Active shooter inside an Atlanta hospital.

Stupid much? Low IQ sap? Heroin COKE Fentanyl are illegal at this very time. Yet all pour in by the ton. So would Guns if there was money to be made. The Brown shooter in Houston last week was an illegal. May have smuggled in his own gun right? EH? Notstradomous. Can you think for yourself or just parrot Racial MadCow?

Most of the 180 shootings this year have not been illegals.
These are our children.
Yes .. the same age group of children that Democrats are attempting to sexualize and have their genitals mutilated in the name of "transgender ideology!!!" Don't talk about children as this trends continues to develop under Democrat leadership.
Most of the 180 shootings this year have not been illegals.
That’s because most people In this country are not illegals. That said, if the illegal in Texas has been blocked from entry, five people who will never live out their lives would have had lunch today.
Yes .. the same age group of children that Democrats are attempting to sexualize and have their genitals mutilated in the name of "transgender ideology!!!" Don't talk about children as this trends continues to develop under Democrat leadership.

You're an hysterical idiot. No one is sexualizing little kids.
That’s because most people In this country are not illegals. That said, if the illegal in Texas has been blocked from entry, five people who will never live out their lives would have had lunch today.

The Uvalde killer who cut all those children in half and left their brains all over the walls was not an illegal. Your politics is showing.
Most of the 180 shootings this year have not been illegals.
There have been way more than 180 shootings this year, but only about 6-7 mass shootings. You have to kill 4 or more at 1 event. This could become a mass shootings if the injured die later.
The Uvalde killer who cut all those children in half and left their brains all over the walls was not an illegal. Your politics is showing.
The one just killed the five neighbors WAS. Your politics is showing by trying to downplay the murders done by illegals.
Perp looks Amish. Didn't know they were in Atlanta.
Probably. .. mental illness and guns.

Everyone Patterson shot was female.
Mental illness is a problem .. and not limited to using a tool, like a firearm, to destroy life .. this also applies to other areas being ignored such as transgender identity ... where individuals demand their feelings are reality.

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