Active Shooters / Mass Shootings in the US: The Reality

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
From the FBI:

160 active shooting incidents
- 40% of these – 64 – qualify as “mass shootings” under federal law.
486 victims killed

Average active shooter incidents per year: 11.43
Average mass shooting incidents per year: 4.57

Average deaths in active shooter incidents per year: 34.71
Average deaths in mass shooting incidents per year: 13.88

Average number of murder per year, 2000-2013: 14468
% of murders related to an active shooter incident: 0.24
% of murders related to mass shootings: 0.09

>0.10% of the murders in the US relate to mass shootings.
After every mass shooting, we hear screams across the nation for bans on ‘assault weapons’, ‘hi-cap magazines’, the need for universal background checks, Australia-style mandatory gun buy-backs, and any number of other nonsensical ‘common sense’ restrictions on the rights of the law abiding.

Comparatively, 43.36% of murders are committed by blacks, who make up only 12.61% of the population; on these, we hear little to nothing outside of the local news.

Why do certain people make such a big deal made over such a small problem, while ignoring an obviously far larger problem?
from your link:

The study does not encompass all mass killings or shootings in public
places and therefore is limited in its scope

Other private and public entities have studied mass casualty incidents, murder rates, and school or workplace violence. (e.g., Campus Attacks:
Targeted Violence Affecting Institutions of Higher Education, a joint publication of U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Department of Education, and Federal Bureau of
Investigation, 2010,
You should take Mass Shootings out of your title.
The report covers mass shootings that fall under the active shooter definition.

Now then, how about addressing the central question:
Why do certain people make such a big deal made over such a small problem, while ignoring an obviously far larger problem?
You are doing what the report warned you not to do, taking things out of context.

Here's an interesting article for you, which I'm sure you will dismiss:

Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The July CRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Here’s Why No One Can Agree on the Number of Mass Shootings
You are doing what the report warned you not to do, taking things out of context.
Now then, how about addressing the central question:
Why do certain people make such a big deal made over such a small problem, while ignoring an obviously far larger problem?
Solution = no guns. Next..
Nah, I think I'll keep my guns. Next...
There certainly isn't a rational reason for you to give them up, much less have them taken from you.
You are doing what the report warned you not to do, taking things out of context.

Here's an interesting article for you, which I'm sure you will dismiss:

Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The July CRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Here’s Why No One Can Agree on the Number of Mass Shootings

see…the problem is…..they want to include gang members at a party, getting drunk and high and then fighting over a girlfriend or a dice game as a mass public shooting if 4 of the morons get injured….not even shot, but just injured….

Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The JulyCRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Notice……they don't define public in the Harvard or CRS report…in fact what we all consider mass shootings, an individual going into a public space, normally a gun free zone created by anti gunners and shooting people….have not increased…..but throw in the gang shootings and you get those numbers up.
See….the actual gun murder rate has been going down….2014 only had 8,124 total gun murders, down from all the other years……now, with the Ferguson effect and police backing off actually engaging criminals, you have criminals shooting each other more….this year….so they are trying to use that increase to say that mass public shootings are increasing….when they aren't…..
You are doing what the report warned you not to do, taking things out of context.

Here's an interesting article for you, which I'm sure you will dismiss:

Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The July CRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Here’s Why No One Can Agree on the Number of Mass Shootings

see…the problem is…..they want to include gang members at a party, getting drunk and high and then fighting over a girlfriend or a dice game as a mass public shooting if 4 of the morons get injured….not even shot, but just injured….

Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The JulyCRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Notice……they don't define public in the Harvard or CRS report…in fact what we all consider mass shootings, an individual going into a public space, normally a gun free zone created by anti gunners and shooting people….have not increased…..but throw in the gang shootings and you get those numbers up.


So when a whackjob husband takes a shotgun and kills his whole family then himself all inside the home....that's a mass shooting. Those are increasing. When the black gang members slaughter each other in Chicago and Baltimore....that's a mass shooting. Those are going up.

The public active shooter situation with mass random people being killed....quite rare.
Fox is correct in pointing out that “active shooters” and “mass shootings” are not the same thing. But other statistics, including a Harvard analysis, show that mass shootings—in which four people were killed—have increased in frequency. The JulyCRS report also indicated that mass shooting incidents are also becoming deadlier.

Never mind the fact that federal law, as noted by the FBI report, defines 'mass shooting' as 3+ dead.

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