ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

Okay... I read up on this some more and, yeah, ACORN has issues and should be investigated in Baltimore and D.C. and in Florida and... yeah. I'm not defending anything here.

Still does anyone find it jarring how stupid the Baltimore employees were in that video? We have a guy who's claiming openly to be a pimp, dressed like a stereotypical dumbass hollywood wannabe, asking them about hiding the fact that they're smuggling El Salvadoran underaged girls that will work for them. Could anyone blame me for thinking that was a farce at first?
I don't blame you for being skeptical at first. But I typically sort of keep my mouth shut (or try to) until I am sure about something.

And yeah, I don't think anyone's suggesting these ACORN workers are all that bright. But the deal is, look how casually they were going about doing this criminal activity. Almost like they were trained and drilled for it.
Okay... I read up on this some more and, yeah, ACORN has issues and should be investigated in Baltimore and D.C. and in Florida and... yeah. I'm not defending anything here.

Still does anyone find it jarring how stupid the Baltimore employees were in that video? We have a guy who's claiming openly to be a pimp, dressed like a stereotypical dumbass hollywood wannabe, asking them about hiding the fact that they're smuggling El Salvadoran underaged girls that will work for them. Could anyone blame me for thinking that was a farce at first?

Yes but we'll give you a pass, on that.:lol:
Did anyone see the story of the woman who said she was a prostitute and the guy that said he was her pimp went into a Baltimore ACORN office and told the women that they were being discriminated against for a home loan? The ACORN workers told them they couldn’t use the term prostitute. She told her she needed a different name and a code. She went into another room and brought back a list and looked through it. They landed on Performing Artist. She also explained how they could avoid paying taxes on much of her income. Then the woman explained that they needed a house because they were going to bring a dozen underage girls from El Salvador to work in the house. The ACORN worker told her they couldn’t list their income because they would get caught. This was all captured on video. The results were these two women were fired by the end of the day.
ACORN’s response: “The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at gotcha journalism. This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further.”
Scott Levenson, ACORN spokesman. 9-10-09

James O’Keefe was doing the filming. Hannah Giles is playing the part of the prostitute.

Fast forward to 9-11-09, same people doing the story at a WA. DC, office with the same results. ACORN responded faster today. The new video was released at 11:00 AM and by 2:30 PM the two women were fired from this office and their response was: “We were appalled and angry to see the video of two WA. DC, employees offering advice on how to operate and illegal enterprise. This is not how we behave. The video tape is slanted to misinform the public about ACORN Housing offices where they were turned away or where ACORN employees responded by calling the police.”
Whether you are a con or a lib, a Democrat or a Republican, if you are an American this should outrage you. You should be concerned about any organization that receives so much federal tax payer money with this much corruption.
Apparently the Census bureau is concerned about it. The census director has now sent a letter to the National ACORN headquarters telling them that the census bureau is severing all ties with ACORN for all of the work having to do with the census. In preparation for or the execution of the 2010 census.
Times this story was reported on TV on 9-10-09. ABC – 0. CBS – 0. NBC broadcast – 0. MSNBC – 0. CNN – 3. FOX – 19. Why is no one covering this important story but FOX? Draw your own conclusion!!!!!!!
Amount of taxpayer dollars ACORN has received since 1994.
Amount of money ACORN is eligible to receive from BO’s stimulus bill.
$8,500,000,000 (yes that’s $8.5Billion).
What is the # of fraudulent voter registrations ACORN admitted to in the 08 election?
What is the # of states where ACORN is under investigation for voter registration fraud?
What is the # of ACORN workers arrested for fraud?
What is the number of cases that resulted in guilty pleas?
What is the number of Republicans calling for investigations into ACORN?
There are only 67. It was 68 but Specter switched parties.
What is the number of Democrats calling for investigations into ACORN?
With Specter it was 2. Then John Conyers pulled out and said the powers that be told him to withdraw the request. Who do you suppose the powers that be are? So now there is 1.
That is if one considers such "good works" Lying, cheating at taxpayer expense, to steal MORE at taxpayers expense.

But at least a candle has been lit in your room. Good.
ACORN has done alot of good things and continues to do so. There's no arguing that.

And that's what I'm still standing by. I don't wanna see the organization totally disbanded over this stuff if it's just a matter of the people in charge not doing a good job of watching their staff.

