ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

That ACORN is caught up in illegal, dishonest, disreputable, disgusting activities is not surprising. Anytime you get a large group of liberals together, that kind of shit comes out.
That ACORN is caught up in illegal, dishonest, disreputable, disgusting activities is not surprising. Anytime you get a large group of liberals together, that kind of shit comes out.
I don't care if they are liberals or not. I want Congress to investigate and get to the bottom of it.
Wow. That's truly disgusting. And it should be investigated thoroughly.
But, the CIA does horrible illegal things, too. Any investigation there??
That ACORN is caught up in illegal, dishonest, disreputable, disgusting activities is not surprising. Anytime you get a large group of liberals together, that kind of shit comes out.

Any time you get a large group of anybody together, that kind of shit comes out, dummy.
Wow. That's truly disgusting. And it should be investigated thoroughly.
But, the CIA does horrible illegal things, too. Any investigation there??
"Mom, look at that the other kids are doing though" never worked, even on Mom.

A CIA thread might be a good one, you can go and start one. THIS one is about ACORN.

Glad to see you're at least admitting this is unacceptable, however.
Wow. That's truly disgusting. And it should be investigated thoroughly.
But, the CIA does horrible illegal things, too. Any investigation there??
"Mom, look at that the other kids are doing though" never worked, even on Mom.

A CIA thread might be a good one, you can go and start one. THIS one is about ACORN.

Glad to see you're at least admitting this is unacceptable, however.

Wow. You bad repped me for that?!
No wonder you post so often. It must be impossible to wear pants or leave the house with your giant, swollen pussy.
Wow. That's truly disgusting. And it should be investigated thoroughly.
But, the CIA does horrible illegal things, too. Any investigation there??
"Mom, look at that the other kids are doing though" never worked, even on Mom.

A CIA thread might be a good one, you can go and start one. THIS one is about ACORN.

Glad to see you're at least admitting this is unacceptable, however.

Wow. You bad repped me for that?!
No wonder you post so often. It must be impossible to wear pants or leave the house with your giant, swollen pussy.
Trolls get dings. Folks who have actual substance to add to threads get positives.

You'll learn.

I look forward to your CIA thread.
Since you say you don't care, why are you then making such effort to dissemble, deflect, everything else?

Odd, that.....

Oh, you got me!

I'm so worried now that you've found our secret achilles heel!


It is not an achilles heel we want, it is the head of the snake, we seek ;)

Guess what, we are not backing off, do not underestimate the will of freedom loving Americans

Okie doke, you keep on keepin' on.

You're really a moron if you think finding fault with individuals in ACORN is going to cause an issue.

Everyone remembers all your bullshit with Whitewater, and no-one cares about this at all, except for Glenn Beck fans.

When you talk about ACORN, you're just preaching to the choir of right-wing nutjobs out there.


And that's the last contribution I will make to this stupid conversation.
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Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
What is there to say to an anonymously posted video that purports itself to be an undercover video of a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute trying to smuggle children from El Salvador. They detail this to two people who are supposed to be ACORN volunteers and we're supposed to believe ACORN actually told them how to claim the El Salvadoran children as dependents? I mean, a dumbass dressed like that as a pimp? I sense more than two performing artists in that video.
This is all you have?

What you saw in the video is exactly what journalists should be doing, instead of these two kids. It's called investigative reporting. But I do remember a young journalist who told me last January that he was glad Obama won, because now he wouldn't have to be "against the government" anymore.

You're supposed to be against the fucking government if you're a journalist, no matter what party you personally favor. It's supposed to, at all times be an adversarial relationship. Not a dick sucking of a cult figure.

And had you bothered to do even the slightest modicum of research before spouting off, you would have seen that ACORN FIRED their two employees who were busted in this "fake" video. That's right, they were salaried employees, not "volunteers" as you're claiming.

Sounds like it's confirmed TRUE, doesn't it. Your knee-jerk defense of this makes you look really uninformed and stupid. But alas, you have done your duty as you apparently see it.

If we're not doing it ourselves we need to know where it comes from. With nothing more than this video it's possible something was edited faked or slanted, and I can point to MSNBC's shot of that black man with the assault rifle that Glen Beck griped about as a recent example.

