ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.


its no secret this mob threw the election for Osama. which he still funds with taxpayer $$$. if they get em locked up maybe the power of the vote will return. maybe

1) The only reason you'd know about this is because ACRON ratted themselves out. And I'm not talking just about this story, I'm talking about the whole thing from the beginning. They found some problems with their workers and reported it. Check the hisotry of this non-issue.

2) They had a stupid system in some districts that paid people based on the number of registrations they had. So they had some lazy corrupt people that filled out false names.


Meanwhile in 2000, we had legit voter fraud where Katherine Harris was paid to scrub black voter rolls in Florida (and it's not even debatable this occurred anymore), and not a peep from you guys. The supreme court appoints our president, and not a peep out of you guys.

Your truth seeking missions just inspires me to no end.
[ame=]YouTube - Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN 2[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN 3[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN 4[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN 5[/ame]
9/11/09 8:22am

Still no Libruls, Moonbats or Progressives stepping up to defends Obama's Group
The prostitute actress was rather hot.
She was on TV last night, Real name: Hannah. This whole thing was her idea. She hooked up with the dude playing the pimp, who is a film maker, they spent their own money to do this. She said she drained her savings.

Hysterical irony: The character of the "prostitute" was named, "Kenya."
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This thread deserves some sort of award for biggest right wing circle jerk ever.

Actually there's alot of Indys and Moderates posting in this thread -- ya know, the ones who got Obama elected? Your feared "right wing" boogiemen theory is old, overused and sounds like Chicken Little.

And you're reduced to nothing but trolling it, because you got nothing. You know you cannot appear intelligent while trying to defend this, but I don't understand your problem because appearing unintelligent has never been a problem for you in the past.

So come on, moonbat -- feel free to educate us all on how ACORN is so great, and this deal is a hoax or something.

Hint: Only in the moonbat world can ACORN call this "false and defamatory" but then fire the two workers involved. Then once again calling it false. Sounds like the two workers have grounds to sue ACORN, for them firing them over something that is false.

Wait, it's not false.

Okay, carry on.
Again, I included you in my wondering if you people are stupid or simply liars.
Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
What is there to say to an anonymously posted video that purports itself to be an undercover video of a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute trying to smuggle children from El Salvador. They detail this to two people who are supposed to be ACORN volunteers and we're supposed to believe ACORN actually told them how to claim the El Salvadoran children as dependents? I mean, a dumbass dressed like that as a pimp? I sense more than two performing artists in that video.
This is all you have?

What you saw in the video is exactly what journalists should be doing, instead of these two kids. It's called investigative reporting. But I do remember a young journalist who told me last January that he was glad Obama won, because now he wouldn't have to be "against the government" anymore.

You're supposed to be against the fucking government if you're a journalist, no matter what party you personally favor. It's supposed to, at all times be an adversarial relationship. Not a dick sucking of a cult figure.

And had you bothered to do even the slightest modicum of research before spouting off, you would have seen that ACORN FIRED their two employees who were busted in this "fake" video. That's right, they were salaried employees, not "volunteers" as you're claiming.

Sounds like it's confirmed TRUE, doesn't it. Your knee-jerk defense of this makes you look really uninformed and stupid. But alas, you have done your duty as you apparently see it.
1) The only reason you'd know about this is because ACRON ratted themselves out.
Yes, any idiot can see that throwing a few workers under the bus so they can claim "self-policing" makes great PR -- so long as one actually trusts ACORN.
This thread deserves some sort of award for biggest right wing circle jerk ever.

Actually there's alot of Indys and Moderates posting in this thread -- ya know, the ones who got Obama elected? Your feared "right wing" boogiemen theory is old, overused and sounds like Chicken Little.

And you're reduced to nothing but trolling it, because you got nothing. You know you cannot appear intelligent while trying to defend this, but I don't understand your problem because appearing unintelligent has never been a problem for you in the past.

So come on, moonbat -- feel free to educate us all on how ACORN is so great, and this deal is a hoax or something.

Hint: Only in the moonbat world can ACORN call this "false and defamatory" but then fire the two workers involved. Then once again calling it false. Sounds like the two workers have grounds to sue ACORN, for them firing them over something that is false.

Wait, it's not false.

Okay, carry on.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the tards posting in this thread are moderates and voted for Obama. :lol:

ACORN fired them...too bad for you, makes this a non issue and shows that ACORN takes criminal activity seriously.
This thread deserves some sort of award for biggest right wing circle jerk ever.

Actually there's alot of Indys and Moderates posting in this thread -- ya know, the ones who got Obama elected? Your feared "right wing" boogiemen theory is old, overused and sounds like Chicken Little.

And you're reduced to nothing but trolling it, because you got nothing. You know you cannot appear intelligent while trying to defend this, but I don't understand your problem because appearing unintelligent has never been a problem for you in the past.

So come on, moonbat -- feel free to educate us all on how ACORN is so great, and this deal is a hoax or something.

