ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

No, they take getting caught seriously.

They get caught a lot lately.

The Gambino Crime Family must be kicking themselves, instead of loan sharking and racketeering, if they focused only on registering Democrats they would get billions from the Federal government
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Actually there's alot of Indys and Moderates posting in this thread -- ya know, the ones who got Obama elected? Your feared "right wing" boogiemen theory is old, overused and sounds like Chicken Little.

And you're reduced to nothing but trolling it, because you got nothing. You know you cannot appear intelligent while trying to defend this, but I don't understand your problem because appearing unintelligent has never been a problem for you in the past.

So come on, moonbat -- feel free to educate us all on how ACORN is so great, and this deal is a hoax or something.

Hint: Only in the moonbat world can ACORN call this "false and defamatory" but then fire the two workers involved. Then once again calling it false. Sounds like the two workers have grounds to sue ACORN, for them firing them over something that is false.

Wait, it's not false.

Okay, carry on.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the tards posting in this thread are moderates and voted for Obama. :lol:

ACORN fired them...too bad for you, makes this a non issue and shows that ACORN takes criminal activity seriously.

Would you not agree then that there is enough "criminal activity" by enough "rouge employees" that a serious, and independent investigation is warranted? Especially given that it's taxpayer funded and all.
If it's not enough, how much "criminal activity" would it take to warrant such an investigation, in your opinion?

Maybe what we need to concentrate on it eliminating the Tax Payer Funding Part for Organizations that Disqualify for Eligibility, for Ethics Concerns. Multiple Arrests should fit the Profile of Undesirable Element. Where is The Attorney General on this matter? The Silence id deadening.
You're an ass, MM.

You are no different than those that post that Mark Foley's trying to get in the pants of young boys means that the GOP is corrupt and should have nothing to do with America.

Get a grip.

No one on this thread that is peeing their pants over ACORN voted for Obama.

So Your One Party System is the Solution, Comrade? You guys are batting 1000? Is that Barney Franks hiding in your shower? Retard. Capitalism is Evil? The Industrial Revolution destroyed the Planet? Why not give up electricity, and indoor plumbing, and soap. Why not just find a cave or just burrow into the ground? Give the world a break. There are Creators and Producers, there are Parasites. Parasites are at a Zenith and the only forward direction for you and your kind is down.
Why don't you quit hitting the bottle so early in the morning?
I have a question, how do we untangle the web of corruption that this thug organization has created?

How do we stop any federal money AKA our money from going to any of these thug organizations?

How do we stop their agenda? These 2 women will go down, but what remains are the ones who are in charge, the head of the snake must be cut off before the snake dies!

And those who are defending ACORN, are being disingenuous, and intellectually dishonest!

Are you an ACORN seedling or an American? Hey I am just asking? I really want to know why someone would defend ACORN. They have been a corrupt organization from it's inception.

Wow, a wingnut advocating murder.

I'm pretty sure ACORN isn't funded by taxpayer money so you might want to do a little investigating (beyond rightwing talking points) before you start killing people.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the tards posting in this thread are moderates and voted for Obama. :lol:

ACORN fired them...too bad for you, makes this a non issue and shows that ACORN takes criminal activity seriously.

Would you not agree then that there is enough "criminal activity" by enough "rouge employees" that a serious, and independent investigation is warranted? Especially given that it's taxpayer funded and all.
If it's not enough, how much "criminal activity" would it take to warrant such an investigation, in your opinion?

Maybe what we need to concentrate on it eliminating the Tax Payer Funding Part for Organizations that Disqualify for Eligibility, for Ethics Concerns. Multiple Arrests should fit the Profile of Undesirable Element. Where is The Attorney General on this matter? The Silence id deadening.
Obama, Acorns former counsel is the top justice department officer in the nation.He has no interest in seeing acorn brought to the bar.
I'm pretty sure ACORN isn't funded by taxpayer money so you might want to do a little investigating
If you would, you would know that ACORN has been given well over 100 MILLION dollars thus far, and has like, 6 BILLION coming to them from the stimulus.
I'm pretty sure ACORN isn't funded by taxpayer money so you might want to do a little investigating
If you would, you would know that ACORN has been given well over 100 MILLION dollars thus far, and has like, 6 BILLION coming to them from the stimulus.
Nope, that isn't correct which is why I told him to look beyond the rightwing talking points.
You're an ass, MM.

You are no different than those that post that Mark Foley's trying to get in the pants of young boys means that the GOP is corrupt and should have nothing to do with America.

Get a grip.

No one on this thread that is peeing their pants over ACORN voted for Obama.

So Your One Party System is the Solution, Comrade? You guys are batting 1000? Is that Barney Franks hiding in your shower? Retard. Capitalism is Evil? The Industrial Revolution destroyed the Planet? Why not give up electricity, and indoor plumbing, and soap. Why not just find a cave or just burrow into the ground? Give the world a break. There are Creators and Producers, there are Parasites. Parasites are at a Zenith and the only forward direction for you and your kind is down.
Why don't you quit hitting the bottle so early in the morning?

French Roast & Frosted Shredded Wheat this Morning. I'm not a heavy drinker.
Sorry Guy's if I scared away the Prey. I'll hang back.
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You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.
I'll tell you why I voted for Obama you stupid ass:

McCain ran the most horrendous, disorganized, chaotic campaign on the history of this planet. I said, when he "suspended" his campaign to deal with "the economic crisis" then did nothing but be a yes man, that if his campaign was an example of his executive skills, I didn't want him in the White House. Or anywhere near it.

Obama promised change, not more of the same, and on steroids. And even though I researched him thoroughly, I decided he would be savvy enough to govern as a centrist. I took him at his word. He RAN as a centrist.

