activities ranked low to high risk

Of course ... there's always the chance that something unexpected might happen when you're home watching Jeopardy.

If there's one thing I've learned from this crisis it's that infectious disease experts are wrong as much as they're right. Common sense and good judgement are the most important weapons we have to fight this virus.
Common sense would dictate that during a pandemic, one that is spread by person-to-person contact, the more contact you have with other people the better your chances are to die from this virus.

petty much common sense at this point
Going to the grocery store with 75 other people gooood
Small back yard gathering with friends and family baaaaad

These experts suck eggs

If there's one thing I've learned from this crisis it's that infectious disease experts are wrong as much as they're right. Common sense and good judgement are the most important weapons we have to fight this virus.
Common sense would dictate that during a pandemic, one that is spread by person-to-person contact, the more contact you have with other people the better your chances are to die from this virus.
Yeah, we found that out with the brown turd Oblummer and the H1N1 swine flu that came across our southern border by illegals. Young US children started having breathing difficulties but that shitforbrains, stayed on the golf course, while families were morning their kids. After 1,000 deaths finally that piece of shit took action and kept everything open, but did find a vaccine people could take, but it didnt help the 75,000 people who died. Thanks Oblummer...

The last flu pandemic was a 'quiet killer.' Why we can't predict the next one
The last pandemic was a ‘quiet killer.’ Ten years after swine flu, no one can predict the next one
Of course the way people live today, so obese and lazy, that the immune system of many people just cant cope even with the common cold. On average 8,000 people die every day in the United States, but the Lame Stream Media wont report this, their agenda is to bring down this President.

Of course ... there's always the chance that something unexpected might happen when you're home watching Jeopardy.

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That's exactly what a friend of mine and his wife were doing. Watching Jeopardy on TV in their living room, when all of the sudden... CRASH!

A pickup truck smashed through the wall.

They lived next to a dangerous road, but figured they were safe because of the embankment between their home and the road.

Until a truck went airborne and landed in their fucking living room.

Then the drunk fucker kept gunning the engine trying to back out. Didn't work. He went to jail.
how many deaths will it take to make the pos trump to pay attention....apparently not nearly 100 k
I have been out and around all the places that could possibly house the Chinese Wuhan Virus. I got a sniffle, a sneeze, and even a cough, but for some reason, my immune system just wont let that pesky virus do anything to me. Maybe if more people got off their couches and did exercises, they also would not be affected by such a small thing...Otherwise, the fat, ugly, lazy liberals, well, they deserve to be punished for their immoral lifestyle and live miserably for their exuberance...
Good list

But they left off lap dances and licking doorknobs

petty much common sense at this point

The goal of lockdowns is the deliberately destroying of economies
Of course only stupid people trust gubmint and continue to do business as usual
It is called commonsense which most people lack and must be told to cover their mouths when coughing and cover your mouth and nose when sneezing.

Also the social etiquette of how to stand a certain distance and how not to touch others has been lost on the last two generations.

Handling of produce has always been appalling to me because we should use gloves when touching food we might buy and clean it before consuming!

Social interaction is a must but we should should learn from the past how our ancestors did it.

Going to a Gym, Church and so on is always optional and by choice and could lead the spread of disease and this has been common knowledge since humans started to spread disease amongst each other.

In the end of we just practice proper social etiquette we would see a lowering of the amount of cases but let be clear this virus isn't leaving us and will be part of us until the last human draw it breath.

So we must adapt which we will...
If there's one thing I've learned from this crisis it's that infectious disease experts are wrong as much as they're right. Common sense and good judgement are the most important weapons we have to fight this virus.
Common sense would dictate that during a pandemic, one that is spread by person-to-person contact, the more contact you have with other people the better your chances are to die from this virus.
Yeah, we found that out with the brown turd Oblummer and the H1N1 swine flu that came across our southern border by illegals. Young US children started having breathing difficulties but that shitforbrains, stayed on the golf course, while families were morning their kids. After 1,000 deaths finally that piece of shit took action and kept everything open, but did find a vaccine people could take, but it didnt help the 75,000 people who died. Thanks Oblummer...

The last flu pandemic was a 'quiet killer.' Why we can't predict the next one
The last pandemic was a ‘quiet killer.’ Ten years after swine flu, no one can predict the next one

Obama's reaction was EXCELLENT.

If there's one thing I've learned from this crisis it's that infectious disease experts are wrong as much as they're right. Common sense and good judgement are the most important weapons we have to fight this virus.
Common sense would dictate that during a pandemic, one that is spread by person-to-person contact, the more contact you have with other people the better your chances are to die from this virus.
Yeah, we found that out with the brown turd Oblummer and the H1N1 swine flu that came across our southern border by illegals. Young US children started having breathing difficulties but that shitforbrains, stayed on the golf course, while families were morning their kids. After 1,000 deaths finally that piece of shit took action and kept everything open, but did find a vaccine people could take, but it didnt help the 75,000 people who died. Thanks Oblummer...

The last flu pandemic was a 'quiet killer.' Why we can't predict the next one
The last pandemic was a ‘quiet killer.’ Ten years after swine flu, no one can predict the next one

Obama's reaction was EXCELLENT.

Wow, talking about a raving lunatic.. Take your meds and see a shrink, you have head up butt disease.


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