Hint: Only in the moonbat world can ACORN call this "false and defamatory" but then fire the two workers involved. Then once again calling it false. Sounds like the two workers have grounds to sue ACORN, for them firing them over something that is false.

Wait, it's not false.

Okay, carry on.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the tards posting in this thread are moderates and voted for Obama. :lol:

ACORN fired them...too bad for you, makes this a non issue and shows that ACORN takes criminal activity seriously.
You now finally admit it was criminal activity?

How about you might also be saying something like this: "This is horrendous, and cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. No more of my tax dollars should go to this organization until a Congressional investigation is completed."

But, you can't do that can you.

The firings don't kill the story, they ramp it up several notches because ACORN is still claiming this deal is "false." You see no dichotomy there?

And since you're so unobservant and downright stupid, of course you don't recognize the many Indys and Moderates posting here. You don't believe they even exist, and in your cheap partisan hack worldview they probably don't.

Remember Ravi, "Yeah they gonna talk to you and talk to you about 'individual freedom.' But when they see a free individual, they get scared. And not running scared, dangerous."

You simply fear anyone who is what you are not -- a free, critical thinker.
You're an ass, MM.

You are no different than those that post that Mark Foley's trying to get in the pants of young boys means that the GOP is corrupt and should have nothing to do with America.

Get a grip.

No one on this thread that is peeing their pants over ACORN voted for Obama.
You're an ass, MM.

You are no different than those that post that Mark Foley's trying to get in the pants of young boys means that the GOP is corrupt and should have nothing to do with America.

Get a grip.

No one on this thread that is peeing their pants over ACORN voted for Obama.
I did! STOOPID!!!!

Yeah! So, there goes your partisan bullshit theory!

Do you think our tax dollars should still go to ACORN without a thorough investigation of this can of corn? Yes or no.

Did you even trouble yourself to watch the videos? Yes or no.

And Foley? Was toast within his OWN PARTY and wasn't receiving BILLIONS of our tax dollars! Next stupid analogy, please.
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You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.

I don't do loyalty oaths.

But maybe you do:

Do you think the GOP should be allowed to operate before it is proven that their are no more child molesters in their ranks? Yes or No
This thread deserves some sort of award for biggest right wing circle jerk ever.

Actually there's alot of Indys and Moderates posting in this thread -- ya know, the ones who got Obama elected? Your feared "right wing" boogiemen theory is old, overused and sounds like Chicken Little.

And you're reduced to nothing but trolling it, because you got nothing. You know you cannot appear intelligent while trying to defend this, but I don't understand your problem because appearing unintelligent has never been a problem for you in the past.

So come on, moonbat -- feel free to educate us all on how ACORN is so great, and this deal is a hoax or something.

Hint: Only in the moonbat world can ACORN call this "false and defamatory" but then fire the two workers involved. Then once again calling it false. Sounds like the two workers have grounds to sue ACORN, for them firing them over something that is false.

Wait, it's not false.

Okay, carry on.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the tards posting in this thread are moderates and voted for Obama. :lol:

ACORN fired them...too bad for you, makes this a non issue and shows that ACORN takes criminal activity seriously.

Would you not agree then that there is enough "criminal activity" by enough "rouge employees" that a serious, and independent investigation is warranted? Especially given that it's taxpayer funded and all.
If it's not enough, how much "criminal activity" would it take to warrant such an investigation, in your opinion?
You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.

I don't do loyalty oaths.

But maybe you do:

Do you think the GOP should be allowed to operate before it is proven that their are no more child molesters in their ranks? Yes or No
Hahahaha! "Proven liar" when it's actually quite the opposite.

But you knew that.

The GOP is a political party. You're comparing it to ACORN?

Have you NO answers to the questions I posed?

You're not even going to verify whether or not you even bothered to watch the videos?
You're an ass, MM.

You are no different than those that post that Mark Foley's trying to get in the pants of young boys means that the GOP is corrupt and should have nothing to do with America.

Get a grip.

No one on this thread that is peeing their pants over ACORN voted for Obama.

So Your One Party System is the Solution, Comrade? You guys are batting 1000? Is that Barney Franks hiding in your shower? Retard. Capitalism is Evil? The Industrial Revolution destroyed the Planet? Why not give up electricity, and indoor plumbing, and soap. Why not just find a cave or just burrow into the ground? Give the world a break. There are Creators and Producers, there are Parasites. Parasites are at a Zenith and the only forward direction for you and your kind is down.
I have a question, how do we untangle the web of corruption that this thug organization has created?

How do we stop any federal money AKA our money from going to any of these thug organizations?

How do we stop their agenda? These 2 women will go down, but what remains are the ones who are in charge, the head of the snake must be cut off before the snake dies!

And those who are defending ACORN, are being disingenuous, and intellectually dishonest!

Are you an ACORN seedling or an American? Hey I am just asking? I really want to know why someone would defend ACORN. They have been a corrupt organization from it's inception.


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