This is why I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF, because I was DUPED completely. I fell for the con, and am one of the Marks.

I am on record here many times in the past and will go on the record yet again: I like Obama and greatly admire what he has done with his 47 years on the planet. He IS a great success story. Doesn't matter what help he may have had, any of that. He fucking did the impossible. You gotta be fair-minded and admire that.

But I do NOT admire being conned and duped.
I'm pretty sure ACORN isn't funded by taxpayer money so you might want to do a little investigating
If you would, you would know that ACORN has been given well over 100 MILLION dollars thus far, and has like, 6 BILLION coming to them from the stimulus.
Nope, that isn't correct which is why I told him to look beyond the rightwing talking points.
It IS correct, even says so.
I have a question, how do we untangle the web of corruption that this thug organization has created?

How do we stop any federal money AKA our money from going to any of these thug organizations?

How do we stop their agenda? These 2 women will go down, but what remains are the ones who are in charge, the head of the snake must be cut off before the snake dies!

And those who are defending ACORN, are being disingenuous, and intellectually dishonest!

Are you an ACORN seedling or an American? Hey I am just asking? I really want to know why someone would defend ACORN. They have been a corrupt organization from it's inception.

Wow, a wingnut advocating murder.

I'm pretty sure ACORN isn't funded by taxpayer money so you might want to do a little investigating (beyond rightwing talking points) before you start killing people.

“The economic stimulus should not be a bailout for lobbyists or a vehicle for political payback,” said Issa. “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac spent more than $170 million on lobbying, while groups like ACORN use taxpayer funds to advance a partisan agenda. Already, this Congress is prepared to repeat the failed policies that created the financial crisis and the mismanaged Wall Street bailout. More and more, this ‘stimulus’ is looking like a mad rush to expand government and steer billions of dollars to political supporters.”

Issa also expressed deep reservations regarding provisions in the stimulus waiving rules that would prevent waste, fraud, and abuse – including provisions that will expand housing funds available to organizations such as ACORN.


we're pretty sure your the dumbest bitch born under the sun !!!!!
You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.
I'll tell you why I voted for Obama you stupid ass:

McCain ran the most horrendous, disorganized, chaotic campaign on the history of this planet. I said, when he "suspended" his campaign to deal with "the economic crisis" then did nothing but be a yes man, that if his campaign was an example of his executive skills, I didn't want him in the White House. Or anywhere near it.

Obama promised change, not more of the same, and on steroids. And even though I researched him thoroughly, I decided he would be savvy enough to govern as a centrist. I took him at his word. He RAN as a centrist.

This is why I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF, because I was DUPED completely. I fell for the con, and am one of the Marks.

I am on record here many times in the past and will go on the record yet again: I like Obama and greatly admire what he has done with his 47 years on the planet. He IS a great success story. Doesn't matter what help he may have had, any of that. He fucking did the impossible. You gotta be fair-minded and admire that.

But I do NOT admire being conned and duped.

The only reason I voted was Palin.

My mistake was viewing McCain as The Manchurian Candidate. He was only half that. Obama is the Genuine Article.
“The economic stimulus should not be a bailout for lobbyists or a vehicle for political payback,” said Issa. “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac spent more than $170 million on lobbying, while groups like ACORN use taxpayer funds to advance a partisan agenda. Already, this Congress is prepared to repeat the failed policies that created the financial crisis and the mismanaged Wall Street bailout. More and more, this ‘stimulus’ is looking like a mad rush to expand government and steer billions of dollars to political supporters.”

Issa also expressed deep reservations regarding provisions in the stimulus waiving rules that would prevent waste, fraud, and abuse – including provisions that will expand housing funds available to organizations such as ACORN.

we're pretty sure your the dumbest bitch born under the sun !!!!!
Vet..... You cannot be linking to stuff like PUMA blogs and expect anyone fair-minded to give it any credibility.

Just sayin.
Oh yeah, something called pumaeyes is factual.

Problem with you guys is that if someone says something that you agree with you automatically believe it. If someone says something you disagree with you think it is a lie. You never run down the source of the talking points to verify if they are true or not. This shows a lack of critical thinking on your part...but I know you are happy in your ignorance.
Oh yeah, something called pumaeyes is factual.

Problem with you guys is that if someone says something that you agree with you automatically believe it. If someone says something you disagree with you think it is a lie. You never run down the source of the talking points to verify if they are true or not. This shows a lack of critical thinking on your part...but I know you are happy in your ignorance.
You're painting with a very broad brush and looking pretty stupid yet again.

Partisan hack.

Have you even watched the videos?
You're a proven liar so I doubt you did.
I'll tell you why I voted for Obama you stupid ass:

McCain ran the most horrendous, disorganized, chaotic campaign on the history of this planet. I said, when he "suspended" his campaign to deal with "the economic crisis" then did nothing but be a yes man, that if his campaign was an example of his executive skills, I didn't want him in the White House. Or anywhere near it.

Obama promised change, not more of the same, and on steroids. And even though I researched him thoroughly, I decided he would be savvy enough to govern as a centrist. I took him at his word. He RAN as a centrist.

This is why I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF, because I was DUPED completely. I fell for the con, and am one of the Marks.

I am on record here many times in the past and will go on the record yet again: I like Obama and greatly admire what he has done with his 47 years on the planet. He IS a great success story. Doesn't matter what help he may have had, any of that. He fucking did the impossible. You gotta be fair-minded and admire that.

But I do NOT admire being conned and duped.
I never bought his cheap reverse stage hypnosis show for a second.

McQuisling was set up as the jobber.....Palin was the only reason he got as close as he did.

I wouldn't take back my vote for Barr ....Well, unless you paid me a strong six figures.

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