Adam Schiff Admits He Has Agreement With Whistleblower When His/Her Identity Is Unknown


Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.
Impeachment isn't a criminal process.

That will probably come after he has been removed from office.
Yeah....don't hold your fucking breath.
He's leaving office eventually no matter what.

It's an obvious set-up, and a very dangerous thing they do.
It's a panic move to head off what they know is coming soon.
AG Barr flew to Italy to get evidence that proves that members of congress are corrupt....and so the Democrats invented this Whistleblower hoax to suck all of the air out of revelations that will soon become public.
From your link:

In his opening statement at a congressional hearing featuring acting Department of National Intelligence Director Joseph Maguire, Schiff gave a fictional retelling of the conversation between the two leaders.
I think this creep needs to be shown a prison door for his disrespect, lies, and such hate for the President he is making all this garbage up, and there is mounting proof that President Trump did everything that he could to bring this country to a more civil outcome.

It seems Adam Schiff has a little mental problem known as "delusions of grandeur" that he needs to deal with before he becomes the righteous judge, prosecutor, jury, and hangman all rolled into one.

Nadler was bad enough and I am sure would like to take this over, but American people have had quite enough of all this torment. I'd like to see these hateful people--Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, Tlaib, AOC, and Omar escorted out of office for extreme damage they have done to the Executive Branch that is beyond the pale. We put President Trump in office with our support and votes. We pray for him every day to help him deal with the meanness of the socialists in this nation. It's time for the Senate to step up to the plate and rework rules for the House of Representatives, that if they cannot get a neutral person as the House Speaker, they need to give it to someone else who will not litter the air with hate rhetoric. Threatening to impeach , and then playing out three years to find the President has been innocent all along is enough. But since it isn't enough for the haters in Congress, it's time to give those people a permanent ouster with a firm resolution for them to never come back and smudge another branch of the government with bullshit like comes out of the mouth of Adam Schiff. He's a disgrace to the human race.

And if anyone else ever comes to the House of Representatives or Senate who is so unqualified to be civil as the freshmen fools, deranged Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff, we need a way to get rid of them so the business of this nation is dealt with in an appropriate way.

I'm tired of attention whores running the House, always trying to hurt a different branch of the government. The House wasn't devised to be the supreme court. That's somebody else's job, and they do it a hell of a lot better than the mentally deranged House Speaker, and Committee chairmen who keep going back to impeachment like a dog goes back to lap up his vomitus.
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Adam Schiffforbrains claimed this weekend that he had an agreement with the "Whistleblower" to testify.....but I was under the impression that the identity of this person was supposed be protected. WTF is this crook doing going around bragging that he knows who this person is and has an agreement to testify in front of congress? Schiff confirms tentative agreement for whistleblower to testify before House Intelligence Committee - CNNPolitics

Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this look highly suspicious that a person who chaired the first impeachment hearing and offered perjured testimony, seems to know who this person is already? He's already in touch with the lawyers that prepared the complaint and are now representing this fake whistleblower. Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

And isn't strange that Nancy Pelosi is going around the Sunday morning circuit bragging that she knew what was in the transcripts (which were considered protected executive privilege) before the president released them to the public....and claims that he asked for manufactured dirt on Biden when in fact everyone knows he did not????? We've seen the transcripts....we know she's lying. Isn't it time that the Senate call the Speaker in and put her under oath and ask her what she knows and when did she know it???

Adam Schiffface claims that he is in contact with this fucker's lawyers....but they're trying to hide his/her identity from Trump. This flies in the face of due process. Everyone knows that you have a right to face your accuser. This goes around that right.....and no lawyer worth his salt would allow testimony of an unknown accuser in any court. This is a travesty of justice and I hope that the public will take it to heart that if they can get away with doing this to a POTUS they can do it to you as well. That is what an impeachment is for....the right of the president to face his accusers....but Democrats in the House aren't allowing the president the simple right of due process.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.
Impeachment isn't a criminal process.

That will probably come after he has been removed from office.
Yeah....don't hold your fucking breath.
He's leaving office eventually no matter what.
Crepi. sez: "He's leaving office eventually no matter what."​

He's leaving only when he is ready to go as the people elect him. If you're alluding to a Russian solution that poisons people the premier Pelosi hates, there will be an all out war. If you're thinking about cheating at the polls again, don't even think about it. It makes the American people unhappy to know the Democrats talk about how they voted 30 times in such-and-such an election back when, it's going to come back in your face if your rats do such a cheesy thing again.
What does it matter who blew the whistle? The transcript shows what he did, without argument. At this point, why does the whistleblower's identity matter? Just so the right can smear him/her with lies and innuendo like they do with every other Trump critic? Call for the whistleblower's hanging?

6th and 14th Amendments.
Impeachment isn't a criminal process.

That will probably come after he has been removed from office.
Yeah....don't hold your fucking breath.
He's leaving office eventually no matter what.
Crepi. sez: "He's leaving office eventually no matter what."​

He's leaving only when he is ready to go as the people elect him. If you're alluding to a Russian solution that poisons people the premier Pelosi hates, there will be an all out war. If you're thinking about cheating at the polls again, don't even think about it. It makes the American people unhappy to know the Democrats talk about how they voted 30 times in such-and-such an election back when, it's going to come back in your face if your rats do such a cheesy thing again.
It's an obvious set-up, and a very dangerous thing they do.
It's a panic move to head off what they know is coming soon.
AG Barr flew to Italy to get evidence that proves that members of congress are corrupt....and so the Democrats invented this Whistleblower hoax to suck all of the air out of revelations that will soon become public.
From your link:

In his opening statement at a congressional hearing featuring acting Department of National Intelligence Director Joseph Maguire, Schiff gave a fictional retelling of the conversation between the two leaders.
I think this creep needs to be shown a prison door for his disrespect, lies, and such hate for the President he is making all this garbage up, and there is mounting proof that President Trump did everything that he could to bring this country to a more civil outcome.

