ACLU Official Attacks University For Admitting Nick Sandmann While Professor Denounces His “Anti-Intellectual” Views

The ACLU (American CIVIL LIBERTIES Union) attorney's step in when there are egregious violations of peoples rights under the Constitution. Perhaps you should move to a nation that doesn't have civil liberties (North Korea, China, et cetera), you will be happier without them.
Out of curiosity, who's civil liberties were violated when Sandman was accepted by a university?
The ACLU (American CIVIL LIBERTIES Union) attorney's step in when there are egregious violations of peoples rights under the Constitution. Perhaps you should move to a nation that doesn't have civil liberties (North Korea, China, et cetera), you will be happier without them.

Yeah, that's what they do.

he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

I seriously doubt he got any money to speak of at all. You people think that because these law suits are settled, that Sandmann got $250 million per suit. He didn't. He would be lucky to get his legal fees for this bullshit.

he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

I seriously doubt he got any money to speak of at all. You people think that because these law suits are settled, that Sandmann got $250 million per suit. He didn't. He would be lucky to get his legal fees for this bullshit.
I am sure the left wing loons view the lawsuit as bs, since they have no problem trying to brown shirt their critics.
The ACLU (American CIVIL LIBERTIES Union) attorney's step in when there are egregious violations of peoples rights under the Constitution. Perhaps you should move to a nation that doesn't have civil liberties (North Korea, China, et cetera), you will be happier without them.

The ACLU was founded to help destroy this country. They will represent any leftist group out there, but if you are rightwing you are SOL.

he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

I seriously doubt he got any money to speak of at all. You people think that because these law suits are settled, that Sandmann got $250 million per suit. He didn't. He would be lucky to get his legal fees for this bullshit.

He got at least 80 million from CNN so once again you are proven a fool.
I'll bet CNN and WAPO "settled" for the full 250 million each!

In court, Nick might have been awarded double damages or even tripple damages. They couldn't risk it!

No, CNN settled for around 80 million. I don't know the other settlement amount

he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

Six more to go.

The ACLU used to send me membership applications every other week. I simply tore them up and stuffed them into the prepaid return envelope, sometimes adding a little extra weight.

Took a few months, but they finally stopped sending them.
ACLU - Self-hating American pieces of shit.
he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

You mean the "undisclosed" go-away money he got?

Here's how you can tell Smirky McBitchslap didn't get jack shit. He actually had to take a job this summer.
"Go away money"??????????????

Why would Fake News CNN pay him tens of millions to "go away" if he didn't have a case? If they had a leg to stand on, their corporate lawyers could crush his legal team in legal fees to make this go away. They didn't.
Why is that?
he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

You mean the "undisclosed" go-away money he got?

Here's how you can tell Smirky McBitchslap didn't get jack shit. He actually had to take a job this summer.
"Go away money"??????????????

Why would Fake News CNN pay him tens of millions to "go away" if he didn't have a case? If they had a leg to stand on, their corporate lawyers could crush his legal team in legal fees to make this go away. They didn't.
Why is that?
Why are you attempting to make JoeB deal with facts?

he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

I seriously doubt he got any money to speak of at all. You people think that because these law suits are settled, that Sandmann got $250 million per suit. He didn't. He would be lucky to get his legal fees for this bullshit.
I seriously doubt he got any money to speak of at all.

Which once again demonstrates what fucking idiot you are. Fake News CNN made Sandman rich.
he may have enough money to buy and sell most colleges after the CNN, WA Post settlements.

You mean the "undisclosed" go-away money he got?

Here's how you can tell Smirky McBitchslap didn't get jack shit. He actually had to take a job this summer.
"Go away money"??????????????

Why would Fake News CNN pay him tens of millions to "go away" if he didn't have a case? If they had a leg to stand on, their corporate lawyers could crush his legal team in legal fees to make this go away. They didn't.
Why is that?
Why are you attempting to make JoeB deal with facts?
Cuz it's fun to watch him disappear from a thread once a single fact is thrown in his pimply face.
How could ANY sane person say a single negative word about N. Sandmann. What was his sin against the leftists idiots? SMH

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