How can ACORN be so brazen? So willing to lead someone further into a life of crime? They have an out, of course, one that they would have got away with if they weren't caught on tape. And remember the illegal immigrants the couple has talked about bringing into the sex trade? The ones ACORN says to claim as dependents? Listen to their ages.
Fourteen years old. Being shipped over into the sex trade. And ACORN is not only OK with that, they actively encourage the couple to "train them" to be silent and to "be careful".
Let me make one thing clear: This is not about these two women at ACORN. If the media does what they did to Van Jones, the real message will be lost. It's not about these women — not even ACORN.
It's about the power behind ACORN. The power of Wade Rathke. He and his brother run, out of New Orleans, ACORN and SEIU. Those two organizations are in the inner circle of the president of the United States.
They'll shut ACORN down if they have to. They'll definitely fire these two women. But this is a shell game: Rathke will just keep doing the same thing under another name.
This is about who the president surrounds himself with.
BO: “If you want to know what I believe, look at who I surround myself with.”
That is if one considers such "good works" Lying, cheating at taxpayer expense, to steal MORE at taxpayers expense.

But at least a candle has been lit in your room. Good.
ACORN has done alot of good things and continues to do so. There's no arguing that.

Are you serious, would you like to name some. They were also responsible for strong arming banks into giving mortgage loans to people who had no means of paying it back. Sometimes even following mortgage loan officers home and threatening them. What have they done that's good??? Nothing that I have seen.

Thats a good point Maple. What have they done worthwile. They have members serving time in Seattle and Florida. There are numerous investigations for voter registration fraud in many states after the last election. ACORN has admitted to registering 400,000 phony names in the last election. it is no wonder BO got elected. BO donated $650,000 to the New Orleans chapter of ACORN last year.
Last edited:
Between huge numbers of Illegals voting and Barack Obama's "Community Organizer" thugs,does anyone still actually believe the last election wasn't a complete sham? :(
What are chances that Congress will investigate ACORN?

And, if ACORN is investigated and exposed, where will the love be for Obama in 2012?
Waterloo or Watergate? .... ACORN Gate? Who can we get?

Congress? ... Nah

Dept. Of Justice ...Nah

How about Rocky ... It is Saturday Morning... Cartoon Time.... Fitting.....
He Eats ACORN for Breakfast.....

[ame=]YouTube - Rocky and Bullwinkle Opening Theme[/ame]
This is also posted on The other ACORN D,C, Thread.

I was listening to FOX this morning. They were suggesting that HUD should be contacted by phone, and an Investigation Requested. I missed the Number they gave, so I got this from the HUD Web-Site.

Search Your Conscience, before You Act.

If you are aware of fraud, waste, and abuse in HUD programs and operations, report it to HUD's Inspector General Hotline!

What kinds of things should you report? Mismanagement or violations of law, rules, or regulations by HUD employees or program participants.
Your complaint will be kept confidential if you are a federal government employee. If you are not a federal government employee, a complaint can be kept confidential if you request it. The Office of Inspector General will accept anonymous complaints.
Federal laws protect federal government employees from reprisals for filing complaints. Many states provide protection from reprisals to non-federal government employee complainants. State whistleblower statutes are normally administered by the respective state's attorney general office.
You can submit your complaint one of 4 ways:

Online, through e-mail. Remember: if you submit your complaint online (through e-mail), it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.

By Phone:

Call toll free: 1-800-347-3735
TDD: (202) 708-2451
By Fax: (202) 708-4829

By Mail:

HUD Office of Inspector General Hotline, GFI
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410
Well, I wanted a 9/12 Project, and I got one. Just in case, I want to say that You All are the Best. Remember that True Hope has No Strings Attached. Looks like Barry and Huggy are going to need new lists. This will also serve as my 9/11 Community Service.

[email protected]
Sat 9/12/09 10:42 AM
To Whom It May Concern,

Out of Concern for the General Health and Welfare of Our Nation, after following the events in the News, in relation to Incidents involving ACORN Workers, in Baltimore, & D.C., I as a Citizen am concerned about wide spread abuse and Law Breaking. I'm petitioning You to Investigate Their Activies and Relationship with Your Department. I ask You to clear up this mess.

The Baltimore Video's.

[ame=]YouTube - ACORN Under Investigation Over Prostitution With Our Tax Dollars In Baltimore! Pt.1[/ame] Tape 1

[ame=]YouTube - ACORN Prostitution Investigation - James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles - Part 2[/ame] Tape 2

Here are a few Names of Subsidiaries of ACORN, to Aid You in Your Search for the Truth.

