Activists get naked to fight climate change!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
If they were naked, and the only thing they glued to the door were their hands, they weren't very committed to the cause.
Coming soon to America!


Coming soon to 25% of what's left of America!

Thank you Demo-frauds for making this possible...couldn't have done this [stupidity] without you.
My sick curiosity got the best of me and I just had to see for myself what said semi-naked fucktards looked like. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it would take ten thousand words to describe just how idiotic these mush-brained leftards are, so...



The British Parliamentary system is based on idiocy. If that had happened in our Congress, they would have been pepper-sprayed, zip tied, and hauled off to jail.

Of course, the Democrats would have applauded them.
Yep....buck naked AND glued their hands to the glass doors to stop "an extinction event".

God bless these folks....for assisting climate skeptics in getting their message out!


You know something.....some have been a bit worried. No sign of Crick lately. Made me wonder s0ns......

This reminds me when I was driving through Anderson South Carolina a few years back and this naked chick was chained to a telephone pole ...I am like WTF, In bum fuck no where?

She was protesting a circus.
My sick curiosity got the best of me and I just had to see for myself what said semi-naked fucktards looked like. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it would take ten thousand words to describe just how idiotic these mush-brained leftards are, so...


when one has nothing better to do with their life.
If they were naked, and the only thing they glued to the door were their hands, they weren't very committed to the cause.
In doing so also allowed them to be violated if necessary..

Well that's never going to happen. These types aren't known for being Irish Spring fact, in all likelihood a snatch like that is gonna smell very dump-like. Yeeeeesh.....nobody is violating women like that on their best day!:2up:
If they were naked, and the only thing they glued to the door were their hands, they weren't very committed to the cause.
In doing so also allowed them to be violated if necessary..

Well that's never going to happen. These types aren't known for being Irish Spring fact, in all likelihood a snatch like that is gonna smell very dump-like. Yeeeeesh.....nobody is violating women like that on their best day!:2up:
those are the folks defecating on the streets in San Fran. the flower children grown up. smelly, raggy, get out of my face bad smell pieces of shit. wouldn't touch her with anyone's unit.
Idiots are everywhere. This is from the same country where they want to save the planet by spending millions "rewilding" rural land that is already fairly wild instead of doing a thing about their concrete jungles so the people who live in said concrete jungles can feel like they are making a difference. It is much the same reason democrats only go after industries in red states in America---undermine the opposition's funding.
The best was, a group of them glueing themselves to Jeremy Corbyn's fence. Outside his house. lol.

Meanwhile, while you were hard at work (if you could get there), paying your taxes:

We love the k00ks.......they think they are doing a good thing brining attention in an alternative way but instead, the public looks at the whole bunch of climate crusaders as a group of circus clowns.:oops-28:

Very good for our side!:popcorn:

The eco-protesters dog in the manger attitude to life isn’t just limited to their luxury foreign holidays. The ‘Extinction Rebellion’ mobs have left an enormous mess on the roads and pavements, expecting other people to clear up their own rubbish. As Gandhi once said “Be the change you want to see”

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These people are frauds.

By the way, how did they unglue themselves from the glass doors?:abgg2q.jpg:

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