Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

So much HATRED

I am not sure this board is WORTH MY TIME
Then before you exit kindly answer one simple and dynamic
question.Just how much " Hatred " did Donald Trump have to
endure.Both as a Presidential Candidate and then as Potus.
He was so hated that Both a President { Obama } and
CIA head { John Brennan } and FBI Director { James Comey
and lead Democrat Presidential Nominee { Hillary Clinton }
all played their part in both Spying on Trump and also
starting the Hoax known as - Russian Collusion -.
The history books will have to explain this Rare and first
in American Politics abridgement.
Anyone who cuts up his face for fun should be committed to a mental institution.

The kind of stuff Hollywood has been pushing instead of Action
War movies or honorable westerns.
With heinous crap like - Hostel - { plus reruns } and
- Saw -.
Nice of yuz to remind posters how those who Run Chicago
for example act.Each and every weekend.Like no biggie.
Just a day in the park. No matter if little kids sitting on their
porch.Obama's City.Rahm Emamuel's City.
Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan's city.
A sane person would or should assume they share some or a
heady dose of Blame.For context ... Neighboring city
Aurora, { 2nd largest in the state by population }
went 2 years w/o a single homicide last decade.
They don't have near the strict gun laws as Chicago.
Kindly explain ... please.
Bullshit. No one has the "right" to shoot up an elementary school. That's just anti-America propaganda.
You go by Rights, the kid had the Right. You don't go by responsibilities, was the kid a responsible kid to be allowed firearms. He would need 1 referee for a shotgun licence and 2 for a firearms certificate in the UK. Then you have to prove to the chief officer of police that you’re allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace. Would the kid achieve that? Heavens, what a responsible way to go about guns.

Is it responsible to walk about in public with a gun, no. Is it responsible to have such high powered rifles as the AR-15 in public, no.

So it's not responsible, but that's irrelevant, you give them the Right to do this, you've essentially given him the Right to blast kids away in the classroom.

When challenged to say he should be interviewed, checked out, what was his school background etc.. like, you all mouth froth that it's against his Rights.
Democrat Beto O'Rourke Challenges Asshole Abbott On Gun Violence At Ulavde Press Conference.

Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke confronted Gov. Greg Abbott at a press conference on Wednesday, accusing the governor of inaction on gun violence in the wake of a mass shooting at an elementary school that left 19 children and two teachers dead.

Abbott, flanked by law enforcement officers and fellow Republican lawmakers, had just wrapped up giving an update on the Uvalde, Texas, shooting Wednesday afternoon — in which he said mental health was the root cause of the deadly event — when O’Rourke approached the stage.

Governor Abbott, I have to say something,” O’Rourke, who is running for the Democratic nomination to challenge Abbott in November’s midterm elections, said. “The time to stop the next shooting is right now and you are doing nothing.”

Well, I guess the silver lining is that, with that disgusting stunt, O'Rourke has pretty much guaranteed that he'll never be President...
Is it responsible to walk about in public with a gun, no. Is it responsible to have such high powered rifles as the AR-15 in public, no.
Good point. A few years ago there was a brief spate of Second Amendment types, many in Texas, who started carrying long guns into restaurants, two and three of them at a time! And photos that I saw showed really dubious looking people, more like retarded persons than anyone normal, which didn't make it better, or worse, but was just weird. The idea was supposed to be that they were allowed to open carry, so it was okay.

Shoooo! I'd have left my meal ON the table, run out through the kitchen screaming all the way, called 911 as soon as I got to a place of safety. And not come back till the dust settled days later, maybe to pay for my uneaten meal, and never come back to that place. Stay in a restaurant where bozos were carrying long guns and looking like they wanted to shoot dead everyone in there???!!! I would guess pretty much everyone would have done much what I would do. It didn't last long. Restaurants in Texas started putting up NO GUN ZONE signs and of course the police were pretty unhappy about all the public disturbance.

Anyone else remember all that happy crappy?
Well, I guess the silver lining is that, with that disgusting stunt, O'Rourke has pretty much guaranteed that he'll never be President...
I certainly hope not.

Now let's hope the homosexual one does something equally stupid.
Did you even check your link to see what it's about?

The subject here is guns.
guns is a subset of overall violence.

violence is the issue and why people feel the need to act upon it. guns is simply a way to do it.

the fact you can't separate the 2 is quite telling. ie - agenda.
Good point. A few years ago there was a brief spate of Second Amendment types, many in Texas, who started carrying long guns into restaurants, two and three of them at a time! And photos that I saw showed really dubious looking people, more like retarded persons than anyone normal, which didn't make it better, or worse, but was just weird. The idea was supposed to be that they were allowed to open carry, so it was okay.

Shoooo! I'd have left my meal ON the table, run out through the kitchen screaming all the way, called 911 as soon as I got to a place of safety. And not come back till the dust settled days later, maybe to pay for my uneaten meal, and never come back to that place. Stay in a restaurant where bozos were carrying long guns and looking like they wanted to shoot dead everyone in there???!!! I would guess pretty much everyone would have done much what I would do. It didn't last long. Restaurants in Texas started putting up NO GUN ZONE signs and of course the police were pretty unhappy about all the public disturbance.

Anyone else remember all that happy crappy?
it's an extreme reaction to extreme times we're being pushed into. there isn't anything that can be done to fix this overnight. we're too far gone for that. so people pick up bits and pieces that they can for self protection. imaginary or real.

the guy in austin who got killed for carrying around a long gun is a prime example of why it shouldn't be done. but hey - rights and all. so we live, hopefully, and learn; doubtfully. that particular instance was a left sided type who felt he could get more attention with a gun. so he approached another car where the driver had a pistol and oops - bad things happen in tense times when you're armed and "looking" for trouble.
it's an extreme reaction to extreme times we're being pushed into. there isn't anything that can be done to fix this overnight. we're too far gone for that. so people pick up bits and pieces that they can for self protection. imaginary or real.

the guy in austin who got killed for carrying around a long gun is a prime example of why it shouldn't be done. but hey - rights and all. so we live, hopefully, and learn; doubtfully. that particular instance was a left sided type who felt he could get more attention with a gun. so he approached another car where the driver had a pistol and oops - bad things happen in tense times when you're armed and "looking" for trouble.
I didn't read about the long gun guy who got killed, but yeah! If I had a gun I sure would have shot this character out of hand if he came up to my car! I think anyone who could would be silly not to. What, in this day and age with all the mass murder types around? Migod.

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