Here are the ACORN subsidiaries all located in that dump located at 1024 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans.
385 Palmetto Street Housing Fund Corp.
4415 San Jacinto Street Corp.
Acorn 2004 Housing Development Fund Corp.
Acorn 2005 Housing Development Fund Corp.
ACORN Associates
ACORN Benefi cial Association
ACORN Campaign Services
ACORN Campaign To Raise The Minimum Wage
ACORN Center for Housing, Inc.
ACORN Children’s Benefi cial Association
ACORN Community Land Association
ACORN Community Land Association of IL.
ACORN Community Land Association of LA
ACORN Community Land Association of PA
ACORN Community Labor Organizing Center
ACORN Cultural Trust
Fund Corp.
ACORN Fair Housing
ACORN Housing Corp.
ACORN Housing Corp. of IL
ACORN Housing Corp. of MO
ACORN Housing Corp. of PA
ACORN Institute
ACORN Law For Education, Representation,
And Training
ACORN Management Corp.
ACORN National Broadcasting Network
ACORN Services
ACORN Television In Action For Communities
ACORN Tenant Union Training And Organizing
ACORN Tenants Union
Affi liated Media Foundation Movement
Agape Broadcasting Foundation Inc
Among ACORN’s many affi liates and subsidiaries are:
American Environmental Justice Project Inc
American Home Childcare Providers Association
American Institute for Social Justice
Arizona ACORN Housing Corp.
Arkansas Broadcasting Foundation
Association for the Rights of Citizens Inc.
Associated Regional Maintenance Systems
Austin Organizing and Support Center
Baltimore Organizing and Support Center
Boston Organizing and Support Center
Broad Street Corp.
California Community Network
Chicago Organizing and Support Center
Chief Organizer Fund
Child Care Providers for Action Franklin
Citizens Action Research Project
Citizens Campaign for Work, Living Wage &
Labor Peace
Citizens Consulting, Inc.
Citizens Campaign for Finance Reform
Citizens for Future Progress
Colorado ACORN Housing Corp.
Crescent City Broadcasting Corp.
Desert Rose Homes LLC
Dumont Avenue Housing Development Fund
Elysian Fields Corp., Inc
Elysian Fields Partnership
Fifteenth Street Corp.
Floridians For All PAC
Franklin ACORN Housing
Greenville Community Charter School Inc.
Greenwell Springs Corp.
Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant Organizing
Council (HOTROC)
Houston Organizing And Support Center
KABF Radio
KNON Radio
Labor Neighbor Research and Training Center Inc.
Living Wage Resource Center
Louisiana ACORN Fair Housing
Massachusetts ACORN Housing Corp.
Metro Technical Institute
Missouri Tax Justice Research Project
Montana Radio Network
Mott Haven ACORN Housing Development Fund Corp.
Mutual Housing Association of New York Inc.
National Center for Jobs & Justice
New Mexico Organizing and Support Center
New Orleans Community Housing Organization
New York ACORN Housing Company Inc.
New York Agency for Community Affairs Inc.
New York Organizing and Support Center
Organizers Forum
Pennsylvania Institute for Community Affairs
People’s Equipment Resource Corp.
Phoenix Organizing And Support Center
Project Vote
SEIU Local 100
SEIU Local 880
Service Workers Action Team
Shreveport Community Television
Site Fighters
Sixth Avenue Corp.
Social Policy
Southern Training Center
St. Louis Organizing And Support Center
St. Louis Tax Reform Group
Student Minimum Wage Action Campaign
Texas ACORN Housing Corp. Inc.
Wal-Mart Workers Association
Wal-Mart Association for Reform Now
Working Families Association
This organization needs to be investigated which its not. ACORN is now going through a name change to effectuate the U.S. Census.

Sincerelly, In The Name Of Equal Justice For All,
I wonder what the dollar figure would be if we added up all the Welfare fraud?

Enough to pay for health care reform. If we controlled the borders.

I don't know about that, but it could have been paid for with the top 1# tax breaks rammed through by the prior administration. But they created so much work, right? How's that trickle down economics working out?
Oh, and I'm sure you will "bad rep" me for my opposing opinion. That seems to be what you do. It must be sad to be so scared and reactionary all the time.
It's ok, buddy. The red dots don't bother me. But they do seem to make you feel important. So go wild, big guy!
ACORN employee's pwned............................

I wonder what the dollar figure would be if we added up all the Welfare fraud?

Enough to pay for health care reform. If we controlled the borders.

I don't know about that, but it could have been paid for with the top 1# tax breaks rammed through by the prior administration. But they created so much work, right? How's that trickle down economics working out?
Oh, and I'm sure you will "bad rep" me for my opposing opinion. That seems to be what you do. It must be sad to be so scared and reactionary all the time.
It's ok, buddy. The red dots don't bother me. But they do seem to make you feel important. So go wild, big guy!


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