It seems Adam Schiff has a little mental problem known as "delusions of grandeur" that he needs to deal with before he becomes the righteous judge, prosecutor, jury, and hangman all rolled into one.

Nadler was bad enough and I am sure would like to take this over, but American people have had quite enough of all this torment. I'd like to see these hateful people--Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, Tlaib, AOC, and Omar escorted out of office for extreme damage they have done to the Executive Branch that is beyond the pale. We put President Trump in office with our support and votes. We pray for him every day to help him deal with the meanness of the socialists in this nation. It's time for the Senate to step up to the plate and rework rules for the House of Representatives, that if they cannot get a neutral person as the House Speaker, they need to give it to someone else who will not litter the air with hate rhetoric. Threatening to impeach , and then playing out three years to find the President has been innocent all along is enough. But since it isn't enough for the haters in Congress, it's time to give those people a permanent ouster with a firm resolution for them to never come back and smudge another branch of the government with bullshit like comes out of the mouth of Adam Schiff. He's a disgrace to the human race.

And if anyone else ever comes to the House of Representatives or Senate who is so unqualified to be civil as the freshmen fools, deranged Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff, we need a way to get rid of them so the business of this nation is dealt with in an appropriate way.

I'm tired of attention whores running the House, always trying to hurt a different branch of the government. The House wasn't devised to be the supreme court. That's somebody else's job, and they do it a hell of a lot better than the mentally deranged House Speaker, and Committee chairmen who keep going back to impeachment like a dog goes back to lap up his vomitus.
Democrats are stretching the boundaries of decency......and they fully intend to us these unethical tactics to get in they can take steps that nobody else is allowed to use these tactics against them.
That's what ironic about communists. They lie cheat and steal to get into power....then once they're in power they act like they're the ones who need to put a stop to the freedoms they took advantage of.
6th and 14th Amendments.
Impeachment isn't a criminal process.

That will probably come after he has been removed from office.
Yeah....don't hold your fucking breath.
He's leaving office eventually no matter what.
Crepi. sez: "He's leaving office eventually no matter what."​

He's leaving only when he is ready to go as the people elect him. If you're alluding to a Russian solution that poisons people the premier Pelosi hates, there will be an all out war. If you're thinking about cheating at the polls again, don't even think about it. It makes the American people unhappy to know the Democrats talk about how they voted 30 times in such-and-such an election back when, it's going to come back in your face if your rats do such a cheesy thing again.
View attachment 282151
Just a taste of what's in your mind.
I'm saying it's not a criminal trial (proceeding).
Impeached for not committing a crime, got it.

The claim was made that the 6th Amendment would guarantee Trump the right to face his accuser. I pointed out the 6th applies to criminal prosecutions. Impeachment isn't a criminal prosecution. If you're determined not to understand that, fine.

We want to hide behind the impeachment process while avoiding due process for the accused.

What due process is Trump being denied?
Do you know what due process is?

Due Process

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.

So if Democrats lie about Trump, refuse to follow the exact course of the law, making up new rules as they go along, they are in violation of due process.

Yes, I know what due process is. That's why I asked what due process is being denied to Trump? Your "if democrats" reply puts it in the hypothetical realm. I was wondering about real.
Impeached for not committing a crime, got it.

The claim was made that the 6th Amendment would guarantee Trump the right to face his accuser. I pointed out the 6th applies to criminal prosecutions. Impeachment isn't a criminal prosecution. If you're determined not to understand that, fine.

We want to hide behind the impeachment process while avoiding due process for the accused.

What due process is Trump being denied?
Do you know what due process is?

Due Process

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.

So if Democrats lie about Trump, refuse to follow the exact course of the law, making up new rules as they go along, they are in violation of due process.

Yes, I know what due process is. That's why I asked what due process is being denied to Trump? Your "if democrats" reply puts it in the hypothetical realm. I was wondering about real.
This whole attack is purely political and hypothetical.
Adam Schiff-face entered hypothetical evidence into the record in his opening statements.

oh leonard? remember how you were trying yo peddle the bullshit idea that the whistleblower's account of events were 'hear say' ? well....

Trump Impeachment Inquiry
Published 2 hours ago Last Update 1 hour ago

Intelligence watchdog now says whistleblower claimed 'first-hand' knowledge, in departure from declassified complaint

The inspector general for the intelligence community said late Monday that the whistleblower whose complaint touched off an impeachment inquiry claimed to have firsthand knowledge of misconduct -- a claim that appears to conflict with documents sent to Congress and the director of national intelligence.

The lengthy statement Monday was posted in response to questions, raised in the media and by congressional Republicans, about the disclosure form filed by the whistleblower, who first flagged concerns about President Trump's July phone call in which he asked the leader of Ukraine to "look into" actions by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. The IG said the whistleblower stated on an initial form Aug. 12 "that he or she possessed both first-hand and other information."

According to the watchdog, the whistleblower "checked two relevant boxes" on the form: One stating, "I have personal and/or direct knowledge of events or records involved”; and the other box stating, “Other employees have told me about events or records involved.”
Intelligence watchdog now says whistleblower claimed 'first-hand' knowledge, in departure from declassified complaint


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