Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Yes, that's what I'm saying. No solution. Just my opinion.

A giant polity like these United States has never lasted long: how could it? Waaaaaaaay too big. Rome, British Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Soviet Union ---- all too big to last, and so are we.
Fools like you refuse to do the one thing that would stop it? You're a butcher.
Interesting point. I wonder if you are right. Yeah, probably, in that case.

Still, I don't see how you can solve this problem by telling soft young girl kindergarten teachers right out of education college to prepare to shoot kids. I think they'll all go into other lines of work or start their own families (which is what they usually really want, not a career in education).
Simple minds never see.
It would have slowed the asshole down.

Now they can be replaced with actual steel doors

Now they can put up one of these in its place


You know who locked the door in this school shooting?

The Shooter locked the door to the classroom and prevented the cops from getting to him while he murdered those kids.

From the reports coming out now, the police did not even try for about 40 minutes.
Now they can put up one of these in its place

View attachment 649917

From the reports coming out now, the police did not even try for about 40 minutes.
That's the sad part so far. The police sitting there doing nothing for so long.

Our answers should not be solutions that pose danger, like single point of entry. Seems that could make it hard to get out in case of emergencies but I suppose you can have 1 way exit doors.

It's sad what our education system has become. We come up with band aids and arguments that never end, but no solutions.

That would require working together.

Not much more info at this time.

Now that we have the information. How can anyone especially and armed cop set by listening to some worthless fuck murder 19 children and 2 teachers? This carnage did not have to happen. All it would have taken was any cop with any compassion or bravery. The one cop that put the dog down is in trouble for breaking these coward cops policy. I could not stand by a door while small innocent children were killed on the other side of that door. Policy my ass. They should charge those cops with those murders. It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a shit with one unless the good guy with a gun is a worthless coward.
Have you ever seen any white reporter ask the families "Do you forgive the killer ?"

But they only do that disrespectful sh*t with blk ppl
Yeah, yeah this is all about YOU. This is not the time or place for your victom act.
Its easy to fix but you bloodthirsty ghouls won't have it.
You live in a place where you give the Right and opportunity to allow someone to blast away kids in a school. You have a culture that's eager to sell them arms. The kids that witnessed and survived that, most will fucked mentally for many years to come, if not for the rest of their lives, and you, you are the lowest in society that's applauding the shooter. You are a sick.
That's the sad part so far. The police sitting there doing nothing for so long.

Our answers should not be solutions that pose danger, like single point of entry. Seems that could make it hard to get out in case of emergencies but I suppose you can have 1 way exit doors.

It's sad what our education system has become. We come up with band aids and arguments that never end, but no solutions.

That would require working together.
There is no solution. Gun-grabbing would just mean the law-abiders would get constantly massacred by the criminals. Now they are a little afraid we might have guns: then, they'd just slaughter us all.

Probably our mass murder count is the same as other countries: they are just a fourth our size. The vile news always fools us by saying how high our Covid count, our violence, etc., and never correcting for population size. Germany and Japan and Britain and France have LOTS and LOTS of mass murders ---- more than we do, maybe, because of their Moslem problem. But because they have such small populations relative to us, we always seem to come out worst.

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