Adam Schiff Has No Authority To Issue Subpoenas On Impeachment Inquiry

Oh look, another commie that didn't bother to read the provided link. So tell me commie, where is it written that foreign affairs falls withing the jurisdiction of the intel committee?

To which subpoena,specifically, are you referring? The subpoenas thus far have generally been issued by all 3 major committees involved: Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight.

So, which one? Dude, you dont know what you are talking about. Poor,gullible wingnut just got fed another meal of crap by the wingnut blogosphere...ate it right up....

So commie, tell the class, which committee has jurisdiction on impeachment? Here's a little hint, it's none of the 3 you just mentioned.


Oh look, another commie that didn't bother to read the provided link. So tell me commie, where is it written that foreign affairs falls withing the jurisdiction of the intel committee?

To which subpoena,specifically, are you referring? The subpoenas thus far have generally been issued by all 3 major committees involved: Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight.

So, which one? Dude, you dont know what you are talking about. Poor,gullible wingnut just got fed another meal of crap by the wingnut blogosphere...ate it right up....

So commie, tell the class, which committee has jurisdiction on impeachment? Here's a little hint, it's none of the 3 you just mentioned.

Did you just ask me a question?

No, first you tell us to which subpoena , specifically, you were referring, as requested. You clearly were totally ignorant of the fact that all 3 committees were issuing the subpoenas together. So now you can account for this embarrassing error from ignorance and tell us which subpoena is relevant to your desperate nonsense.
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One thing about history. Alliances and alignments change and people get blamed for the power agendas. The road to tribalism is in a process now. Much of it silent behind the riots and protests. And noticing who is screwing others over and living their lives in massive comforts on the backs of the peasant.
Ah,tantrum time.

I guess this concludes this latest episode of "OKTexas regurgitated another wingnut blogger talking point without understanding it."
Seems to me this issue over subpoenas will wind up in Court, probably all the way to the SCOTUS. Can the majority party (whoever) use subpoenas as a political weapon against the Executive Branch without even taking a vote on the propriety of the action? As it is now, a committee chairman can issue subpoenas without even a committee vote, if I understand the House rules correctly. What about Due Process? What about completely excluding the Minority Party? One person can fuck with the POTUS all he/she wants to, with no limitations?

I understand it's a political process, not a legal one. And so, the misuse of the subpoena power could and should come back to bite the abusers in the ass when the next election comes around. Since the President has made the transcript of the phone call available to Congress and everyone else, where is the need for more information? Why all the secrecy and lack of accountability? Actually, I know why, these are rhetorical questions.

Be interesting to see how the courts rule on this issue. And BTW Dems, what goes around comes around. Sooner or later the shoe will be on the other foot.
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Seems to me this issue over subpoenas will wind up in Court, probably all the way to the SCOTUS. Can the majority party (whoever) use subpoenas as a political weapon against the Executive Branch without even taking a vote on the propriety of the action? As it is now, a committee chairman can issue subpoenas without even a committee vote, if I understand the House rules correctly. What about Due Process? What about completely excluding the Minority Party? One person can fuck with the POTUS all he/she wants to, with no limitations?

I understand it's a political process, not a legal one. And so, the misuse of the subpoena power could ad should come back to bite the abusers in the ass when the next election comes around. Since the President has made the transcript of the phone call available to Congress and everyone else, where is the need for more information? Why all the secrecy ad lack of accountability? Actually, I know why, these are rhetorical questions.

Be interesting to see how the courts rule on this issue. And BTW Dems, what goes around comes around. Sooner or later the shoe will be on the other foot.

Let it go to the courts. No court is going to rule against the subpoena power of congress. The SCOTUS won't even pick up such nonsense. This entire talking point is desperate political maneuvering and has no legal basis.
House Rules give this authority to Jerry Nadler who is now frothing at the mouth over his power being given to Schity Schiff.. Nancy isn't even following the House rules which clearly state the judiciary committee has authority over impeachment procedures, she is a law less tramp...

There are no “House Rules on Impeachment” so drop that lie right now. Each Congress is free to make up their own process.

This is just another bullshit White House talking point of the type that got thrown out of every Court Trump’s lawyers are arguing this crap in last week. The judges are calling the Trump’s legal team arguments spurious and unconstitutional and Trumps actions illegal and abuses of power.
Is Adam Schiff still trying to get the naked pictures of Trump from Russia? He has been after that Kompromat for a while now.

Oh look, another commie that didn't bother to read the provided link. So tell me commie, where is it written that foreign affairs falls withing the jurisdiction of the intel committee?

