ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.
I'll tell you why I voted for Obama you stupid ass:

McCain ran the most horrendous, disorganized, chaotic campaign on the history of this planet. I said, when he "suspended" his campaign to deal with "the economic crisis" then did nothing but be a yes man, that if his campaign was an example of his executive skills, I didn't want him in the White House. Or anywhere near it.

Obama promised change, not more of the same, and on steroids. And even though I researched him thoroughly, I decided he would be savvy enough to govern as a centrist. I took him at his word. He RAN as a centrist.

This is why I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF, because I was DUPED completely. I fell for the con, and am one of the Marks.

I am on record here many times in the past and will go on the record yet again: I like Obama and greatly admire what he has done with his 47 years on the planet. He IS a great success story. Doesn't matter what help he may have had, any of that. He fucking did the impossible. You gotta be fair-minded and admire that.

But I do NOT admire being conned and duped.
I never bought his cheap reverse stage hypnosis show for a second.

McQuisling was set up as the jobber.....Palin was the only reason he got as close as he did.
McCain was a known quantity to me, but his unstable shit of "suspending" his campaign shut the door for any chance for me to vote for him.

I wasn't impressed by Palin, I felt nominating her was a cheap parlor trick, her "hotness" supposedly giving the campaign sex appeal. I'm not a Palin fan and never have been.
I never bought his cheap reverse stage hypnosis show for a second.

McQuisling was set up as the jobber.....Palin was the only reason he got as close as he did.
McCain was a known quantity to me, but his unstable shit of "suspending" his campaign shut the door for any chance for me to vote for him.

I wasn't impressed by Palin, I felt nominating her was a cheap parlor trick, her "hotness" supposedly giving the campaign sex appeal. I'm not a Palin fan and never have been.
Haven't been impressed by Palin either, then or now......Just sayin' that she helped by the reaction she got from certain quarters, who claimed they were going to stay home or vote for Barr or Baldwin.

I'd bet that the Cryptkeeper probably wouldn't have won what he did by picking some dullard like Huckabee.
Oh yeah, something called pumaeyes is factual.

Problem with you guys is that if someone says something that you agree with you automatically believe it. If someone says something you disagree with you think it is a lie. You never run down the source of the talking points to verify if they are true or not. This shows a lack of critical thinking on your part...but I know you are happy in your ignorance.

YOU have accepted, though (hook, line and sinker), the claim that ACORN supposedly gets 'no federal funds' and will allegedly not be accepting any.

Why do you accept that so blindly? Because its what you want to believe.

But you are wrong, at least according to NPR:

* * * *

But what exactly is ACORN? Actually, it's many, many things. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now has dozens of affiliated entities, from a home-buying assistance corporation to community radio stations to liberal research and training institutes. The giant web of ACORN organizations, primarily based in Louisiana, has been funded by a mix of labor union money, government grants (which really drive conservatives crazy) and charitable contributions from large foundations. See below for a breakdown of funding sources.

* * * *

Government Grants

Much to the dismay of conservatives, the Department of Housing and Urban Development gave ACORN Housing Corp. $8.2 million from 2003 to 2006, according to ACORN Housing provides counseling, classes, and access to special loans to low-income homebuyers. HUD has given another $1.6 million to other ACORN affiliates since 2003.

The Environmental Protection Agency also chipped in, with $100,000 for ACORN's Louisiana Environmental Justice Project in 2004, for a program to rid homes of lead. The Republican National Committee wants a federal probe of ACORN. But the Justice Department has liked ACORN enough to give a New York ACORN affiliate $138,000 in 2005, for a juvenile delinquency prevention program.

* * * *

NPR: ACORN's Money Tree Has Many Branches [I took the liberty of highlighting some of the excerpted material, for emphasis and clarity.]

Also, see: and specifically look to page 7 of 12. The latter document is pretty eye-opening in another regard too. It ties in with the "tax advice" type of service we saw from those ACORN workers. (See, for example, page 9 of 12 of the latter document in pdf format.)

Thus we see that the CLAIM oft-made by the likes of Ravi and others is simply not factually correct.

[Somebody cue Ravi, now, to try to present a sterling defense of ACORN by attacking the sources rather than addressing the information presented, and by once again calling me (oh nosies!) an "asshole," etc. Ravi is as dependable as clockwork in such futile efforts at evasion.]
I never bought his cheap reverse stage hypnosis show for a second.

McQuisling was set up as the jobber.....Palin was the only reason he got as close as he did.
McCain was a known quantity to me, but his unstable shit of "suspending" his campaign shut the door for any chance for me to vote for him.

