Actress Awkwafina Get Hammered By Leftwing Media for "Cultural Appropriation" by Using a "Blaccent". Quits Twitter

All of these racial rules only work against one political party, and for the other political party.
The darndest thing I've ever seen.
That's because one party owns nearly all of the megaphone that shapes public opinion. Thankfully, that is changing. Legacy media is in its death throes and Indy reportage is on the rise.

ALL of culture MUST BOW before the altar of woke social justice. Resist and you will be purged. The biggest problem - after you get past that whole "loss of freedom" bit, is the minor inconvenience that "acceptable" is a moving target, and its arbiters are LEGION.

A common retort back in my youth to people like this was "fook 'em if they can't take a joke". It's still my go-to answer for them. I've never seen such a ridiculously useless group of people with such a high opinion of themselves.
The leftwing outrage is completely fake. You can tell by how selectively it is applied.
I was canceled man, many years ago and just got used to it.
I lucked out. I was "out of the game" of having to answer to a boss or risk loss of my living. It surprises me that we haven't yet seen some poor bastard who gets destroyed over this stuff, come back in the office for one last "exit interview".
All of these racial rules only work against one political party, and for the other political party.
The darndest thing I've ever seen.
Culture is when others like what they see and copy or imitate, so all cultures exist by appropriation.
If we did not copy or appropriate, then everyone would different and have no culture in common.
But then there would be no language, interesting foods, etc.

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