To which subpoena,specifically, are you referring? The subpoenas thus far have generally been issued by all 3 major committees involved: Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight.

So, which one? Dude, you dont know what you are talking about. Poor,gullible wingnut just got fed another meal of crap by the wingnut blogosphere...ate it right up....

So commie, tell the class, which committee has jurisdiction on impeachment? Here's a little hint, it's none of the 3 you just mentioned.

Did you just ask me a question?

No, first you tell us to which subpoena , specifically, you were referring, as requested. You clearly were totally ignorant of the fact that all 3 committees were issuing the subpoenas together. So now you can account for this embarrassing error from ignorance and tell us which subpoena is relevant to your desperate nonsense.

And none of them have the jurisdiction to do so concerning impeachment. Also show me in the individual committee rules where they are authorized to issue joint subpoenas with other committees. If it's there I can't find it.

Ah,tantrum time.

I guess this concludes this latest episode of "OKTexas regurgitated another wingnut blogger talking point without understanding it."

The guy asked you a simple question, you ran like a little girl.

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Seems to me this issue over subpoenas will wind up in Court, probably all the way to the SCOTUS. Can the majority party (whoever) use subpoenas as a political weapon against the Executive Branch without even taking a vote on the propriety of the action? As it is now, a committee chairman can issue subpoenas without even a committee vote, if I understand the House rules correctly. What about Due Process? What about completely excluding the Minority Party? One person can fuck with the POTUS all he/she wants to, with no limitations?

I understand it's a political process, not a legal one. And so, the misuse of the subpoena power could ad should come back to bite the abusers in the ass when the next election comes around. Since the President has made the transcript of the phone call available to Congress and everyone else, where is the need for more information? Why all the secrecy ad lack of accountability? Actually, I know why, these are rhetorical questions.

Be interesting to see how the courts rule on this issue. And BTW Dems, what goes around comes around. Sooner or later the shoe will be on the other foot.

Let it go to the courts. No court is going to rule against the subpoena power of congress. The SCOTUS won't even pick up such nonsense. This entire talking point is desperate political maneuvering and has no legal basis.

They have in the past commie, and they will again. Also I've provided the legal basis along with citations of previous cases in the link. So just put your propaganda to bed and we'll see what the courts do.

House Rules give this authority to Jerry Nadler who is now frothing at the mouth over his power being given to Schity Schiff.. Nancy isn't even following the House rules which clearly state the judiciary committee has authority over impeachment procedures, she is a law less tramp...

There are no “House Rules on Impeachment” so drop that lie right now. Each Congress is free to make up their own process.

This is just another bullshit White House talking point of the type that got thrown out of every Court Trump’s lawyers are arguing this crap in last week. The judges are calling the Trump’s legal team arguments spurious and unconstitutional and Trumps actions illegal and abuses of power.



It's not my opinion, it's the federal courts opinion, did you bother to read the provided link? Subpoenas are not valid unless they are issued in matters within the committees jurisdiction.


Since the committee has jurisdiction over presidential oversight, where do you see a problem?

It's not my opinion, it's the federal courts opinion, did you bother to read the provided link? Subpoenas are not valid unless they are issued in matters within the committees jurisdiction.


Since the committee has jurisdiction over presidential oversight, where do you see a problem?

Really, where did you see that listed in their jurisdictional authority?


It's not my opinion, it's the federal courts opinion, did you bother to read the provided link? Subpoenas are not valid unless they are issued in matters within the committees jurisdiction.


Since the committee has jurisdiction over presidential oversight, where do you see a problem?

Letter/Subpoenas give the Executive Branch the right to refuse them.
Full Subpoenas vote on floor for formal impeachment must be upheld and not refused.

It's not my opinion, it's the federal courts opinion, did you bother to read the provided link? Subpoenas are not valid unless they are issued in matters within the committees jurisdiction.


Since the committee has jurisdiction over presidential oversight, where do you see a problem?

Really, where did you see that listed in their jurisdictional authority?


In the constitution, dumb ass.

It's not my opinion, it's the federal courts opinion, did you bother to read the provided link? Subpoenas are not valid unless they are issued in matters within the committees jurisdiction.


Since the committee has jurisdiction over presidential oversight, where do you see a problem?

Letter/Subpoenas give the Executive Branch the right to refuse them.
Full Subpoenas vote on floor for formal impeachment must be upheld and not refused.

I'm pretty sure subpoenas don't work like that. It''s either a subpoena, or it is not.

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