Activist Judge Throws Out Bergdahl Conviction After Six Soldiers Died Looking For Him


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Reggie Walton is a disgrace. Unfit to serve on the bench, even in the corrupt city of Washington, D.C.

A total fool is what he is.

Now, will the Biden administration seek to overturn this awful ruling?

Remember Bowe Bergdahl? He is the former American soldier who abandoned his post in Afghanistan in 2009.
During the search to find him following his disappearance, as many as six soldiers were killed. Obama then ended up trading five suspected terrorists to bring Bergdahl back to the U.S. as a result.
His court-martial conviction has now been thrown out due to a claim of bias against the judge, reported The Gateway Pundit.
A former U.S. Army soldier who pleaded guilty to desertion after leaving his post while deployed in Afghanistan and was subsequently captured and tortured by the Taliban had his court-martial conviction vacated Tuesday, reported Fox News.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton in Washington D.C. said that military judge Jeffrey Nance, who presided over the court-martial of Bowe Bergdahl, failed to disclose that he had applied to the executive branch for a job as an immigration judge, creating a potential conflict of interest.
Walton noted that former President Trump criticized Bergdahl during the 2016 presidential campaign. Bergdahl’s lawyers argued that the criticism placed command influence on Nance.
Walton rejected that argument, but he said a reasonable person could question the judge’s impartiality under the circumstances. It was not clear if the ruling could possibly result in the reinstatement of rank or change of status for Bargdahl’s dishonorable discharge.

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So Trump made a remark and the leftoid judge in a dirty black robe says a guilty man can walk.

And people still doubt TDS is a real mental disorder?
The charges we need should be brought against all and any that made the decisions to have these soldiers there in the first place.
Reggie Walton is a disgrace. Unfit to serve on the bench, even in the corrupt city of Washington, D.C.

A total fool is what he is.

Now, will the Biden administration seek to overturn this awful ruling?

First, some points.

1) Nobody died looking for Bergdahl.

From the right wing National Review.

Tapper goes on to detail the circumstances of each of the deaths in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment — Bergdahl’s unit — that occurred between August 18 and September 6, 2009. All six deaths happened after the initial search, called DUSTWIN (Duty States: Whereabouts Unknown), had concluded. An unnamed U.S. official told CNN that the Army and the Pentagon could find no evidence that anyone was killed while searching for Bergdahl.

2) Secondly, the Judge SHOULD have disclosed he was seeking a Federal Appointment for after his military service. Then Bergdahl's defense could have made an informed decision on his bias.

3) I guess I don't hold Bergdahl responsible because frankly, the man never should have been enlisted to start with. He was discharged from the Coast Guard on a mental health exception during basic training. So you take a young man with a questionable mental state, put him in a unit with poor discipline and leadership, and then subject him to stress, yes, he's going to make dumb decisions.

4) The Army (and yes, I was in the army for 11 years) acted in kind of a reprehensible manner. They lied about the circumstances of his capture, the lead people to believe he had been captured in combat and was a POW. They continued to promote him in captivity because they didn't want to admit they had soldiers cracking up in the field. Then when Obama got him sprung, they had to save face.

5) The main reason why it was thrown out was because Trump had used undue command influence. Instead of saying, "Let's let the system take its course", he condemned the man from the start, making it questionable if Bergdahl could get a fair trial.
So Trump made a remark and the leftoid judge in a dirty black robe says a guilty man can walk.

And people still doubt TDS is a real mental disorder?

Firm legal standing. How can the man get a fair trial when his Commander in Chief declared him guilty and the judge was pandering for a job?

The charges we need should be brought against all and any that made the decisions to have these soldiers there in the first place.

Hey, aren't you late for a drum circle, you hippy!
Walton noted that former President Trump criticized Bergdahl during the 2016 presidential campaign. Bergdahl’s lawyers argued that the criticism placed command influence on Nance.

S0 Trump created this mess from his statements when the soldier already admitted to what he did. IF Trump had said nothing then the verdict had a high probability that it would have been acceptable. Yes it can still be appealed.

A judge is suppose to be fair and that is his job. Just because he seeks another job does not show that he cannot do his current job. This is just a defense tactic. When faced with obvious guilt then the defense has to throw mud and see what sticks.

The judge would have rules the same way but Trump opened his mouth and made statements that should not have been made when he was on trial. This just added to the other argument of the job he was seeking.

Conflict of interest because he has apply for another job is suggesting that the judge could not be fair or should have withdrew from the case. Ultimately this is a decision that the solider made. There has to be something else going on here and why would he desert.

Trump strikes again. Runs a judges attempts at moving up. Case has to be redone again.

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First, some points.

1) Nobody died looking for Bergdahl.

From the right wing National Review.

Tapper goes on to detail the circumstances of each of the deaths in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment — Bergdahl’s unit — that occurred between August 18 and September 6, 2009. All six deaths happened after the initial search, called DUSTWIN (Duty States: Whereabouts Unknown), had concluded. An unnamed U.S. official told CNN that the Army and the Pentagon could find no evidence that anyone was killed while searching for Bergdahl.

2) Secondly, the Judge SHOULD have disclosed he was seeking a Federal Appointment for after his military service. Then Bergdahl's defense could have made an informed decision on his bias.

3) I guess I don't hold Bergdahl responsible because frankly, the man never should have been enlisted to start with. He was discharged from the Coast Guard on a mental health exception during basic training. So you take a young man with a questionable mental state, put him in a unit with poor discipline and leadership, and then subject him to stress, yes, he's going to make dumb decisions.