I wasn't impressed by Palin, I felt nominating her was a cheap parlor trick, her "hotness" supposedly giving the campaign sex appeal. I'm not a Palin fan and never have been.
Haven't been impressed by Palin either, then or now......Just sayin' that she helped by the reaction she got from certain quarters, who claimed they were going to stay home or vote for Barr or Baldwin.

I'd bet that the Cryptkeeper probably wouldn't have won what he did by picking some dullard like Huckabee.
What was the margin in the vote? 7 points?

I think it was going to be that no matter what McCain did. He just ran a horrendous campaign and definitely didn't sell himself as a change agent. A longtime member of the worst-regarded Congress in history, you're part of the problem not part of the solution.
Could ACORN be OBAMA's Watergate? (That might distance him, that and a pry bar). :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
What I don't seem to understand is why anyone would argue that ACORN is an organization worthy of receiving our tax dollars. It is obvious that no one is in control anymore. Why would we want our tax dollars going to a failed organization? In my humble opinion, ACORN is completely out of control and deserves NO tax dollars until someone can prove that they can operate as a successful entity.
What I don't seem to understand is why anyone would argue that ACORN is an organization worthy of receiving our tax dollars. It is obvious that no one is in control anymore. Why would we want our tax dollars going to a failed organization? In my humble opinion, ACORN is completely out of control and deserves NO tax dollars until someone can prove that they can operate as a successful entity.
As you can see, the talking point of the day is "ACORN doesn't receive any Federal money" and since we have proven this to be completely false, they shut the fuck up until they get their next spoon fed talking point.
What I don't seem to understand is why anyone would argue that ACORN is an organization worthy of receiving our tax dollars. It is obvious that no one is in control anymore. Why would we want our tax dollars going to a failed organization? In my humble opinion, ACORN is completely out of control and deserves NO tax dollars until someone can prove that they can operate as a successful entity.

ACORN does yeoman work! Not necessarily any of the stuff they proudly discuss on their own websites or in their own literature. Sur,e they do that stuff, too, and maybe a lot of it, but that's not the truly important stuff they do (as judged by those who love ACORN).

The important work of ACORN is WELL understood, however, by a political leader with the inclinations, skills, background and leanings of President Obama.
I've no idea why you think it has failed.

I'll put the wingnuts out of their misery.

ACORN is awarded Federal Grants (which they must compete for with other non-profit groups) which must be spent in total on the end recipient. ACORN itself doesn't keep the money or use it to pay salaries. So in no way is ACORN funded by the federal government.

For instance, they might receive a grant to get lead out of homes of those to poor to do this themselves. And that is what the money is spent on.
I've no idea why you think it has failed.

I'll put the wingnuts out of their misery.

ACORN is awarded Federal Grants (which they must compete for with other non-profit groups) which must be spent in total on the end recipient. ACORN itself doesn't keep the money or use it to pay salaries. So in no way is ACORN funded by the federal government.

For instance, they might receive a grant to get lead out of homes of those to poor to do this themselves. And that is what the money is spent on.

Your blind faith in ACORN'S internal accounting and reporting is amusing.
I've no idea why you think it has failed.

I'll put the wingnuts out of their misery.

ACORN is awarded Federal Grants (which they must compete for with other non-profit groups) which must be spent in total on the end recipient. ACORN itself doesn't keep the money or use it to pay salaries. So in no way is ACORN funded by the federal government.

For instance, they might receive a grant to get lead out of homes of those to poor to do this themselves. And that is what the money is spent on.
We have proven your earlier assertion totally wrong. They HAVE received federal taxpayer monies.

And you have ZERO way of knowing what they spend the money on, other than their word. They were trying really hard to spend some of it on a brothel for underage, "imported" child hookers.

And clearly you're okay with that.
I've no idea why you think it has failed.

I'll put the wingnuts out of their misery.

ACORN is awarded Federal Grants (which they must compete for with other non-profit groups) which must be spent in total on the end recipient. ACORN itself doesn't keep the money or use it to pay salaries. So in no way is ACORN funded by the federal government.

For instance, they might receive a grant to get lead out of homes of those to poor to do this themselves. And that is what the money is spent on.
We have proven your earlier assertion totally wrong. They HAVE received federal taxpayer monies.

And you have ZERO way of knowing what they spend the money on, other than their word. They were trying really hard to spend some of it on a brothel for underage, "imported" child hookers.

And clearly you're okay with that.
All you've proven is that the Washington Examiner has a hard on for ACORN. Critical thinking...make an effort.

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