Act of War on America – Mexico and Guatemala Agree to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Remember, this is the same asshole that has sued Individual States in the U.S. because they were enforcing immigration laws that Obama wasn't. He has been pressuring for relaxing the immigrations laws even more.

Act of War on America - Mexico and Guatemala Sign Agreement to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S. |

A Monday joint press conference was held by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina to announce their agreement to jointly cooperate in and facilitate the invasion of their northern neighbor, the United States.

Labeled “The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage,” it is an officially-sanctioned, coordinated effort on the part of Mexico and the nations of Central America to invade the United States.

The agreement provides a network of border checkpoints through which an internal Mexican travel document will be issued, which is valid for a period of 72 hours. That document, known as a Regional Visitor’s Card, will provide temporary legal status to those in Mexico illegally for the sole purpose of invading the United States.

The announcement, officially granting the “privileges” to illegals from Guatemala and Belize, is expected to be applied to anyone who reaches the southern Mexican border with the intention of invading America.

Additionally, this action even provides special protections as well as financial assistance to unaccompanied minors.

This will only provide further incentive for the illegal occupation and serve to dispel any misguided belief on the part of foreign nationals in Central America that claims made by the United States that they will be deported back home are anything other than falsehoods intended to pacify the gullible American public.

Far from respecting American sovereignty, this is a Mexican-sponsored hostile act of aggression upon the sovereignty of the United States. It is conducted in complicit cooperation with a usurper and traitor occupying the White House, who is himself a person of an unknown background, using a recycled social security number.

Just remember this..

Here is part of Mexican Immigration law..

Mexican Constitution

4-5, 9: Article 33: "Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country." (See also Article 35 listing the prerogatives of Mexican citizens.)

5: Article 32: "In order to belong to the National Navy or the Air Force, and to discharge any office or commission, it is required to be a Mexican by birth. This same status is indispensable for captains, pilots, masters, engineers, mechanics, and in general, for all personnel of the crew of any vessel or airship protected by the Mexican merchant flag or insignia It is also necessary to be Mexican by birth to discharge the position of captain of the port and all services of pratique and airport commandant, as well as all functions of customs agent in the Republic."

5: Article 55: "The following are the requirements to be a deputy:
I. To be a Mexican citizen by birth, in the exercise of his rights;"

Article 59 extends makes the requirements to be a Senator the same as a deputy, except for age. Article 82 require the President to be " Mexican citizen by birth, in the full enjoyment of his rights, and the son of Mexican parents by birth". Article 91 states that to be a secretary, you have to be a Mexican citizen by birth, too. Article 95 extends the requirement of Mexican citizenship by birth to ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice. Article 115 requires governors to be Mexican citizens by birth. Article 130 limits ministers of any religion in Mexico to Mexican citizens by birth.

8: Article 27: "Only Mexicans by birth or naturalization and Mexican companies have the right to acquire ownership of lands, waters, and their appurtenances, or to obtain concessions for the exploitation of mines or of waters. The State may grant the same right to foreigners, provided they agree before the Ministry of Foreign Relations to consider themselves as nationals in respect to such property, and bind themselves not to invoke the protection of their governments in matters relating thereto; under penalty, in case of noncompliance with this agreement, of forfeiture of the property acquired to the Nation. Under no circumstances may foreigners acquire direct ownership of lands or waters within a zone of one hundred kilometers along the frontiers and of fifty kilometers along the shores of the country."

Also remember Mexico filed lawsuits against Arizona because too many Mexicans were being forced to move back to Mexico because Arizona made it illegal for employers to hire illegals. Without jobs, they went home and Mexico claimed they couldn't handle them.
this deal had to be sanctioned by Obama....

it also explains the ongoing surge....because of this deal they get a 72 hr. free pass through takes about that long to cross Mexico by train....

I can hear the Mexican judges now, "you have been found guilty but because you are criminally insane I am sentencing you to free passage to the USA.

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