Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

That's the sad part so far. The police sitting there doing nothing for so long.

Our answers should not be solutions that pose danger, like single point of entry. Seems that could make it hard to get out in case of emergencies but I suppose you can have 1 way exit doors.

It's sad what our education system has become. We come up with band aids and arguments that never end, but no solutions.

That would require working together.

This is where we are at. The only solution seems to be to turn our schools in to hardened structures. it is sad
I remember when I watched a live broadcast during the events at Columbine School and saw police officers hiding behind cars and looking at the school from hiding, my thought was, why don't you, sons of bitches, not running to school with guns in your hands?!
There is no solution. Gun-grabbing would just mean the law-abiders would get constantly massacred by the criminals. Now they are a little afraid we might have guns: then, they'd just slaughter us all.

Probably our mass murder count is the same as other countries: they are just a fourth our size. The vile news always fools us by saying how high our Covid count, our violence, etc., and never correcting for population size. Germany and Japan and Britain and France have LOTS and LOTS of mass murders ---- more than we do, maybe, because of their Moslem problem. But because they have such small populations relative to us, we always seem to come out worst.
the solution is to stop focusing on the "instant gratification" route, ie; DESTROY GUNS! that isn't going to happen.

but we've had guns for a long long time. in high school, other kids had shotguns in the rear window of their truck. no one cared or thought anything about it. i honestly don't think making guns look like bad ass military weapon was the trigger.

yet, it's the focus.

why? to me because people can't think deep enough to analyze things on broader terms. a gun killed someone, get rid of guns. focus so much on that you refuse to think of any other solutions. then we have the people who say NEVER and they focus on protecting rights, not so much doing what is right.

i do believe both can be done. but the left has a history of agreeing to an inch and demanding a mile before it's all over with. example - we only want this one statue removed. lord that got WAY out of hand. emotional people on any side seem to see a compromise as simply a step towards a resolution, not the resolution itself. ergo, take that step then fight for more.

that has to end.

we need to analyze the mental health of our youth and how this has become to easy to do for them. look for triggers sooner and empower people to act upon them. the problem now becomes abuse of that power, of which or gov has done time and time again.

say you're taking an inch, take 10 miles and say it's for our own good.

it can be done. i just don't see our current mentality getting it done. we're way too emotional these days to be logical.
This is where we are at. The only solution seems to be to turn our schools in to hardened structures. it is sad
i see that as a band aide and not a solution but a retreat. maybe short term we can do this but we need to get together on long term actions and analysis.

the FBI, back when they were considered "good guys" did a lot of analysis on mass murders and their habits. they found they could predict a lot of this and see triggers ahead of time. that needs to be dusted off, put within its boundaries as best we can, and used here to see how to spot this sooner.

it's a culture change we all have to be a part of. that's what makes it so impossible these days. we can't even agree in here with "the other side" for good and bad reasons. but we can't.

broad based cooperative solutions that are needed here won't be considered. we'll simply demonize guns and demand they be taken away or more laws will help. people will put a band aid on a ton of bandages and we'll limp along more.

it's fucking sad such an advanced country is in such disaray.
Say Their Name:

Alexandria Aniyah Rubio, 10 -Say Her Name.

Alithia Ramirez, 10- Say Her Name.

Amerie Jo Garza, 10 - Say Her Name.

Annabell Guadalupe Rodriguez, 10 - Say Her Name.

Eliahana Cruz Torres, 10 - Say Her Name.

Eliana “Ellie” Garcia, 9 - Say Her Name.

Eva Mireles, 44 - Say Her Name.

Irma Garcia - Say Her Name.

Jackie Cazares, 10 - Say Her Name.

Jailah Nicole Silguero, 10 - Say Her Name.

Jayce Luevanos, 10 - Say His Name.

Jose Flores, 10 -Say His Name.

Layla Salazar, 10 - Say Her Name.

Makenna Lee Elrod, 10 - Say Her Name.

Maite Rodriguez - Say Her Name.

Miranda Mathis, 11 - Say Her Name.

Nevaeh Bravo - Say Her Name.

Rojelio Torres, 10 - Say HIs Name.

Tess Marie Mata - Say Her Name.

