Adam Schiff's Jig is Up! Woo Hippity Hoo!

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
The 6th is for criminal trials. This is (1) not a trial and (2) not a criminal proceeding.
You lose.
You are correct this isn't a criminal is a mockery of justice............and had this been a real court would have already been dismissed for lack of evidence............

So it's a SHOW...............a Circus..........
Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....
It is the Congress's lame attempt to be a Grand Jury..............

One key difference is that in the courts ..........sufficient evidence to call for a Grand Jury is a requirement.........

Where is that significant evidence before it began..........mic drop.........BTW ......DOJ threw out the phone call as a possible crime already. Nothing there burger again.
Hey, where was the significant evidence that Clinton did something shady with some land deal in Arkansas?? Or did you think the Whitewater investigation was about a blow job??
Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.

One is right and the other is wrong.
If Schiff really had something solid to begin with, this would have been over by now.
Schiff keeps looking ,so far nothing but hearsay, false theories and assumptions.

It is over with. The whole process is moving at alarming speed. They're already starting public hearings. We waiting two and a half years before we had public hearings on the Mueller Report. Trump and Mulvaney's confessions made the investigation really easy.

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
The 6th is for criminal trials. This is (1) not a trial and (2) not a criminal proceeding.
You lose.
You are correct this isn't a criminal is a mockery of justice............and had this been a real court would have already been dismissed for lack of evidence............

So it's a SHOW...............a Circus..........

No, it's called an investigation. New word for you?
Yeah, except the guy didn't just go to the IG, did he? No one, outside the IG, has any obligation to keep the guys name quiet. Nothing in the law can tie the hand of reporters if they know his name.

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
A Fox News guest, conservative radio host Lars Larson, became the first person to name the suspected Ukraine whistleblower live on any of the top broadcast or cable television network...
The suspected whistleblower's name has not been used on CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News or CBS News.

Fox News Guest Names Suspected Ukraine Whistleblower
I am really anxious to see what that person's reply is going to be.....but I have my suspicions it will be something like "Trump won, deal with it libtards"
What person's reply to what? I'm interested but not following...
Mebelle claimed that ABC or CBS outed the whistleblower, which is not true..and you have presented evidence of such....

Just curious to see what that person's reply will be …..
Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....
It is the Congress's lame attempt to be a Grand Jury..............

One key difference is that in the courts ..........sufficient evidence to call for a Grand Jury is a requirement.........

Where is that significant evidence before it began..........mic drop.........BTW ......DOJ threw out the phone call as a possible crime already. Nothing there burger again.
Hey, where was the significant evidence that Clinton did something shady with some land deal in Arkansas?? Or did you think the Whitewater investigation was about a blow job??
The Savings and loans scandal ........hmmm......everyone but the Clintons were either dead or jailed......imagine that.........the only 2 innocent ones there were the Clintons..............Wow.

And Clinton was under law suits of people accusing him of rape................but about a blow job.......had he just said YEAH I DID HER...........then it would have ended......Why was he so dumb to lie that he did her...........under oath.........

He should have said...............have you seen Hillary lately.............Hell yeah I hit it.

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.

Well good thing the Democrats have not been trying to impeach da trump for 4 years they might have a case

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
The 6th is for criminal trials. This is (1) not a trial and (2) not a criminal proceeding.
You lose.
You are correct this isn't a criminal is a mockery of justice............and had this been a real court would have already been dismissed for lack of evidence............

So it's a SHOW...............a Circus..........

No, it's called an investigation. New word for you?'s a Frame Job...........New word for you........

And we aren't talking lumber either.
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.

One is right and the other is wrong.
If Schiff really had something solid to begin with, this would have been over by now.
Schiff keeps looking ,so far nothing but hearsay, false theories and assumptions.
We'll see.
LOL. Seems we've been here before ... often.

November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
For about the billionth time, Schiff did not get "caught" helping to plot it or set it up. OMG. The whistleblower went to the committee staff because the whistleblower works in Washington for Washington and so he knows who would end up with this baby in the end. So he asked and they told him where to file it, which was not with them.
Schiff was not there. Schiff probably got told as an interesting fyi that it might be coming. The rest is pure made up baloney.
Whistle Blower Protections are idiotic. If The New Media can fire an employee for telling The Truth about a Clinton-Epstein child rape story they squashed, then the Fag-Traitor Eric Ciaramella should be fired and prosecuted for filing false whistle blower report.
The guy was a bad boy in the Demmie spin room under Obummer, who my gut tells me started out as Hillary's ticket to ride to the top of the ticket when he was done, and she did. Unfortunately, people don't like somebody who chewed somebody out good in a screaming fit, and who then went out and shot himself twice in the back of the head the same day. So Hillary bides her time thinking up ways to hammer Donald Trump and makes sure he gets dealt every card she has from the bottom of the deck. The Whistleblower wasn't a whistleblower, period. Too bad Trey Gowdy can't put him on the stand any more since he has to spend all his time protecting his family since his name was on an assassin's list less than 3 years ago. :cranky:

Adam Schiff's whistleblower is nothing but a DNC Hack who hates Donald Trump more than Schrzok and his Galpal combined! In case you're into the Big Three MSM Stations, the truth will set you free from them here:

Partisan obfuscator Schiff needs to book a one-way to his beloved Russia! :lmao:

YouTube has made all of the Tucker videos 1 second long? That is straaaange? :eusa_think:
Discussions of whistle lowers are not relevant unless there really is a whistle blower. Falsely claiming to be a whistle blower as part of a political strategy does not make a person into a whistle blower.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
For about the billionth time, Schiff did not get "caught" helping to plot it or set it up. OMG. The whistleblower went to the committee staff because the whistleblower works in Washington for Washington and so he knows who would end up with this baby in the end. So he asked and they told him where to file it, which was not with them.
Schiff was not there. Schiff probably got told as an interesting fyi that it might be coming. The rest is pure made up baloney.
You can repeat the Lie a million times................doesn't make it true.......

He's got caught by the timeline and he's dirty.........He shouldn't be in charge of jack squat.....

Enjoy the show...........that is all it DIES when it gets to the Senate...

Leaving you with the clown show candidates of the Dems to defeat Trump. Good luck are going to need it.
To those who I haven't answered yet, I'm still on about page 3 or 4, and have to work on a meeting I have this evening in about a half an hour, so it may be manana. We'd have no need for discussion if we had fewer people spending 100% of every single day attempting to find the perfect character assassination rout in order to make the current coup attempt have some teeth.
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.

One is right and the other is wrong.
If Schiff really had something solid to begin with, this would have been over by now.
Schiff keeps looking ,so far nothing but hearsay, false theories and assumptions.
Is that why Obama, Hillary, Biden or whoever else you want to insert -- is that why none of them have ever been charged with anything....because there was never something solid to begin with?


We will see when the reports come out.
Barr has some type of solid evidence because it's been moved to a criminal investigation.
You do understand a lot of reports have already come out -- and there is nothing...but its funny how when shit comes out connected to Trump, it results in indictments, convictions, and now impeachment.....

You also understand that when this latest report comes out and there is nothing -- you folks will just say it means Obama and the Deep State made it happen..

So I want you to go on the record and tell me if this guy is Deep State or a conservative patriot who will take down Obama??

You don't even know who this guy is do you?? Yet you rest all of your hopes and dreams on him...adorable

View attachment 288776

That's Horowitz.
No I will wait and see what Barr has as to why it's now a criminal investigation.
I'm gonna laugh at everyone if all this leads back to China.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.

What evidence?

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