Active US Marine Lt Col Speaks Out Against Afghanistan Debacle

Lesh it was unwinnable ...numerous links/facts/proof in my thread --even JFK said we could not win it
occupied no--we are not trying to pacify the nations--wrong----we can't change Afghanistan or tried to do the same with Nam
..we were trying to train their army for THEM to pacify THEIR nation ....but like the South Vietnamese, you can train all you want and give them the best weapons--but they did not have the will
..JUST LIKE JFK said on Vietnam
''''''but we can't win it for them"''''
Seems like you agree with me that we suck at occupying foreign countries. Our puppet governments become corrupt and unpopular, the soldiers we train can't fight, the rebels we supply turn brutal and dictatorial. If we can't figure out how to project our power effectively we should quit it.
Flash the objective was to keep South Vietnam ...doesn't matter when we got out ...EXACTLY like Afghanistan, we could've been there for 20 years--no change

The Paris Peace Accord gave us the victory. The North Vietnamese agreed to it after Nixon kicked their butts.

It matters in history that the Democrats gave the victory away because that was the reality of what happen.

We need to learn from history instead of ignoring it.

Biden is fucking up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. It didn't have to be that way. If the Democrats hadn't stolen the election from Trump we would have had an honorable orderly withdrawal.
He is doing the right thing but they will punish him for it.

It's the way he's done it. People didn't have to die, equipment didn't have to be left, and Biometrics and files din't have to be left for Taliban to start killing those that helped the U.S.
Joey Xi Bai Dung and his administration created this mess and have to pay the piper.
We what?


You stupid uneducated Moon Bats only know about Vietnam from what you see in the movies.

Go look up the Paris Peace Accords and you will see that the fucking Communists gave up trying to take South Vietnam.

Then go look up how the Democrats, aided by a few weak Republicans, betrayed South Vietnam by defunding military aid giving the North the green light to invade.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

No wonder you dumb fuckers voted for this clown Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election.
We won in Vietnam. We secured the sovereignty of South Vietnam with the Paris Peace Accord, which was the objective all along. However, the filthy Democrats couldn't stand the fact we won against the Communists so they passed the Case Church Act that gave the green light to the North Vietnamese to invade.
And the DC swamp abandoned the Vietnam people. Including Joe.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats only know about Vietnam from what you see in the movies.

Go look up the Paris Peace Accords and you will see that the fucking Communists gave up trying to take South Vietnam.

Then go look up how the Democrats, aided by a few weak Republicans, betrayed South Vietnam by defunding military aid giving the North the green light to invade.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

No wonder you dumb fuckers voted for this clown Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election.
“Gave up trying to take….”

Umm huh? I distinctly remember seeing NV tanks in Saigon
Of course it was. Thats why we invaded and tried to convert them. Thats different from the original reason which was OBL

We invaded Afghanistan because they were giving Bin Laden and Al Qaeda sanctuary. Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has allowed them to do so again and in the meantime gave the more munitions, armored vehicles, Humvees, aircraft, and Helicopters. Then Blinken in his flawed wisdom gave the Taliban our Biometrics to identify those that assisted us for twenty years. That will lead to genocide of Afghans in the coming months after August 31st.
We invaded Afghanistan because they were giving Bin Laden and Al Qaeda sanctuary. Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has allowed them to do so again and in the meantime gave the more munitions, armored vehicles, Humvees, aircraft, and Helicopters. Then Blinken in his flawed wisdom gave the Taliban our Biometrics to identify those that assisted us for twenty years. That will lead to genocide of Afghans in the coming months after August 31st.
Sorry dude. That’s Trump’s deal
Unfortunately Joey Xi Bai Dung has allowed them to do so again and in the meantime gave the more munitions, armored vehicles, Humvees, aircraft, and Helicopters.
Thats Drumpfs doing. He is the one that negotiated the agreement with the Taliban and praised them.
FACT A: Nearly two weeks ago the Afghan army collapsed without firing a shot. The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul while acquiring billions of dollars of American military equipment. The current chaos surrounding the Kabul airport ensued.

FACT B: According to most media sources, our President is to blame.

To blame our President, the media leaves out a lot crucial information. Instead of reminding viewers that the current chaos was a consequence of the Afghan army's sudden surrender, they concentrate on the current chaos and present sad stories about the Afghan people who are still living in the Middle ages.

Although the dominant forces in medieval Afghanistan are pure evil -- the Taliban, Haqqani Network, ISIS, ISIS-K, al Qaeda, and others -- this is rarely mentioned, although we got our fill of ISIS-K yesterday after they murdered thirteen Americans and 170 Afghans.

Despite that environment, some media geniuses insist after 20 years, 6,294 dead American troops and contractors, and $2 trillion that we should stay in Afghanistan because of imagined terrorist fears. Because of our heightened security due to 9/11, no terrorist organization has attacked America in 20 years, and they have only done it twice in our history. A group of jihadist terrorists attacked New York’s World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.

When insisting that we stay in Afghanistan for these perceived threats, none of this information is recalled by the media.

The media is also remiss in keeping Americans updated on the successes of the Biden operation while under extremely hazardous conditions.

NPR made this report in mid-July. "During the 20-year war in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan citizens served as interpreters, provided intelligence and assisted the U.S. and its coalition partners as drivers, security guards and in other roles.

"Roughly 18,000 Afghan nationals, along with tens of thousands of their family members, have applied for special immigrant visas to the U.S.

"Under the effort, called Operation Allies Refuge, as many as 70,000 Afghans will be flown out of Afghanistan to one or more third countries while they await visa processing."

105,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since mid-Aug. Renewed evacuation efforts ramped up a day before the militant group entered the Afghan capital on Aug. 15. Since the end of July, about 110,600 have been evacuated.

Approximately 4,500 of those people are Americans. Do the math. The rest are Afghans.

Only 500 Americans who wish to leave are left.

You won't hear any of this on the six o'clock news.
Flash huge RED FLAGS!!! = both Nam and Afghanistan's governments were crap/corrupt/etc Afghanistan same thing---history repeats itself !!.....woooohooooooo
Afghanistan is the icing on the cake = to the PROOF/evidence that they are unwinnable !! JFK [ and others ] said about Vietnam ---we can't win it for them......same with Afghanistan ---and the Afghan president runs away!!!!!!!!! they didn't even fight
history repeats itself

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