ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

Those ACORN women were trained by ACORN to run that office, can you imagine what else is out there at other ACORN offices?
I'm not sure how this affects me personally...but thanks for sharing.

The prostitute actress was rather hot.

She looked okay from behind, anyway, even if that particular short skirt wasn't flattering.

I wonder if ACORN volunteers taking the CENSUS will be equally dedicated to the precepts of the LAW!?

I wonder!

(I'm not going to stay up at night wondering, but I will wonder until I fall asleep, and then wonder when I wake up in the morning.)
Wonder if she was wearing eye patch panties?
That's just sick and wrong!! :rofl:

Argggh argggh matey

Obama the Citizens Services Inc. — a subsidiary of ACORN and the

FEC reports show that from February-May 2008, Obama paid $832,598.29 to CSI.
The payments were for:
$310,441.20 25-FEB-08 STAGING, SOUND, LIGHTING
$160,689.40 27-FEB-08 STAGING, SOUND, LIGHTING
$98,451.20 29-FEB-08 TRAVEL/LODGING
$18,417.00 28-MAR-08 POLLING
$63,000.00 29-APR-08 ADVANCE WORK
$105.84 02-MAY-08 LICENSE FEES
$105.84 02-MAY-08 LICENSE FEES
$75,000.00 17-MAY-08 ADVANCE WORK
$13,176.20 17-MAY-08 PER DIEM
Interesting services and payments for a nonprofit that supposedly does simple canvassing work on behalf of low-income people. And now, the Obama campaign is going to wave its magic wand and change those services to get-out-the-vote work? What the…?
For your information: The New Orleans building that houses CSI also houses multiple chapters of ACORN and the SEIU– as well as the 527 group Communities Voting Together.

Obama will have a real hard time throwing ACORN under the bus

Tip of the criminal iceberg.

Meanwhile, ACORN is now managing apartment buildings: Or maybe, Brothels?

Michelle Malkin » ACORN Watch, Pt II: Obama hid $800,000 payment to ACORN through “Citizen Services, Inc.”

Obamacorn? you bet!

Bribery, a form of pecuniary corruption, is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behaviour of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in discharge of a public or legal duty. The bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. It may be any money, good, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, object of value, advantage, or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or public capacity.

Bribery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can't say whether I know what a pimp looks like or not, but I'm hard-pressed to think a real one looks like Huggy Bear. Those women are not only crooked, but stoooopid.

Those women should know what a pimp looks like.
Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson

Chumming the waters to see if we can attract any Libruls

Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson Joe Wilson
Chummin' 4 moonbatfish......

Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck

Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter
Chummin' 4 moonbatfish......

Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck

Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter Ann Coulter



Maybe a good type of chum would be to discuss how ACORN is tied to dear leader.
This Tax lady took 50 bucks and stated it was services rendered to do her taxes. Of course the undercover people should have probably waited until they had a copy of that tax form in hand before spilling the beans or shit maybe they did.

You all are too funny! I've been laughing so hard reading through tonight post.
Ame®icano;1505257 said:
Actually, this is an example of ACORN policing themselves.

From your article:

Fernandez-Rundle said ACORN alerted her office after it reviewed hundreds of voter registration cards it suspected were fraudulent.


Would you do the same to save your own ass?

It's what they're required to do by law.
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Again, I included you in my wondering if you people are stupid or simply liars.
Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
What is there to say to an anonymously posted video that purports itself to be an undercover video of a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute trying to smuggle children from El Salvador. They detail this to two people who are supposed to be ACORN volunteers and we're supposed to believe ACORN actually told them how to claim the El Salvadoran children as dependents? I mean, a dumbass dressed like that as a pimp? I sense more than two performing artists in that video.
This fucking organization can not be simply ignored, as is apparently happening.
A few people arrested and/or fired doesn't fuckin' cut it either. From top to bottom, and all the organizations associated with them, stinks.
At the very least all taxpayer funded monies going to these assholes needs to be cutoff until a complete and thorough investigation into to whole fuckin' thing can be completed. Not an Obama associate or appointee either, it has to be completely independent because they are so tightly intertwined.

It is comical to watch the usual cast of characters that swallow the messiah's load whole, avoiding this subject like the plague! "But he yelled "liar"!!"!! lmfao.
Didn't dear leader have a hand in ACORN?

Yes. He was very much involved. Now he told us during his campaign that he was going to "return the money to who earned it..." Now what did he mean by this?

Can we be honest here? ACORN is a Rascist orginization. Always has been. "Dear leader" as you call him is as well.

It is my opinion that he is using these groups, hiring known Communists, Leftist radicals to ensure that the quote above is carried out.

Now whom was he talking about "returning the money" to? It sure as Hell isn't the Taxpayers of this nation I assure you.
MM, you're a coward, a whiner and a liar. I'm not about to click on a link you provide.

The Coward is YOU, YOU admit you won't look at facts that contradict your blatant LIES. You call others liars and then when called on it REFUSE to look at evidence provided to show just how wrong you are. You are brainwashed, weak and a coward, not to mention stupid as a dead tree.
Again, I included you in my wondering if you people are stupid or simply liars.
Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
What is there to say to an anonymously posted video that purports itself to be an undercover video of a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute trying to smuggle children from El Salvador. They detail this to two people who are supposed to be ACORN volunteers and we're supposed to believe ACORN actually told them how to claim the El Salvadoran children as dependents? I mean, a dumbass dressed like that as a pimp? I sense more than two performing artists in that video.

If it is not true then pray tell why did they FIRE the two workers in the video. Why were they not out proclaiming to all that would listen that this video was false? As far as Acorn "policing themselves" as another poster claimed, that was nothing but a CYA attempt to divert it all away from the powers that be at Acorn in the hopes of holding off an investigation into their wrong doings.
Again, I included you in my wondering if you people are stupid or simply liars.
Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
What is there to say to an anonymously posted video that purports itself to be an undercover video of a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute trying to smuggle children from El Salvador. They detail this to two people who are supposed to be ACORN volunteers and we're supposed to believe ACORN actually told them how to claim the El Salvadoran children as dependents? I mean, a dumbass dressed like that as a pimp? I sense more than two performing artists in that video.

Then why did the 2 Acorn representatives get fired as a result of the video?
Seriously, I understand your blind following of anything your left dear leaders tell you, but there are some things that you just have to take an objective look at, and this Acorn fiasco is one of them.

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