Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

You said more, not more per Capita. You can't have it both ways.
You always compare countries per capita, unless you want to distort and squirm the figures to suit your agenda.

Here's the list of UK massacres -

Those by shooting, are -

12 August 2021
2 June 2010
13 March 1996
19 August 1987

The only school shooting in the UK's history was 13 March 1996, 17 died.

So there you go, 4. So you now list America's and compare, either by quantity or by per capita. You choose, it doesn't matter, you're in a league of your own.
The only way police could be that inept is that they were told to be. This again comes from the very recent phenomena of studying the criminal far too much to benefit the well being of the criminal. This guy would have been shot dead in 5 minutes prior to Obama’s anti police idiocy.
I think it's abject cowardice. WHERE were the principal, the school secretary, other teachers, where was the janitor, the cafeteria ladies, the school nurse, the school resource officer, if any? Was every single adult hiding out and doing nothing at all to secure the school? WHY didn't they simply lock the doors in the long minutes they had while he was shooting wildly all around, including at the funeral home? Darn. It would not take ME 12 minutes to lock my doors if I heard wild shooting right outside, and this is a big old farm house with a bunch of doors. What's wrong with the school secretary, there must have been one with 534 students, couldn't she go lock some doors? Darn, adults, go around and lock the doors!!

In my opinion, they were all hiding under their desks and cared NOTHING for the safety of the kids in their care; they just didn't bother. Nobody bothered, the police just controlled the PARENTS, they didn't bother to deal with the shooter.

I'm on the side of the parents. The police outside were prison guards. Shame on them.
Parkland I think
Right. Unluckily for SRO guy, they had video of him lurking nervously well outside the school for I think it was like an hour while this Cruz kid was in there shooting so many. I watched it; it was not a pretty picture.
I think it's abject cowardice. WHERE were the principal, the school secretary, other teachers, where was the janitor, the cafeteria ladies, the school nurse, the school resource officer, if any? Was every single adult hiding out and doing nothing at all to secure the school? WHY didn't they simply lock the doors in the long minutes they had while he was shooting wildly all around, including at the funeral home? Darn. It would not take ME 12 minutes to lock my doors if I heard wild shooting right outside, and this is a big old farm house with a bunch of doors. What's wrong with the school secretary, there must have been one with 534 students, couldn't she go lock some doors? Darn, adults, go around and lock the doors!!

In my opinion, they were all hiding under their desks and cared NOTHING for the safety of the kids in their care; they just didn't bother. Nobody bothered, the police just controlled the PARENTS, they didn't bother to deal with the shooter.

I'm on the side of the parents. The police outside were prison guards. Shame on them.
Breaking is that it’s even worse. A criminal coddler directed the police to stand down. As parents tried to rescue their children, the police acted against them.
Wow. You can put thought into an answer. Most of your posts are slamming people or the USA for not doing it as you or Europe does.

We are never going to.

Our problem today is the divide gun debates, illustrate, not cause. We all want the problem gone. Back to days a shotgun or 22 was on a window rack of a truck and no one thought about it.

But the side calling for guns lies out the ass. Would you work on a compromise with people who willingly lie in public about the issue?

I wouldn't but these are the very people fanning those flames.

Huge part of the problem.

Then out president says you couldn't own a, cannon.

But you can. Do you go to the table with him to discuss the issue?

I see those as closer to our core problem than guns.

Thousands of items can be used as a weapon. If you put aside home-made bombs, a gun is all too often a nasty weapon in public. Many can outrun a baseball bat, knife etc.. and the thug using such a weapon might find quite a few people are ready to tackle him/her to beat the crap out of them. With a gun, distance and the severity of the injury are totally different. So the answer that's claimed to work is, more guns. And as America demonstrates, more guns = more incidents = more deaths. Doesn't matter if you own a gun, if someone shoots you before you know anything, you're dead. They don't stand there and shout, "Cooey, I have a gun/machete/knife/brick and I'm giving you advance warning that I'm going to attack you".

These school/work place etc.. shooting attackers are cowards, they're scum and it spoils it for everyone else. But if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got. Nothing will come of this latest mass killing of kids, and I wonder how many more times this year there will be a thread on another incident like this.
i've learned a lot about these precious kids...some of the ages here are wrong, i can report that. the cutest by far is Uziyah Garcia

Breaking is that it’s even worse. A criminal coddler directed the police to stand down. As parents tried to rescue their children, the police acted against them.
Oh, wow. I KNEW the whole story stunk because it kept changing and nothing matched up.

This is not going to cover the Uvalde police with glory.

The border patrol were the only heroes, and they could not get that door open. I would like to know more about where that key was ---- I just KNOW the people with the keys had all lit our for home or were locked into closets and couldn't be found. Damn cowards.
The last thing Euro trash want to do is run around comparing death tolls with the U.S. over the last 300 years or so; that's because their death tolls as countries would dwarf anything the U.S. has , especially in their colonial wars as well as their own European conflagrations.
You live in a place where you give the Right and opportunity to allow someone to blast away kids in a school. You have a culture that's eager to sell them arms. The kids that witnessed and survived that, most will fucked mentally for many years to come, if not for the rest of their lives, and you, you are the lowest in society that's applauding the shooter. You are a sick.
Now wait a minute here, if you think these issue's are one-dimensional, then you are being emotionally dishonest big time. The only solution is looking at the entire crap show, and then working our way back very precariously from the ledge that we've stepped out on.

It took year's to get to this point, and a lot of huge mistakes, but we know how to fix our mistakes as long as we are honest on what the mistakes have been. Kicking the can down the road like a confused poor homeless person is being dishonest with yourself and especially dishonest with everyone else.

So when does the country address the issue's properly and honestly ? Never until we grow a damned pair again in this country..

The carcass of that young man should have been tied up by his feet, and hoisted up the flag pole for everyone to look at for the next 30 day's as the buzzard's reduce his body to a skeleton. While that's going on ole grocery store shooter needs to be taken there in a cage, and left there to watch the shooter of those children be reduced to a skeleton. Nothing but water and bread should be given him as he watches in horror. Then upon his return to prison, then in short order he is quickly placed in front of the firing squad to be executed. End of story.
This is where we are at. The only solution seems to be to turn our schools in to hardened structures. it is sad
You can have security with a modern look and appeal, so quit trying to give the impression that security means for something to appear as a prison.
i've learned a lot about these precious kids...some of the ages here are wrong, i can report that. the cutest by far is Uziyah Garcia

McKenna Elrod was adorable.

Ugly or cute, none deserved to die. ARM THE FACULTY!!!


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