Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Westwall, making stuff up again
That's what you liars do.

texas faggot.jpg
Why would you be outraged that someone killed 19 kids? Hell, I don't, maybe because you are a human being and have a soul?

One does not need to want to ban guns to look at 19 dead kids and feel outrage. I do not want to ban guns, I own guns and would never give them up....yet I can still be bothered by 19 dead kids.
Do you assume "we" aren't? If so, why?
"Our" solutions just aren't the same as the far left
They should have taken that shooter (even though he was dead), and they should have strung his sorry ass up high upon the school flag pole, and left him there until the buzzard's reduced his low life carcass to nothing but a rack of bones. Guards should have been posted around the clock to ensure that he wasn't removed from that pole.

Every parent should have been able (if they could stomach it), to walk by and see what becomes of the body of a killer like that... Light's should be fixed on him for night time viewing, and the media should have to give a daily showing of his carcass hanging there until the time comes to cut him down.

The grocery store shooter should be brought there in a cage, and parked in front of pole so he can view the body as it is being eaten by the buzzard's.

Now that's the way we show that these kinds of things aren't going to be tolerated any longer.

The story of the Pirates:
In Charleston S.C. it is told, that when pirate's came to do despicable unheard acts of terror, rape, and robbery to the people in that place, then it is said in historical document's that the pirate's we're hung by their necks until dead, and they were left upon the coastal battery wall as a warning to other's who thought to follow in their foot steps when sailing into that harbor, that being a Pirate in Charleston SC was a terribly bad idea.
I said this year's ago, that the schools should be redesigned for safety after the Columbine shooting. Well, well, well... Let's see, the cool off period is maybe what two week's before Media forgets the story, and the politician's move on to the next fire to try and throw water on.

Highjacking's were a serious issue upon review after 9-11, and so the officer's flight cabin's we're hardened, the air Marshall's we're initiated and installed, procedures created, protocols to follow, but the school's are left wide open still ??

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