Active US Marine Lt Col Speaks Out Against Afghanistan Debacle


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
He is asking the same question everyone else is asking: Why were the generals so wrong about the Afghan government standing up to the Taliban? It's hardly a controversial question. I know it's not kosher to publicly criticize the chain of command but I doubt anyone will make an issue of it. When the dust settles there will be answers and a reckoning.
Lt Cols are generals that haven't yet turned into political suck ups....if you want something done in the Corps find a LT Col not a general....
or the Gunny ...both my Gunnys never took any shit and ran the units
I agree 100%...Oooorah....

occupied Bidumb is in charge --he's the CiC
Presidents pretty much just say GO. They damned sure can't foretell the future. They turn to the experts at hand to make an informed judgement. Someone was obviously very wrong. The only military careers at stake here should be the top brass who were told to organize a withdrawal and fumbled the ball.
occupied wrong--he's the CiC --he has the final say---it's their DECISION
Yes, it is. You don't hear Biden trying shirk his responsibility. The fact remains that he delegated to the generals the responsibility of making a plan that didn't suck. What does Biden know about logistics? Why would he second guess anyone who is paid to be an expert? He was told the Afghan government would guard our retreat. Whoever came up with that assessment does not deserve his position. Now is not a good time to have a shakeup at the pentagon but it's coming.
occupied hahahahahh--their ---meaning the CiCs..Biden is ALWAYS shirking responsibility --surely you are being sarcastic
occupied all on Bidumb--UNDENIABLE .....he makes the final decision...he even said he was a student of history--well, obviously he's a dumbass---you don't wait to the LAST minute and the civilians don't go LAST---this is basic COMMON SENSE---you don't need to be a general to know that
occupied all on Bidumb--UNDENIABLE .....he makes the final decision...he even said he was a student of history--well, obviously he's a dumbass---you don't wait to the LAST minute and the civilians don't go LAST---this is basic COMMON SENSE---you don't need to be a general to know that
You're going to be gung ho for the next war because you apparently think America can be good at imperialism. We absolutely suck at it and it's time we quit trying. Our generals are great at blowing shit up but winning the peace is beyond their abilities.
occupied as I've said many times, most of you people don't know shit about the military ...the US has not lost many wars/etc....don't try to debate me--you will be destroyed HAHAHHAAHAH
....WTF are you yakking about imperialism for??????!!!!!! what?
occupied as I've said many times, most of you people don't know shit about the military ...the US has not lost many wars/etc....don't try to debate me--you will be destroyed HAHAHHAAHAH
....WTF are you yakking about imperialism for??????!!!!!! what?
We have failed at every attempted occupation since WW2.
We have failed at every attempted occupation since WW2.
wrong--you just fkd up--like I've said --you DON'T know shit
Korea win -
,''''' the U.N. Security Council met in an emergency session and approved a U.S. resolution calling for an “immediate cessation of hostilities” and the withdrawal of North Korean forces to the 38th parallel.'''


...most wars are not total wars
...most wars end on cease fires, not unconditional surrenders
etc etc

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