ACLU calls illegal aliens "aspiring citizens"

Everyone should know that they are here illegally.. From the hotel clerk, to the cop, to the guy checking ID's at the strip joint.

They have already proven they are willing to break our laws and they need to be watched.

Did you read the article? Or just the title?

This license is to DACA recipients. As much as you might disagree with the program, that doesn't change the legal status granted through it.

Besides, even if this were for any illegal who wanted one, why would you be ok with risking the life of a human being? Being illegal doesn't mean their life is worth less than yours or mine.

So why is no other country as lenient with illegal aliens as we are?

I'm for immigration reform, and I'm not a fan of the DACA program as it stands right now. There are some people who feel just because something is written in the constitution, its set in stone and too sacred to change. IMO, getting rid of birthright citizenship is a great 1st step to helping our immigration issue.
I've never been asked for an ID at a WalMart checkout.

I don't go to walmart, but at target I've had my ID scanned for alcohol purchases and medication purchases. Over the counter medications not even involving pseudoephedrine.

The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.
I don't go to walmart, but at target I've had my ID scanned for alcohol purchases and medication purchases. Over the counter medications not even involving pseudoephedrine.

The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

Second time, The article is about NC.
Try to keep up.

Edit to add,
Many forms of Nyquil have alcohol in them.
I don't go to walmart, but at target I've had my ID scanned for alcohol purchases and medication purchases. Over the counter medications not even involving pseudoephedrine.

The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.
Did you read the article? Or just the title?

This license is to DACA recipients. As much as you might disagree with the program, that doesn't change the legal status granted through it.

Besides, even if this were for any illegal who wanted one, why would you be ok with risking the life of a human being? Being illegal doesn't mean their life is worth less than yours or mine.

So why is no other country as lenient with illegal aliens as we are?

I'm for immigration reform, and I'm not a fan of the DACA program as it stands right now. There are some people who feel just because something is written in the constitution, its set in stone and too sacred to change. IMO, getting rid of birthright citizenship is a great 1st step to helping our immigration issue.

Oh, I agree with you on one point. We need to outline specifically who is granted Citizenship at birth.

Only those whose parents are legal citizens.

No more Anchor babies or Baby Tourism. (Baby Tourism - Especially among Asians is when they schedule a legal visit to the U.S. just time to deliver their baby here, giving them dual citizenship. Debate Over Birthright Citizenship Aims at 'Baby Tourism' - ABC News )
I think the broader question is where the regime gets the legal authority to grant work permits to illegals to begin with? I see no problem with what SC is doing considering they have a voter ID law, it would make it easy for poll workers to know the person isn't eligible to vote or possibly for other state services that require citizenship. It would also prevent them from using the drivers license to buy a gun.
The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.

That would just give them additional incentive to self-deport.
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

That’s because there’s no 14th Amendment in European countries.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process, per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

As with everyone else, therefore, one is not ‘illegal’ until such time he is found guilty of a crime in a court of law.
The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.

Do you think any other country would be 10% as welcoming as we are even to illegals? I once overstayed in Germany for about 10 days because I was working for the US government and didn't have time to get an aufenhaltserlaubnis for such a short time and had I not had my government ID on me, I would have been arrested when I tried to leave Germany.

I have a feeling your concerns are your imagination. Kind of like how the left seems to think islamophobia is some major problem with westerners while ignoring the muslims kill each other on a daily basis for being of a different sect.
The article is about North Carolina. You can't buy alcohol at a WalMart (or Target) in NC. Welcome to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.

Would you consider yourself 'unbalanced' and having some 'very bitter sentiments', if somebody came into your house without your permission, raid your fridge, wear your clothes, control your TV and take the key to your car?

Objecting to people who entered the United States without the permission of the law of the United States is no more 'unbalanced' than you would be, if some thug considered your house and everything in it his property.
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

That’s because there’s no 14th Amendment in European countries.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process, per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

As with everyone else, therefore, one is not ‘illegal’ until such time he is found guilty of a crime in a court of law.
By your mistaken logic you can't be jailed before you are found guilty in a court of law either.

