Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

I didn't read about the long gun guy who got killed, but yeah! If I had a gun I sure would have shot this character out of hand if he came up to my car! I think anyone who could would be silly not to. What, in this day and age with all the mass murder types around? Migod.

So many liars here

Foolardi is near the top of MY PERSONAL LIST
You go by Rights, the kid had the Right. You don't go by responsibilities, was the kid a responsible kid to be allowed firearms. He would need 1 referee for a shotgun licence and 2 for a firearms certificate in the UK. Then you have to prove to the chief officer of police that you’re allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace. Would the kid achieve that? Heavens, what a responsible way to go about guns.

Is it responsible to walk about in public with a gun, no. Is it responsible to have such high powered rifles as the AR-15 in public, no.

So it's not responsible, but that's irrelevant, you give them the Right to do this, you've essentially given him the Right to blast kids away in the classroom.

When challenged to say he should be interviewed, checked out, what was his school background etc.. like, you all mouth froth that it's against his Rights.
Do you consider a 223 high power?
guns is a subset of overall violence.

violence is the issue and why people feel the need to act upon it. guns is simply a way to do it.

the fact you can't separate the 2 is quite telling. ie - agenda.
If you look at the link, it covers violence in general, from guns, to terrorism, to drugs, military conflicts etc .. there's loads of metrics. And you're providing this link about guns??
If you look at the link, it covers violence in general, from guns, to terrorism, to drugs, military conflicts etc .. there's loads of metrics. And you're providing this link about guns??
No. I'm saying you have an agenda and will only accept less guns as an answer.

Anyone with other solutions or ideas you mock.
If the shooter can't get into the school why do teachers have to shoot at the shooter?
but.....but....but...... America is the land of the free (as America's marketing slogan suggests) So you want to lock your kids up in a fortefied jail?

Blimey, you jail enough Americans as it is.
No. I'm saying you have an agenda and will only accept less guns as an answer.

Anyone with other solutions or ideas you mock.
If you check 2agys thread on background checks for that kid in the recent shooting, you will notice a thumbs up and reply from me. Please try again.

Also, gun stats would be good, not 30+ stats lumped in together.
If you check 2agys thread on background checks for that kid in the recent shooting, you will notice a thumbs up and reply from me. Please try again.

Also, gun stats would be good, not 30+ stats lumped in together.
Again, guns are a tool, not the core problem.

You need to look past the tool and address the problem. Take away a tool another will be used.

Address the problem, it's over.

And i'm speaking from my own past experience with you.
Again, guns are a tool, not the core problem.

You need to look past the tool and address the problem. Take away a tool another will be used.

Address the problem, it's over.

And i'm speaking from my own past experience with you.
I'm not taking the tool away. Over the years on the forum, I have consistently said that the population in every country, bar 4, has guns. Guns can be used safely in a society, but you need correct background checks, enforcement of laws and regulations, guns locked away when not in use, not allowed guns in public and certainly not armed. A gun bought from a licenced gun shop is transported to your car in a secure bag and locked in the boot (trunk) with no ammo. It's then locked away at home. Only you have the key an know it's whereabouts. Serial numbers are logged on the licence and the police informed. Then the types of guns are regulated for size and features, such as magazine capacity, length of gun etc.. If you breach any part of this, you lose the guns and heavily fined and possible jail. If you are involved in a separate matter that gives you a police caution etc.. your gun licence is revoked. Guns cannot be sold to anyone unless the serial numbers are recorded on the licence and police informed.

Now, I bet you $10m dollars that I have never said take guns (the tool) away. A civilised country with sensible citizens can use guns in a safe manner in a regulated framework. If you meet this criteria, you have nothing to fear and you can enjoy guns. The ones who would fail such a system, probably know they would denied guns.

And at the end of the day, laws and regulations do not stop incidents, they reduce incidents. And proper regulation and enforcement is reflected in the country's gun statistics. Also, amnesty hand in days are often repeated by the police for illegal weapons. In addition to this, if a new weapon is added to the ban list, often a buy back scheme is put in place by the government.

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