ACLU calls for perjury investigation into Sessions: 'It's now clear' he 'plainly lied' under oath


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
OUCH!........these ACLU lawyers don't mess around, Trump Regime in the hotseat now

“Jeff Sessions took an oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and it is now clear that he broke that oath in his confirmation hearing,” ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero explained in a statement. “If senators of both parties allow an attorney general nominee to plainly lie under oath with no repercussions, they will render our government’s cabinet confirmation process no more than kabuki theater.”

ACLU calls for perjury investigation into Sessions: ‘It’s now clear’ he ‘plainly lied’ under oath
This is funnier than hell. All the left wing whackos are clearly losing it. I love it!

There is no evidence of perjury on the part of Sessions. He didn't say he never MET with any Russians, he said he didn't meet with them to discuss the campaign.
He told the truth. The ACLU is that stupid? Wow.

I'm actually amazed that they are THIS desperate to try to convince America that Senator Sessions was part of a plot with the Russians to seize the Presidency. Other Senators are now coming out swinging in defense of Sessions.

As soon as one reads the question by Franken unedited and in its entirety it's clear as a bell that it had to do with the campaign.
Lt Beauregard snitched on Agent Orange without even knowing it..........oh what a tangled web we weave.....................
Typical uber-libs. When presented with facts they get all nervous and continue to spout the LW talking points. Its the equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears and going nanananana I can't hear you. LOL
Do you really know what they are doing.......they are going to really piss off Trump say this is old, and vile is an understatement.......

And also....Trump isn't an establishment republican bed wetter.....the kind that gives up at the first fake allegation the left makes....he is a counter they better get ready....cause when he hits is going to be awesome....
the entire Trump regime is scrambling like never before today.......Trump himself is out flying around on AF1 doing rallies while Bannon throws lamps and Priebus hides in a nearest closet, and Sessions is busy moving his money offshore and shopping for real estate in Belize

btw just saw Sessions on TV, he looked hungover as hell

meanwhile Trump is off into the clear blue yonder partying on AF1, lining up some fatties

"what a country!" - Y. Smirnoff

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