4) The Army (and yes, I was in the army for 11 years) acted in kind of a reprehensible manner. They lied about the circumstances of his capture, the lead people to believe he had been captured in combat and was a POW. They continued to promote him in captivity because they didn't want to admit they had soldiers cracking up in the field. Then when Obama got him sprung, they had to save face.

5) The main reason why it was thrown out was because Trump had used undue command influence. Instead of saying, "Let's let the system take its course", he condemned the man from the start, making it questionable if Bergdahl could get a fair trial.

NR is not "right wing", whatever the fuck that means to derps like you.

And from your own link:

The preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that soldiers did indeed die due to Bergdahl’s disappearance, but exactly how many and who they were might be unknowable.
The Judge:

"Judge Reggie B. Walton assumed his position as a United States District Judge for the District of Columbia on October 29, 2001, after being nominated to the position by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate. Judge Walton was also appointed by President Bush in June of 2004 to serve as the Chair of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, a commission created by the United States Congress and tasked with the mission of identifying methods to curb the incidents of prison rape. The Commission completed its mission and submitted its recommendations to the President, the United States Congress, and the Attorney General for the United States in June 2009. The recommendations were substantially adopted by the Attorney General and have been implemented in Federal Bureau of Prison detention facilities; they remain under consideration for adoption by the Department of Homeland Security for implementation at federal immigration facilities and by federal, state and local officials throughout the United States. Former Chief Justice Rehnquist also appointed Judge Walton to the federal judiciary's Criminal Law Committee, effective October 1, 2005, and he served on the Committee until 2011. In May 2007, Chief Justice John Roberts appointed Judge Walton to serve as a Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is a 7-year appointment, and in February 2013, the Chief Justice elevated Judge Walton to the position of Presiding Judge of that same court.

Judge Walton previously served as an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia from 1981 to 1989 and 1991 to 2001, having been appointed to that position on two occasions by Presidents Ronald Reagan in 1981 and George H. W. Bush in 1991. "
NR is not "right wing", whatever the fuck that means to derps like you.

And from your own link:

The preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that soldiers did indeed die due to Bergdahl’s disappearance, but exactly how many and who they were might be unknowable.
Well when presented as such that soldiers were sent to look for him then that was a command decision in hostile territory. Leadership made this decision and then not provide enough support. If they just decided to look for him then that was a bad decision. Should he be held accountable for their deaths that is a tough decision in hostile territory.

Again he admitted guilty so it was information used to seek serious sentencing.
Didn't it happen? We thought it did but maybe liberals have the power to change history.
So if they do something for someone you don't like then they are activist Judges, but when they look out for your Orange God they are following the Law. Your a hypocrite and a joke.
So if they do something for someone you don't like then they are activist Judges, but when they look out for your Orange God they are following the Law. Your a hypocrite and a joke.
Blame Trump? Lefties need to take a break and seek professional help.
Why would a trump comment in 2016 — before being elected to any office — have any legal sway on any judgment?
Reggie Walton is a disgrace. Unfit to serve on the bench, even in the corrupt city of Washington, D.C.

A total fool is what he is.

Now, will the Biden administration seek to overturn this awful ruling?

Remember Bowe Bergdahl? He is the former American soldier who abandoned his post in Afghanistan in 2009.
During the search to find him following his disappearance, as many as six soldiers were killed. Obama then ended up trading five suspected terrorists to bring Bergdahl back to the U.S. as a result.
His court-martial conviction has now been thrown out due to a claim of bias against the judge, reported The Gateway Pundit.
A former U.S. Army soldier who pleaded guilty to desertion after leaving his post while deployed in Afghanistan and was subsequently captured and tortured by the Taliban had his court-martial conviction vacated Tuesday, reported Fox News.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton in Washington D.C. said that military judge Jeffrey Nance, who presided over the court-martial of Bowe Bergdahl, failed to disclose that he had applied to the executive branch for a job as an immigration judge, creating a potential conflict of interest.
Walton noted that former President Trump criticized Bergdahl during the 2016 presidential campaign. Bergdahl’s lawyers argued that the criticism placed command influence on Nance.
Walton rejected that argument, but he said a reasonable person could question the judge’s impartiality under the circumstances. It was not clear if the ruling could possibly result in the reinstatement of rank or change of status for Bargdahl’s dishonorable discharge.

Did they mention Bergdahl taught them (the enemy) how to trigger IEDs with a cell phone? No?

Did they mention Obama traded 5 terrorist enemy leaders for him?

That is giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of "war on terror".

A treasonous offense; IF there was an actual "War on Terror", that is.

Was there or wasn't there?
NR is not "right wing", whatever the fuck that means to derps like you.

And from your own link:

The preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that soldiers did indeed die due to Bergdahl’s disappearance, but exactly how many and who they were might be unknowable.

Yes, it is. It's just one of the Right Wing Publications that has the self-awareness to realize how Trump is destroying the Conservative Movement.

Point is, you have to get into some very convoluted thinking to claim that ANYONE died looking for Bergdahl. The fact the Army lied about the circumstances of his disappearance kind of puts any deaths on them. How can you conduct a search if you don't know what you are looking for?

The man never should have been signed up, and the army SHOULD have been straightforward that he wigged out and abandoned his post, instead of perpetuating a lie that he was a POW captured during combat.

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