Adam Schiff Admits He Has Agreement With Whistleblower When His/Her Identity Is Unknown


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
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It's an obvious set-up, and a very dangerous thing they do.
It's a panic move to head off what they know is coming soon.
AG Barr flew to Italy to get evidence that proves that members of congress are corrupt....and so the Democrats invented this Whistleblower hoax to suck all of the air out of revelations that will soon become public.
Let's hope it's devastating. The Democrats are willing to blow up the country.

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

Adam Schifface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump.

shiff & the whistleblower's lawyers are protecting his/her identity from many people including trump - who has a history of making thinly veiled threats against those who threaten him.

This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court.

1st of all - the rules & threshold regarding congress' censuring, impeachment inquiry, or bringing forth articles of impeachment are not the same as they are in a criminal or civil matter PER THE CONSTITUTION.

2nd - there has been no trial, nor is it even close to a trial... YET.... so even IF the protocol were the same in a criminal or civil matter, donny doesn't have the right to anything at this stage.

This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

I think it's time for Trump to fire the FBI Director before he starts some sort of investigation.
They also need to do some house cleaning of the DoJ and the CIA.

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.
I think it's time for Trump to fire the FBI Director before he starts some sort of investigation.
They also need to do some house cleaning of the DoJ and the CIA.

House cleaning should have been done January 21, 2017. All Obama holdovers should have been dismissed.

I honestly don't know why this wasn't done.

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.

The 6th governs criminal prosecutions. The 14th covers due process. What do they have to do with impeachment?

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
If he knows why not other members of Congress?

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

please provide the exact transcript quotes that violated the law.

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
If he knows why not other members of Congress?

There's no evidence that he knows. He knows who the attorneys are, and he is in touch with them. That's not the same as knowing the identity of the whistleblower.

That said, I assume every member of the committee will soon know, and that's worrisome, given Trump's unhinged tweeting.

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

Adam Schifface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump.

shiff & the whistleblower's lawyers are protecting his/her identity from many people including trump - who has a history of making thinly veiled threats against those who threaten him.

This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court.

1st of all - the rules & threshold regarding congress' censuring, impeachment inquiry, or bringing forth articles of impeachment are not the same as they are in a criminal or civil matter PER THE CONSTITUTION.

2nd - there has been no trial, nor is it even close to a trial... YET.... so even IF the protocol were the same in a criminal or civil matter, donny doesn't have the right to anything at this stage.

This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

So why is Schitt and his thug allowed to “threaten the President”?

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.


Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

Adam Schifface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump.

shiff & the whistleblower's lawyers are protecting his/her identity from many people including trump - who has a history of making thinly veiled threats against those who threaten him.

This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court.

1st of all - the rules & threshold regarding congress' censuring, impeachment inquiry, or bringing forth articles of impeachment are not the same as they are in a criminal or civil matter PER THE CONSTITUTION.

2nd - there has been no trial, nor is it even close to a trial... YET.... so even IF the protocol were the same in a criminal or civil matter, donny doesn't have the right to anything at this stage.

This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.

So why is Schitt and his thug allowed to “threaten the President”?

silly you... what 'threat' might that be?

Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
If he knows why not other members of Congress?

There's no evidence that he knows. He knows who the attorneys are, and he is in touch with them. That's not the same as knowing the identity of the whistleblower.

That said, I assume every member of the committee will soon know, and that's worrisome, given Trump's unhinged tweeting.
Ok, how does a deranged Trump hater who’s lied about Trump with false accusations for three years know who the lawyers are but not other members of Congress?

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