Active shooter inside an Atlanta hospital.

The one just killed the five neighbors WAS. Your politics is showing by trying to downplay the murders done by illegals.

Out of 180 mass shootings since January how many have been illegals?

BTW, they have arrested 4 more with the most recent who killed the Honduran family.
Mental illness is a problem .. and not limited to using a tool, like a firearm, to destroy life .. this also applies to other areas being ignored such as transgender identity ... where individuals demand their feelings are reality.

I said there have been 180 mass shootings since January of this year.
Check this out. (vid was pulled)

I rarely yell at a tv screen, but I think Channel 2 Atlanta News just interviewed the Active Shooter about the Active Shooter shooting



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Out of 180 mass shootings since January how many have been illegals?

BTW, they have arrested 4 more with the most recent who killed the Honduran family.
If there were ANY, that’s reason enough to crack down on illegals.
I said there have been 180 mass shootings since January of this year.
Okay .. how many of those involved mental illness, black-on-black violence or other related scenarios that Democrats continue to ignore? They instead focus their reaction to an outcome that doesn't address an underlying problem. Surada .. as the subject matter expert .. please .. tell us and inform us.
Okay .. how many of those involved mental illness, black-on-black violence or other related scenarios that Democrats continue to ignore? They instead focus react to an outcome that doesn't address an underlying problem. Surada .. as the subject matter expert .. please .. tell us and inform us.

Why do you call me an expert?
Lol, retarded right in action again. Adding onto to the story no one is allowed to describe the shooter. Lol horseshit. 1st amendment dumb ducks. Yall have described him as black. Yall expecting a knock on your door for describing him? Let me know when they come knocking! 😂
The second is in action, hence why American kids get their heads blown off, proven fact.
Who is blowing up the heads of children? Let's see .. in the last few weeks a trans and a mentally disturbed Louisville man trying to prove a point. You know .. common trends we see with mass killers -- mental illness.
Of course .. you're focused on guns .. guns .. guns being the problem .. without taking into context the individual or their background. Would love to hear your insights on why we should ignore behavior and just target firearms..

I have a couple of guns.. by no means an expert. I used to shoot skeet and go duck hunting.
Lol, retarded right in action again. Adding onto to the story no one is allowed to describe the shooter. Lol horseshit. 1st amendment dumb ducks. Yall have described him as black. Yall expecting a knock on your door for describing him? Let me know when they come knocking! 😂

Deon Patterson's picture has been all over the TV for an hour and a half.
Deon Patterson's picture has been all over the TV for an hour and a half.
Lol, have the cops knocked on doors and arrested people for posting the pictures yet? Or for saying he is black? Lol 😂 I have not seen the pictures yet myself. I will check out the pictures at some point in time maybe.
Lol, have the cops knocked on doors and arrested people for posting the pictures yet? Or for saying he is black? Lol 😂 I have not seen the pictures yet myself. I will check out the pictures at some point in time maybe.

The police posted his picture on every channel. What are you talking about? You're incoherent.

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