yes or no question as I asked,you deflected from it answering it with babble about being a marine marksmen
You know nothing about shooting! A Marksman? Not a sSharpshooter? Not an Expert? I am an Expert with the M-16. I never stated I was a Marine Marksmen. That would be, Expert. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess this proves you reply without thinking or knowing what the hell you are talking about and that you are willing to make things up and attribute them to the person who wish to discredit. That make you a liar? Making stuff up, or does it just make you dumb, feel free to clarify.
STILL you show what a fucking coward you are with your constant
Deflecting as you have in this entire thread with gipper on his topic with all this babble here without being being man enough “which I assume you are from this post,” to just be mature enough to give a fucking simple yes or no question I posed on if you believe the governments version of events on who shot jfk,one last freaking time,give me a fucking simple yes or no without cowardly evading the subject and deflecting as you have with gipper on this entire thread.its getting tiresome and old already enough is enough.

The fact you cannot do such a simple task so far a child can do without deflecting as you have done in this entire thread with gipper,makes you as much a clown as retired moron Sargent and moron mushroom shill are which makes all your other posts as well since my posts irrelevent and babble as always since you keep proving to everyone at usmb you deflect without answering the fucking question proving what a coward you are to everybody..lol

At least Unlike you,I can be mature enough and own up To making a mistake About what you said,you might try that sometime in your sad life someday admitting to being wrong,maybe you won’t be so angry your whole life and always deflect about topics you THINK are the truth but not what actually happened if you actually tried that.

I’ll never live that one down especially in your made up lie that when you went to school it was not corrupt,a major lie you have been caught lying on the fact the school system has been corrupt even way before you were even born you nutcase loser,comedy gold,you need to start a comedy club clown,rolls on floor laughing watching Electra discredit himself here more and more so with each post,hee hee.
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Your bio states you are like 38 years old or so so you Have been caught lying your ass off that it was not corrupt back then,I am quite a bit older than 38 and the school system was for sure corrupt back then in history classes and got even worse I later years for people that are 38 years old you nutcase.
My bio? You think I will tell an asshole such as yourself my age? How about my birthday as well, and my social security number? It is nice of you to tell us that you use all your personal information that one could use to steal your identity.
YOU are the one that advertised your age in I guess I should say “profile Instead to be more accurate sense you are so arrogant and picky about every small detai. God you are incredibly immature and evasive.

I’m just going by what YOU advertised you clown,WHY would you even advertise your age here as you did If it were not true? That’s just not normal to post it as you did if it was NOT true,you evade that Tiny little fact as well as you have with EVERYTHING Gipper has posted on this entire thread. I only asked it because YOU posted it in your profile dork.lol

By posting it years ago for EVERYBODY to see over the years was stupid on your part,because either way you just revealed you are indeed as big a moron clown as the op and mushroom shill is because if the answer is no about your profile which again is something YOU posted about your age,not me.

you indeed showed the entire board what an idiot you are the fact that if it IS true that you are indeed 37 as YOU posted in your profile for everybody to see,then you are a indeed a clueless rambling nutcase as I have proved in this whole thread because everybody knows our school system k through 12 has been waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy corrupt before someone who claims they are 37 was ever even born. Lol comedy gold,you kill me with your trollimg and dodgeball game

AND “it gets even better than that” because if you lied about your age that YOU posted in your profile for everyone to see,that’s even worse because you just proved in spades to everyone here that you are incapable of ever opening up your mouth without lying the FACT that you LIED in your profile about your age.lol. Which makes sense either way WHY you won’t answer that simple question as well about your age YOU posted for EVERYBODY to see in your profile,sense either way with either a yes OR no question,you prove what a grade A class clown liar you are who can’t keep his lies straight as liars never can,hee hee ho ho.

I am beginning to think it’s the latter since that’s all you have done in this entire thread with gipper and me is not only deflect,but more importanly LIE while deflecting with irrelevent babble to the facts.

Funny how you act like a victim saying I have given nothing but personal attacks to you which is no worse than what you have done in this entire thread with gipper and me,deflect,play dodgeball with gipper,and avoid evidence he posts and LIE at every turn AND be a fucking coward who won’t even answer a simple fucking yes or no question.Talk about playing dodgeball,you EXCEL at it same as those other two trolls do who always have lied from day one they got here on the boards.
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According to Gipper and Unkotora Hawaii was not part of the US and we the US attacked Japan. Check out the thread the nuking of Nagasaki where both make the claim at the end of the thread.
I know I speak for Gipper when I say it’s embarrassing to have unkotore on our side on this issue the fact he is as much a troll at usmb as you and Elecktra are because unLike me and gipper,he is a biased Republican never objective on thier corruption how they are as corrupt as the dems are.

You act like your a poor innocent victim over my personal attacks which you brought on yourself sense you are in no position to whine about that the fact you LIE falsely calling gipper a liar evading facts he asked you to look at a hundred fucking times but you blatantly ignored and YOU are the only fucking liar of the two posting the governments revionist history of the facts that are untrue thst our corrupt schools what THEY taught than what actuallly happened.

Your warped drugged mind from what I have gathered from all your evasive rambling irrelevent posts you endorsing the Warren commissions magic bullet theory from what I gathered from your babbling posts without a simple yes or no answer I have asked at LEAST twice from you with no answer..lol
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I am beginning to think it’s the latter since that’s all you have done in this entire thread with gipper and me is not only deflect,but more importanly LIE while deflecting with irrelevent babble to the facts.
Deflect, that would be deflect your attacks for not once have you offered anything but flames and trolls.

