Adam Schiff Says He Will Scrub Jan 6th Evidence Before GOP Takes Over

Typical lefty. No worries about breaking laws and too stupid to keep quiet about it.

He never stopped ripping things up’: Inside Trump’s relentless document destruction habits​

Trump’s shredding of paper in the White House was far more widespread and indiscriminate than previously known and — despite multiple admonishments — extended throughout his presidency.​

Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together​


He never stopped ripping things up’: Inside Trump’s relentless document destruction habits​

Trump’s shredding of paper in the White House was far more widespread and indiscriminate than previously known and — despite multiple admonishments — extended throughout his presidency.​

Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together​

Not a Trump thread.
Sounds like MAGA Republicans are dog whistling to their less stable minions. Protecting witnesses is more important than providing that kind of info to killer groomers. Let them do their own legwork.
Protecting witnesses from being questioned by members of congress?

Are you really this stupid?

Adam Schiff Says He Will Scrub Jan 6th Evidence​

Looks like Adam Schiff is used to "scrubbing" evidence.

Probably needs to redact names of informants so their lives aren't in danger from the MAGA crowd. You know how they love to groom killers.
The need to scrub follows the lies that the Democrats told to destroy and put fear into Americans who are Republicans. Scrubbing evidence of their own wrongdoing seldom is discussed on the MSM, which keeps the American people in the dark as to what really went down to grab power at the upcoming election to continue the Democrat quest to destroy freedoms that patriots died for to give us. BIG MISTAKE.
Let's see, a group of crazed Trump supporters attacked the police, trashed the Capitol, and tried to find and murder elected officials, and all of this was enabled and, later, attempted to be covered up by Republican lawmakers.

That you even have to wonder why the January 6th commission would do this shows what a complete imbecile you are.
Hyperventilate much? It was a protest about a sketchy election that got out of hand because the authorities dropped the ball so badly on security. Not a single "elected official" was harmed in any way and there was so little damage done to the Capitol building that Congress was back in session the very next day! I don't even know what you're babbling about when you claim that GOP lawmakers "covered up" anything! The violence was roundly decried by everyone. The House hearings on 1/6 was always political and was never about getting at the truth of what happened that day. It was a scripted performance...designed to show one version of what happened while ignoring anything that contradicted that version!
Hyperventilate much? It was a protest about a sketchy election that got out of hand because the authorities dropped the ball so badly on security. Not a single "elected official" was harmed in any way and there was so little damage done to the Capitol building that Congress was back in session the very next day! I don't even know what you're babbling about when you claim that GOP lawmakers "covered up" anything! The violence was roundly decried by everyone. The House hearings on 1/6 was always political and was never about getting at the truth of what happened that day. It was a scripted performance...designed to show one version of what happened while ignoring anything that contradicted that version!
Outta the park, Mr. Oldestyle.
Hyperventilate much? It was a protest about a sketchy election that got out of hand because the authorities dropped the ball so badly on security. Not a single "elected official" was harmed in any way and there was so little damage done to the Capitol building that Congress was back in session the very next day! I don't even know what you're babbling about when you claim that GOP lawmakers "covered up" anything! The violence was roundly decried by everyone. The House hearings on 1/6 was always political and was never about getting at the truth of what happened that day. It was a scripted performance...designed to show one version of what happened while ignoring anything that contradicted that version!
Just $1.5 million damage to the Capitol, and how do you estimate the countless injuries and permanent injuries to the 140 Capitol and Metro police in a dollar value?

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I saw the interview....

What he said was ALL EVIDENCE WAS GOING TO BE RELEASED. All interviews and documents....and rarely and only if necessary for protection, would something be blacked out.

I think it's awesome that they are releasing EVERYTHING to the Public as promised!

Can't wait to read and go through it, just like I did with the hundreds of pages of the Mueller Russia investigation Report which Bill Barr released that was also redacted.

No where did he say they were hiding info from the incoming Congress.

Y'all have shitty, sensationalized, news media....
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Just $1.5 million damage to the Capitol, and how do you estimate the countless injuries and permanent injuries to the 140 Capitol and Metro police in a dollar value?

Then why hide evidence?
Sounds like MAGA Republicans are dog whistling to their less stable minions. Protecting witnesses is more important than providing that kind of info to killer groomers. Let them do their own legwork.
Projecting is not a good tactic to use

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