ACLU defending Tea Party follower


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
An Arizona man is in trouble with his homeowners' association over flying the Gadsden flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The flag has been adopted by members of the tea party movement for its association with the American Revolution, but Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance.

McDonel's homeowners' association is strictly interpreting that law to ban the flying of any other flags, including the Gadsden. The American Civil Liberties Union is defending McDonel, saying the homeowners' group is taking too strict a view of the statute and restricting McDonel's right to free speech.
‘Don’t tread on me’ flags start disputes around the country | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Unless the flag is offensive, I don't think your homeowner association should be telling you what kind of flag to fly. They should stick to regulating shrub numbers, and if you leave a beer bottle on your front step.
Good for the ACLU...and mebbe people who bitch endlessly about how leftist this vital organization is will finally comprehend they agitate for rights, regardless of who exercises them.
Fucking homo homeowners associations.

Why on earth would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood where a bunch of fucking busybodies watch your every move and tell you what you can and can't do on your own property?
Fucking homo homeowners associations.

Why on earth would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood where a bunch of fucking busybodies watch your every move and tell you what you can and can't do on your own property?

Probably due to security.
My parents have one, but lucky they are not to involved in everything. I think the only thing they tell them to do, is have a lamp post by the street, and have a mail box for the block.
One time we stayed at my friend's Grandparents house in Vegas, and we got in trouble because we left a beer bottle on the front porch. I left it there around 630am, and the guard was there by 730am. :lol:
Skull Pilot, if you had ever lived next door to the glow-in-the-dark pink house whose owners park on the front lawn, keep goats and run their mouths and tvs at top volume 24/7, a housing association might see more attractive.
Don't people agree to abide by the rules of the Homeowner's association?

It does seem silly, but what if someone wanted to fly a nazi flag, or *gasp* a Mexican flag?
Shame on the ACLU, always sticking their noses where it doesn't belong! You think conservatives support this. I read my bylaws that says no political signs in the front yard so as much as I want to put a Steve Kim for Attorney General on my lawn, I knew the bylaws coming in, so why should I complain now. And if I did complain now, by god I don't what the ACLU sticking its fucking nose into the matter!

Good for the ACLU...and mebbe people who bitch endlessly about how leftist this vital organization is will finally comprehend they agitate for rights, regardless of who exercises them.

An Arizona man is in trouble with his homeowners' association over flying the Gadsden flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The flag has been adopted by members of the tea party movement for its association with the American Revolution, but Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance.

McDonel's homeowners' association is strictly interpreting that law to ban the flying of any other flags, including the Gadsden. The American Civil Liberties Union is defending McDonel, saying the homeowners' group is taking too strict a view of the statute and restricting McDonel's right to free speech.
‘Don’t tread on me’ flags start disputes around the country | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Unless the flag is offensive, I don't think your homeowner association should be telling you what kind of flag to fly. They should stick to regulating shrub numbers, and if you leave a beer bottle on your front step.
So was he a tea party follower or not. The headline says one thing the text another.

Well, I read "any other flag" to mean flying the Canadian flag was okie-dokie.....
Fucking homo homeowners associations.

Why on earth would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood where a bunch of fucking busybodies watch your every move and tell you what you can and can't do on your own property?

I agree! I will never do it again! Bad enough the govenment telling you what to do, these douche bags are 10 fold worse.
An Arizona man is in trouble with his homeowners' association over flying the Gadsden flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The flag has been adopted by members of the tea party movement for its association with the American Revolution, but Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance.

McDonel's homeowners' association is strictly interpreting that law to ban the flying of any other flags, including the Gadsden. The American Civil Liberties Union is defending McDonel, saying the homeowners' group is taking too strict a view of the statute and restricting McDonel's right to free speech.
‘Don’t tread on me’ flags start disputes around the country | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Unless the flag is offensive, I don't think your homeowner association should be telling you what kind of flag to fly. They should stick to regulating shrub numbers, and if you leave a beer bottle on your front step.

Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance. Where the fuck you get he was a tea party member is beyond me.

On second thought it's not that surprising, you liberals constantly make shit up.
I was beginning to think the "Don't Tread On Me" flag was being used to symbolize the Tea Party. I guess that was incorrect. It doesn't.
An Arizona man is in trouble with his homeowners' association over flying the Gadsden flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The flag has been adopted by members of the tea party movement for its association with the American Revolution, but Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance.

McDonel's homeowners' association is strictly interpreting that law to ban the flying of any other flags, including the Gadsden. The American Civil Liberties Union is defending McDonel, saying the homeowners' group is taking too strict a view of the statute and restricting McDonel's right to free speech.
‘Don’t tread on me’ flags start disputes around the country | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Unless the flag is offensive, I don't think your homeowner association should be telling you what kind of flag to fly. They should stick to regulating shrub numbers, and if you leave a beer bottle on your front step.

Andy McDonel tells the New York Times that he has hung the flag from his roof simply for its historical significance. Where the fuck you get he was a tea party member is beyond me.

On second thought it's not that surprising, you liberals constantly make shit up.
Do you know a lot of liberals who fly the flag RIGHT NOW? And how many times do you see THAT flag at Tea Party events?
Hey the guy was stupid enough to buy in a neighborhood with a HOA and voluntarially give up many rights.
Now he whines about it?

Too bad for him.
Fucking homo homeowners associations.

Why on earth would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood where a bunch of fucking busybodies watch your every move and tell you what you can and can't do on your own property?

The problem is that whenever you buy a home in a new community there is an association there. I don't like them either. If you build on your own land, buy a home that is individually buils on a plot of ground, or are lucky enough to find a community without an association, you will just be out of luck altogether.

In this case, one of few, I agree with the ACLU, however, it seems the Tea Party could adopt a better flag. That one just comes across as a little offiensive. .

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