Adam Schiff Says He Will Scrub Jan 6th Evidence Before GOP Takes Over

An outright admission of his plans to destroy evidence and obstruct justice was made today by Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff on CNN. He said he would have to scrub some "EVIDENCE" from the final report.

What kind of evidence needs to be removed in a congressional report?

What it looks like to me is the evidence he intends to scrub was either fabricated or he's trying to edit the material to erase the committee's actions.

Or he may just be destroying possible exculpatory evidence that proves innocence or evidence of Democrat (Nancy Pelosi or Capital Police) wrongdoing.

He may be destroying evidence that Jan 6th was a false-flag operation after all....but he's using accusatory words and phrases to claim that Jim Jordan will be doing exactly what the Jan 6th Committee has been doing...."CHERRY-PICKING EVIDENCE".

"Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that the Jan. 6 committee will have to "scrub" some evidence from its final report before Republicans take over the House next year.​
In an appearance on CNN's State of the Union, Schiff discussed the activities of the House Jan. 6 committee, on which he sits. CNN host Dana Bash reminded Schiff that Ohio Republican Jim Jordan will be made head of the Judiciary Committee in a few months and has promised to go through all the evidence left out of the final report. Asking if all evidence will be made public, Schiff insisted there will be transparency — to a point."​

WE are talking about a Man, a "FORMER PROSECUTOR", who says he "HAD THE GOODS ON TRUMP", and later admitted he HAD NOTHING. Need this go any farther than the man is an obcessive, compulsive LIAR only looking after his own FORTUNES>?
An outright admission of his plans to destroy evidence and obstruct justice was made today by Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff on CNN. He said he would have to scrub some "EVIDENCE" from the final report.

What kind of evidence needs to be removed in a congressional report?

What it looks like to me is the evidence he intends to scrub was either fabricated or he's trying to edit the material to erase the committee's actions.

Or he may just be destroying possible exculpatory evidence that proves innocence or evidence of Democrat (Nancy Pelosi or Capital Police) wrongdoing.

He may be destroying evidence that Jan 6th was a false-flag operation after all....but he's using accusatory words and phrases to claim that Jim Jordan will be doing exactly what the Jan 6th Committee has been doing...."CHERRY-PICKING EVIDENCE".

"Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that the Jan. 6 committee will have to "scrub" some evidence from its final report before Republicans take over the House next year.​
In an appearance on CNN's State of the Union, Schiff discussed the activities of the House Jan. 6 committee, on which he sits. CNN host Dana Bash reminded Schiff that Ohio Republican Jim Jordan will be made head of the Judiciary Committee in a few months and has promised to go through all the evidence left out of the final report. Asking if all evidence will be made public, Schiff insisted there will be transparency — to a point."​


Not only is this blatant obstruction of justice, he's asking for a million subpoenas regarding exculpatory evidence he might have scrubbed in a thousand possible lawsuits and criminal cases.

Not only is this blatant obstruction of justice, he's asking for a million subpoenas regarding exculpatory evidence he might have scrubbed in a thousand possible lawsuits and criminal cases.
He's covering his ASS as he knows the Republicans will demand an accounting.
What comes out of your posts is certainly toot toot. From the butt of a seal.

All of your alleged posts are just a rehash of disproven statements of others, none of your own.

By your posts, you are not a capitalist you are anti-American to say the least.

You are a liar, proven by your posts.

You will never admit what you truly are because your ego will not allow the truth from you.

I understand every point you attempt to make and reject your conclusions as they deserve to be rejected.

In point of fact, you are a useless waste of bandwidth and don't have the brains to realize it.
Well I know your analysis of me is wrong and tainted because you are an extremist right winger. If you weren't you'd be more reasonable.

I'm a capitalist. In fact, I thrive when unions don't exist. At least I am at this company I work for now. Doesn't make me want to be anti union. I see the value in them. Do you? Of course not. You're too extreme to see that. I could go on and on but don't want to take up any more bandwidth.
And again exposing your desire to be a communist, or finally admitting it.
Is he advocating for communism? Or are you just afraid of the name Soros? Using it as your boogieman. And now you can keep it going.
Governing is not being done. Violations of Constitution and Rule of Law by criminal, partisan authoritarian / Marxist politicians using mandates and 'forced transitions' based on their agenda and failed policies is what's going on.

The Constitution was created to protect the American citizen from an overreaching, oppressive, authoritarian government.

Over time politicians have managed to flip it so they use tbe Constitution and Rule, when they aren't violating / ignoring it, to protect the overreaching, oppressive, authoritarian government from the people
What industry are you in?
Well I know your analysis of me is wrong and tainted because you are an extremist right winger. If you weren't you'd be more reasonable.

I'm a capitalist. In fact, I thrive when unions don't exist. At least I am at this company I work for now. Doesn't make me want to be anti union. I see the value in them. Do you? Of course not. You're too extreme to see that. I could go on and on but don't want to take up any more bandwidth.
You know what they say about people who make assumptions, right? They primarily make an ass out of themselves. Everything in your statement is an assumption, especially since you have no idea about me that has any fact or truth to it. You make up your lies and deem them as truth. Hence the long series of lies that you exist in. Leads anyone who can think, which excludes you, to doubt any and everything you claim.

Something that you should write down, just so you can reference a truth once in a while. Just because you say something does not mean it is true. In other words, you prove yourself to be a liar and an idiot.
Is he advocating for communism? Or are you just afraid of the name Soros? Using it as your boogieman. And now you can keep it going.
Why would anyone be afraid of you master? He has been advocating for the overthrow of the US government for years and you appear to be too stupid to realize it. Figures.

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