ACLU Official Attacks University For Admitting Nick Sandmann While Professor Denounces His “Anti-Intellectual” Views

Some leftist jerks won't leave the kid alone
There's vice involved, and they're jerking off arranging "situations" like bad dates or other awkward mishaps over and over again for the same kid in their little in-group or clique. Then get get all butthurt when the kid seeks revenge.
Time to remove the ACLU’s non profit exemption and defund the university.

Is Sandmann going to sue again. Free speech remember.
Nick ‘hundreds of millions’ Sandman should sue the university and the professor.

Slander is against the law, Commie.

For a socialist, now that he has money he like to sue, like tramp.
Make Leftards Poor! Trump 2020!

Tramp is really a socialist, lives off other people money.
Hilarious. Joe is worth $9M and never worked a day in his life.

Not Joe Biden, he has worked hard in his life, tramp barely worked, everything we given to him or he sued,

Tell me how many times have Joe Biden sued??
I have a thread started in May asking to name one accomplishment of Joe in 51 years as a career politician.

Ten pages and all you Leftards have is “he’s not Trump”

Be the first.

I asked you how many times did Biden sue???
How did I know you couldn’t think of 1 Biden accomplishment?

I know of one "accomplishment"
He was appointed to be the BITCH of Americas worst president, the first negro president with an unAmerican name.

Nick Sandmann Torches ACLU Associate, Professor Who Called Him ‘Dangerous’: ‘I Will Not Be Canceled.’


This Young Man Takes No Crap Off [Though he does take their money] Liars Defamers and Slanderers.​

Former Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann fired back Thursday at an ACLU associate and a college professor who warned that he was “dangerous” and a “provocateur” and should be watched closely when he begins his freshman year at Kentucky’s Transylvania University, telling the pair that he is a “pro-life conservative Republican college student who won’t let cancel culture silence me” in a Fox News op-ed.

Sandmann was the target of a two-pronged attack that began when a graduate of Transylvania University, who became an associate attorney for the ACLU, warned that Sandmann’s presence at the school was a “bit of a stain” on its reputation and called Sandmann “a provocateur in training with no intention of learning” who “exists only to troll, intimidate and play victim.”

A Transylvania University professor, Dr. Avery Tompkins, told the writer that “I certainly don’t support or agree with his views, and find his public behavior and rhetoric atrocious and uninformed, we can’t not admit academically qualified students due to their political and personal views.”

Then, she pledged to keep the ACLU and others appraised of Sandmann’s activities.

“If he ends up in my intro class, fine. I’m well aware of the anti-intellectual views tied to the organizations he’s part of,” she said. “If he were to cause problems by being disruptive, trolling, or engaging in unethical behavior of any kind, I would immediately document it and he would just be putting himself in a position for me to file a conduct report.”

She then suggested that “Transy” wouldn’t be an appropriate home for Sandmann because he might not fit in with the school’s “mission” — a mission which, it seems, is not academic excellence.

Sandmann fired back Thursday, torching the ACLU associate for attempting to derail his college experience simply because he is “outraged that my conservative values don’t align with his left-wing ideology.”

“So should only liberals and those on the far-left be able to get a college education?” Sandmann asks in his op-ed. “Should there be an ideological purity test required that bars conservatives and Republicans? That’s a pretty frightening idea and sounds like something you would expect in a totalitarian state, not a democracy where we are all guaranteed free speech by the First Amendment to the Constitution.”

“Colleges have a reputation of being toxic places for conservative, pro-life ideas like the ones I hold. But an alumni assuming I’ll act in a certain way before even meeting me? Well, that’s a new low,” he continues. “To those who are inclined to write my future for me, I say let me define myself. I will not be canceled.”

Sandmann is currently working for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign. He is starting college this fall.

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