Uziyah Garcia, 8 - Say His Name.

Xavier Lopez, 10 - Say His Name.

Precious Lives Wiped Out.

Say Their Name.

Love Them.

Say Their Name.
i see that as a band aide and not a solution but a retreat. maybe short term we can do this but we need to get together on long term actions and analysis.

the FBI, back when they were considered "good guys" did a lot of analysis on mass murders and their habits. they found they could predict a lot of this and see triggers ahead of time. that needs to be dusted off, put within its boundaries as best we can, and used here to see how to spot this sooner.

it's a culture change we all have to be a part of. that's what makes it so impossible these days. we can't even agree in here with "the other side" for good and bad reasons. but we can't.

broad based cooperative solutions that are needed here won't be considered. we'll simply demonize guns and demand they be taken away or more laws will help. people will put a band aid on a ton of bandages and we'll limp along more.

it's fucking sad such an advanced country is in such disaray.
We have no leadership.
but the left has a history of agreeing to an inch and demanding a mile before it's all over with. example - we only want this one statue removed. lord that got WAY out of hand.
Amen, well said.

Talking all this over in here has given me a strange clarity ---- I have concluded that this is an historical build-up to a break-up of America, a civil war or revolution. The history of many such that I read says it gets worse and worse and more violent, sometimes for years, until actual war breaks out and thousands die, at least. No civil war starts suddenly. Murders and riots and mass murders happen more and more until Harpers Ferry is attacked in force and after that, we've got the real deal.

It's going to continue, IMO, and I hope none of us are affected.
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Amen, well said.

Talking all this over in here has given me a strange clarity ---- I have concluded that this is an historical build-up to a break-up of America, a civil war or revolution. The history of many such that I read says it gets worse and worse and more violent, sometimes for years, until actual war breaks out and thousands die, at least. No civil war starts suddenly. Murders and riots and mass murders happen more and more until Harpers Ferry is iattacked in force and after that, we've got the real deal.

It's going to continue, IMO, and I hope none of us are affected.
it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. the right is waking up and finally saying "enough". much of the middle ground has shifted to the right for no other reason than the left took it too far TO the left.

the leftist extreme became normalized. but it's not natural and will revert back in time. it always has, it will here. the question is, how much time and how much damage along the way. those who have done this won't stop it quietly or with any form of logical discussion. they will dig in and swear the boiling water they created for us all is in fact simply helping us.

for our own good.

and they will believe it until they die. most of these people refuse to open their own minds to being wrong or a true self analysis. those who can may understand a change must be made, but can they? can any of us at this point?

we're way past the point of no return and this has to play out now.

emotions must be satisfied.

whoever is left will decide what to do and hopefully learn from the vast amount of childish ignorance on display today.
You live in a place where you give the Right and opportunity to allow someone to blast away kids in a school. You have a culture that's eager to sell them arms. The kids that witnessed and survived that, most will fucked mentally for many years to come, if not for the rest of their lives, and you, you are the lowest in society that's applauding the shooter. You are a sick.
Thats a lie.
The question that must be answered is simple and dynamic.
WHY did the cops * WAIT around 60 minutes { 90 minutes from the
time a 911 call was made and the Perp shot dead } to react.
The crazed { devil worshipping gunman } had kids locked in
a classroom apparently alloowing them to watch as fellow
classmated were gunned down.The nutbag was shooting at cops and also
wearing a protective vest with metal armor.
One excuse was that the cops couldn't find a key to enter the
back { or side } door.Imagine a Fire Department arriving at a home
and the people inside were sceraming bloody hell.But the Fireman
couldn't unlock the front door.Then you break it down.Break open
a window.Plus Governor Abbot explained that for the past 60
years 18 year old were legally purchasing long rifles.
Only until the last decade were long rifles of AR-15 style
weapons used.
Plus Blubber jowled Michael Moore insists that in the least
the 2nd amendment should undergo a Moratorium.
Or possible a repeal.
Moore was once a proud NRA member.He once personally went to
visit Charlton Heston to talk about gun ownership.
For context.Moore is a Gun Nut hypocrite.

* hesitate.Fumble around.Not rush-in.Take their sweet time.
Lack courage.Played it TOO safe.
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