You say it is out there, so direct us to your comment where you respond to me and I thus deflect and lie, as you stated.

Again, I am pointing out what you are stating and calling you a liar for everyone to see. Let us all see that post of yours containing facts in which I deflect. Of course at this point we are all certainly curious as to what you think I stated that you responded with fact. For at this point, you are very incoherent.
Funny how you act like a victim saying I have given nothing but personal attacks to you which is no worse than what you have done in this entire thread with gipper and me,deflect,play dodgeball with gipper,and avoid evidence he posts and LIE at every turn AND be a fucking coward who won’t even answer a simple fucking yes or no question.Talk about playing dodgeball,you EXCEL at it same as those other two trolls do who always have lied from day one they got here on the boards.
ahhhh, you poor baby, you are very good at dishing it out but when someone responds in kind, and points out your stupidity in your posts you get pretty upset. Victim? Are you not wearing that status proudly, screaming at the top of your lungs?

Go ahead, post a fact, anytime. I am more than ready to respond. Hell, I have been challenging you and the jipper over and over and over. You notice he has nothing and you have nothing. You do notice that, do you not.

And just to remind you, a google search is not a "evidence".
You know nothing about shooting! A Marksman? Not a sSharpshooter? Not an Expert? I am an Expert with the M-16. I never stated I was a Marine Marksmen. That would be, Expert. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess this proves you reply without thinking or knowing what the hell you are talking about and that you are willing to make things up and attribute them to the person who wish to discredit. That make you a liar? Making stuff up, or does it just make you dumb, feel free to clarify.

You know, his Dope Book from boot camp went up for auction a few years ago. It is pretty damned fascinating.


This is how LHO shot at the 300 yard line. With cold iron sites, unsupported. At 300 yards against a man sized target.

He was no Alvin York or Carlos Hathcock, but he was still a damned good shot (especially for boot camp). And this is what he did at 300 yards with no scope. Imagine how well he could do at less than 100 yards with a scope.
three farts in a row from the trolls after my last post.LOL:yes_text12::auiqs.jpg:

i gave you a THIRD chance to answer my simple yes or no question on oswald and as always like the chickenshit coward you are,you evaded it and did not give me the simple yes or no answer i asked for proving as always you cant stand toe to toe in a debate and have to deflect and play dodgeball not only deflecting from the evidence gipper took you to school on,but you cant even answer a simple yes or no question. thanks for proving as always what a chickenshit coward you are who plays dodgeball.
hate to break your heart little baby but in a court of law,the judge would hold you in contempt of court saying "he asked you a yes or no question,give him his yes or no answer or i will hold you in contempt."

i gave you your final third chance to answer the simple yes or no question on oswald without deflecting to babble as you have on this whole thread. you refused,proving to everyone here you are a coward as we both know everybit as much as shill coward troll mushroom moron is who always cowardly runs off and evades evidence of a conspiracy when i disprove the magic bullet theory that i have to him many times that only retarded idiots in the world like you and him STILL believe in to this day which your evasive answer means you incredibly STILL believe it and also believes in magic bullets as mushroom moron still does as well:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::aargh::aargh::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

first you deflect with gipper on documented evidence he gave that proved the revisionist history you cling to is bs and lies and NOW you cant even answer a simple yes or no question on oswald proving as we both know what a fucking coward you are who always deflects as gipper so much told the truth about you on.
its only the well known resident trolls like retired idiot sargent and government shill mushroom that toot your horn here and take your babble seriously around here comedy gold.
that was all pretty too complicated for your brain to comprehend i am sure so here is a much shorter one you MIGHT understand and comprehend.

you proved in this entire thread with your deflecting BABBLE and evading tactics that number ONE,you deflect to babble without answering a simple yes or no question whicH proves you cant stand toe to toe in a debate

You deflected with Gipper this entire thread deflecting to and ignoring documented evidence he gave from people that were there that day, high ranking military officers that called out the lies of the revisionist history that you have swallowed hook.line,and sinker as you have with the jdk assassination as well only listening to lies that shills like Mushroom moron tells you that are always outright lies him always evading evidence and facts that disprove him never addressing them

you proved what a major clown you are to the whole board here saying school wasnt corrupt back then for someone who claims to be 37 when its well known to the entire country the schools system was way corrupt waaaaayyyyy before them before people who are thirty seven were even born as you claim :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

you LIED either way on if you are 37 or not as you CLAIM for the whole world to see because if correct,you LIED about the school not being corrupt back then as i proved,or you were lying about your age which proves you do indeed LIE all the time.

that one is REALLY comical:laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:


and this is the one that is the ulitimate one that proves what a clown you are with no credibility which proves your ready to start a comedy club,the fact you call yourself ELECTRA, a GIRLS names no less,which it is obvious from your posts you are a DUDE.

Makes me think for all your deluded evasive ramblings you have posted on this entire third first with gipper,then with me, you are a dude which your posts pretty much prove,a dude who thinks he is a female so he logs in using the user name of a girl.

this one i will really be laughing about the whole day. the fact you are confused about your sex on being a dude or a woman.


have fun talking to yourself troll and too bad you cant grow up to stop deflecting and can only offer this in your deflecting evasive posts to gipper and to me on a simple YES or NO question-:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

same as resident trolls shill mushroom moron and retired moron always have done in their sad existance in their discussions with me on JFK .the three stooges.LOL :abgg2q.jpg:
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