Acting DNI Richard Grenell Declassifies Text of Susan Rice’s January 20, 2017 Email About Secret Oval Office Meeting

Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Trump is a liar and has no balls. Nobody has been locked up by Trump.
Sounds like you are panicking....the investigation is still ON-GOING.

As far as Rice goes, SHE is a liar:

SEE IT: Rice’s resurfaced remark on Trump team spying at odds with declassified memo
Rice’s resurfaced remark on Trump team spying at odds with declassified memo

She knows NOTHING about 'this'? That's funny...considering she was identified and confirmed as having been at Barry's secret Flynn meeting in the Oval Office...

Every time one of these conspirators opens their mouths and / or another document is declassified and released, Barry's entire administration is re-confirmed to be the most corrupt in US history.

Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.
On topic:

This letter reveals a totally legitimate meeting in which members of the Obama administration discussed perfectly appropriate matters in a perfectly appropriate manner.

Other thoughts:

Trying to invent scandals to pin in the Obama White House has not been a very productive exercise for our RW nutbags. The knowledge that they support a man who is corrupt to his core and incompetent beyond anyone’s worst fears must eat away at these idiots. Anyone who still supports that loser is a moron.
in a time where the word "perfect" still carried its original meaning.
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.

That explanation doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is it was a bumbling attempt to cover up their corruption.
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.

That explanation doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is it was a bumbling attempt to cover up their corruption.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t have ODS.
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.

That explanation doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is it was a bumbling attempt to cover up their corruption.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t have ODS.

Or if you do have ODS (Obama devotion syndrome).

...she is a piss-poor liar.

Susan Rice Claimed She and Obama Were “Justifiably Concerned” About Russia and General Flynn But She Claims She Knew Nothing of an FBI Investigation of General Flynn?!?

Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.

That explanation doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is it was a bumbling attempt to cover up their corruption.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t have ODS.

Or if you do have ODS (Obama devotion syndrome).

Not really. You guys seem to be looking for any scrap to use as evidence to fit your preconceived narrative. You’re literally now trying to say that people talking about following all the rules is evidence they aren’t following rules. It is pretty silly idea unless you’re desperate to find something on Obama.
Dimwingers making excuses for more Barry Regime corruption. Must be a day that ends in "Y".
Grenell has declassified the entire letter written by Susan RICE; however, it has not been released. Based on the other documents that have already been declassified and released, we should expect to see the media reporting / spinning the contents by this time tomorrow.


Thanks for that...

Obama again shows us how a President should behave... He was not interfering in the investigation just getting informed. He is very clear he wanted everything by the book.

Let's compare...
Trump is withholding weapons from a country invaded by US enemies until the announce a investigation in to his political opponent. Even asked them to do him a favour...
Riiiiight....Because someone who is doing nothing wrong and is among people who go by the book needs to repeatedly remind them to do it by the book.

Wanna buy a bridge?
Is that the best you have?

Your honor, we have concrete evidence that the defendants broke the law. our evidence is that they said we should not break any laws.
Yeeeeah...."Do it by the book"...As opposed to all the previous timew when you didn't do things by the book?

C'mon, fool, tell us why someone would need a constant reminder to do that.

Because they knew it was going to be scrutinized and wanted everything documented meticulously.

So far all you’ve uncovered here is that Obama was doing exactly what we want a president to do, by staying out of an investigation into political opponents.

That explanation doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is it was a bumbling attempt to cover up their corruption.

Corruption? Like. . .

Number of indictments: 215
Number of women claiming rape or sexual assault: 25
Number of women paid off to remain silent about affairs: at least 2
Number of lawsuits: at least 4,095
Number of lies: at least 18,000
Number of impeachments: 1
Susan Rice: 'Obama said not to break the law this time.'

Worst CYA ever. :iyfyus.jpg:
Former FBI Agent Lisa Page testified under oath that the FBI had conducted its OWN INTERNAL investigation of Trump and his team in regards to the false / manufactured / RIS-propaganda-based 'Russian Collusion' false narrative....AND SHE SAID THE FBI NEVER FOUND ANY EVIDENCE OF ILLEGAL COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND HIS TEAM AND THE RUSSIANS. Their investigation and conclusion was BEFORE an Comey leaked classified to get Congress to open up an investigation, that was BEFORE the official investigation was initiated, and that was BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

THAT means the Obama administration KNEW no such collusion had been perpetrated.

THAT means there was ZERO JUSTIFICATION for an official investigation to be initiated.

THAT means there was ZERO JUSTIFICATION for Mueller to be appointed Special Counsel.

THAT means Mueller KNEW before he ever took the job and started 'Investigating' there was no 'Illegal Collusion' yet still dragged one (a confirmed fishing expedition) on for YEARS, costing American tax payers MILLIONS while intentionally dividing the country in an attempt to prevent Trump from winning and in an attempt to remove him from office AFTER he won. In THE MUELLER REPORT he specifically declared what Lisa Page and the FBI knew before he was ever appointed Special Counsel - THERE WAS NO ILLEGAL COLLUSION.




“President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied ‘potentially,’” the email reads. “He added that he has no indication thus far that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that ‘the level of communication is unusual.’”

& Obama HIMSELF stated that a new administration coming in always got a jump on the transition by initiating communications with foreign representatives - he said HIS team did so. Flynn's communications with the Russians WAS NOT ILLEGAL. COMEY SAID SO.

What Comey said was 'the level of communications was unusual' -- "Unusual', as in 'out of the ordinary' or not according to 'standard' procedures / processes / protocol'.

Isn't THAT F*ing RICH?!

Comey and the FBI were RIPPED by the US IG for deviating from standard FBI procedures, processes, and protocols during their INTERNAL investigations, acquisition of RIS propaganda through Steele, interrogations, using the Dossier as the basis for their unjustified investigations and illegal spying, and how Comey himself bragged how he completely ignored standard protocol in going through WH Legal Counsel when intending to interrogate a Senior WH official to take advantage of the disorganization of the Trump team during the early days of transition to ambush Flynn!

At least FLYNN's 'unusual'
methods - unlike Comey's and his FBI's - were NOT illegal. Comey said as much!

Thank you, Acting Director of the NIA Grenell for declassifying these documents and getting them released for the American people to read / see if for themselves instead of having to listen to lying Democrats, their surrogate media, and snowflakes give their interpretation of what happened!

Some crackpot will come along and accuse you of doing the biddding of PUTIN! any moment now....

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