I had no knowledge of the two getting fired (unless it was stated in the last minute of the video. I admit I stopped it at about 8:30). If that's the case then I'm just going to keep shut on it.
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If we're not doing it ourselves we need to know where it comes from. With nothing more than this video it's possible something was edited faked or slanted
There's no question now, if the videos are true portrayals. There are three of them now.

The question is, what the fuck is going on with ACORN really?
If we're not doing it ourselves we need to know where it comes from. With nothing more than this video it's possible something was edited faked or slanted
There's no question now, if the videos are true portrayals. There are three of them now.

The question is, what the fuck is going on with ACORN really?

Don't let them deflect. If they weren't worried, they wouldn't be posting. Got to keep on top of the news cycle. The Video was never anonymous, the 2 Workers from D.C. were fired yesterday, and 11 workers from Florida were Arrested Wednesday, for various charges.

ACORN turns in Fla. workers on voter fraud charges
By CURT ANDERSON (AP) – 2 days ago

MIAMI — Armed with a tip from the grassroots group ACORN about its own workers, authorities on Wednesday began arresting 11 people suspected of falsifying hundreds of voter applications during a registration drive last year.

ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has long been accused by Republican and conservative activists — fed by talk-radio hosts — of fraudulently registering voters. But Miami-Dade prosecutors gave credit to the group for coming forward and ACORN officials said they felt vindicated.

"It shows that we take the integrity of our voter registration work with the utmost seriousness," said ACORN spokesman Brian Kettenring. "We turn in people who try to game the system."

Although ACORN is nonpartisan, its registration efforts focus on low-income and minority populations who tend to vote for Democrats; critics contend those efforts frequently bend or break registration rules. At times during the 2008 presidential campaign, people attending rallies for Republican nominee John McCain broke into chants of "No More ACORN!"

Last year, ACORN's national drive produced some 1.3 million voter applications.

ACORN first detected problems in Miami-Dade County in June 2008, according to a letter the group wrote to prosecutors. Investigators eventually determined that 11 canvassers, who were paid between $8 and $10 an hour, were turning in fake registration cards, mostly from the Homestead area.

"This is really about money. These are people who decided not to work," said Ed Griffith, spokesman for Miami-Dade State Attorney Katharine Fernandez Rundle.

The 11 workers each face multiple counts of two felony charges: false swearing in connection with voting and submission of false voter registration information. Each count is punishable by up to five years in prison.

The suspects collectively turned in about 1,400 registration cards, of which 888 were later found to be faked. Some contained names of celebrities such as actor Paul Newman, while in other cases the same real voter's name was used on multiple applications. There was no evidence anyone voted who should not have.

The FBI and Florida Department of Law Enforcement had made five arrests by midday and were looking for the remaining suspects. ACORN officials said the group regularly reports suspected fraud to authorities nationwide but the Miami prosecution marks one of the few times the complaints were taken seriously.

ACORN itself last year was the subject of fraudulent registration complaints in Missouri, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Ohio, Michigan and North Carolina, among others.

The Associated Press: ACORN turns in Fla. workers on voter fraud charges
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If we're not doing it ourselves we need to know where it comes from. With nothing more than this video it's possible something was edited faked or slanted
There's no question now, if the videos are true portrayals. There are three of them now.

The question is, what the fuck is going on with ACORN really?
Sidestreamer is actually not trying to deflect. He's been busy, and honestly hasn't been keeping up with this situation.

But your post should help that some!
Yet another "isolated incident"!!

Don't let them deflect. If they weren't worried, they wouldn't be posting.

ROFL, or maybe we're posting to keep you interested in this, so that you waste your attentions on it, rather than actual important issues.

Yeah right.

It's important to you. You're just projecting now.

LOL. In all seriousness man, I'm really not interested in this. I've been playing devil's advocate this whole time.

I personally dont see this goinig anywhere, especially since there is a Democratic Congress, so you people won't be able to pull a "Whitewater" BS fishing trip on this one.

But hey, if you want to devote your time and energy to this, instead of fighting important legislation that I probably support, PLEASE, by all means, continue.

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