PS: Calling them "undocumented immigrants" is like calling rape "surprise sex"
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

That’s because there’s no 14th Amendment in European countries.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process, per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

As with everyone else, therefore, one is not ‘illegal’ until such time he is found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Wrong, these folks have to admit they are here illegally to apply for the program, so there is no due process argument.
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

That’s because there’s no 14th Amendment in European countries.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process, per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

As with everyone else, therefore, one is not ‘illegal’ until such time he is found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

At Target in VA I have to let them scan my ID to buy nyquil.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.

Do you think any other country would be 10% as welcoming as we are even to illegals? I once overstayed in Germany for about 10 days because I was working for the US government and didn't have time to get an aufenhaltserlaubnis for such a short time and had I not had my government ID on me, I would have been arrested when I tried to leave Germany.

I have a feeling your concerns are your imagination. Kind of like how the left seems to think islamophobia is some major problem with westerners while ignoring the muslims kill each other on a daily basis for being of a different sect.
Marcelo Lucero News - The New York Times

HATE CRIME INCREASES AGAINST LATINOS ? Teen attacked, called ?beaner? and ?stupid Mexican?. - Arizona Hispanic Republicans

Local News | Hate crime alleged in attack on Latino man | Seattle Times Newspaper
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

That’s because there’s no 14th Amendment in European countries.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process, per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

As with everyone else, therefore, one is not ‘illegal’ until such time he is found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

The world has some very unbalanced people and some people have very bitter sentiments toward illegals right now. Having a license that announces from 8 feet away that someone wasn't born in the US could be a dangerous thing under the right circumstances.

Do you think any other country would be 10% as welcoming as we are even to illegals? I once overstayed in Germany for about 10 days because I was working for the US government and didn't have time to get an aufenhaltserlaubnis for such a short time and had I not had my government ID on me, I would have been arrested when I tried to leave Germany.

I have a feeling your concerns are your imagination. Kind of like how the left seems to think islamophobia is some major problem with westerners while ignoring the muslims kill each other on a daily basis for being of a different sect.
Marcelo Lucero News - The New York Times

HATE CRIME INCREASES AGAINST LATINOS ? Teen attacked, called ?beaner? and ?stupid Mexican?. - Arizona Hispanic Republicans

Local News | Hate crime alleged in attack on Latino man | Seattle Times Newspaper

If you look at my social issues post recently, I posted a LOCAL news story about the Plano, TX police warning hispanics that blacks are attacking them and to be aware. Notice that will remain a local story.

Remember the Compton story recently? Same thing, buried as a local story.
I can understand the concern, I'd think having it in bright pink like that is a little much. Why not include it as a code on the license? That way it's easy for law enforcement to read but less noticeable for your average Walmart checkout.

Why should they even be allowed to have a license? They are not citizens. If they don't like a bright pink letter... they can go home.
I can understand the concern, I'd think having it in bright pink like that is a little much. Why not include it as a code on the license? That way it's easy for law enforcement to read but less noticeable for your average Walmart checkout.

Why should they even be allowed to have a license? They are not citizens. If they don't like a bright pink letter... they can go home.

Funny things is liberals call people xenophobic racists for questioning whether illegals should get in state tuition, let alone being able to take a spot that could go to a citizen or legal resident or visa holder.
"North Carolina should not be making it harder for aspiring citizens to integrate and contribute to our communities by branding them with a second-class driver's license," said ACLU attorney Raul Pinto. "There is simply no reason for officials to stigmatize people who are in the U.S. legally with an unnecessary marker that could lead to harassment, confusion, and racial profiling."

Read more: Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News

Funny how if I snuck into a european country they only wouldn't give me a license, nor would they let me work, they'd also deport me. But they aren't bigots.

Give them a chance. If they fail, then they fail citizenship and out they go. Put them behind the legals though, not in front imo.

everyone had a chance... to enter this country legally. They chose to break the law as their first act across the border.

Illegals should have no chance of citizenship....ever.

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