Adam Schiff's Jig is Up! Woo Hippity Hoo!

One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.

One is right and the other is wrong.
If Schiff really had something solid to begin with, this would have been over by now.
Schiff keeps looking ,so far nothing but hearsay, false theories and assumptions.

Yup and you notice its all done behind closed doors. If Shifforbrains had anything he'd give it to the press. They have nothing.

This whole clusterfuck is a big fat nothing burger and a waste of time and tax dollars.

Hope he wastes all of 2019 with this bull shit.

God Dems.
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
Is the truth somewhere in between?
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
funny how the folks that have everything, can't show anything they got. too fking funny. that's what I truly laugh at.

Cause, if you can't show anything, then you really have nothing. now that's a knee slapper.
Whistle blower protections = protection from retribution.

Whistle blower protections =/= identity protection
How can a Democrat hack be a whistleblower, pray tell? Because Adam Schiff keeps his name a secret for over a year before he strikes like the snake that he is? :lmao:
B, how would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Democrats and one of them was doing something illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are a conservative?
Would that seem fair to you?
Only conservatives have a say in what is right or wrong now? All others will be ignored or worse?

Let me correct you on what has really happened:

How would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Trump and one of them was doing something perfectly legal, but you thought it should be illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are Deep State?
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
The lawyer for the super duper secret whistleblower has been caught Tweeting his plans on conducting a coup against Trump way back in 2017.

So he has serious conflicts.

I think he should be charged with felony fraud...
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.

One is right and the other is wrong.
If Schiff really had something solid to begin with, this would have been over by now.
Schiff keeps looking ,so far nothing but hearsay, false theories and assumptions.

Yup and you notice its all done behind closed doors. If Shifforbrains had anything he'd give it to the press. They have nothing.

This whole clusterfuck is a big fat nothing burger and a waste of time and tax dollars.

Hope he wastes all of 2019 with this bull shit.

God Dems.
Yeah. Schiff has to tell Pelosi, who has to tell Schumer, who has to tell...Hillary... who has to avoid telling Bill so she can tell his spin room guys who dreamed up the Nekkid Trump salacious fairy tale.... who have to talk to CERTAIN LAWYERS what creative false narrative they could come up with to put lipstick on this looney-tooney pig so it won't look looney-tooneys... But what the heck, the guys at the bottom of the totem pole are still not aware of the pole cats above,... although a few have WALKED AWAY (TM) <giggle>

Oh, what a tangled web they weave us when first they practice to deceive us.

I hope this bothers the Demmie lawyers a little if they haven't quite freaked out yet...

Oh, and I'm still on page 1 or 2... and haven't started singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall....yet. And my starvation diet tells me I have to take a break to cut up 2 sticks of celery and a carrot, hold my nose and drink a quarter cup of beet juice, etc... sans the cookies. :crying:
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.

Yeah, except the guy didn't just go to the IG, did he? No one, outside the IG, has any obligation to keep the guys name quiet. Nothing in the law can tie the hand of reporters if they know his name.

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.

I haven't done shit girly, and presidential diplomatic calls are not subject to the whistle blower act. The presidents call had nothing to do with the intel community, so tell the class where the ICIG has any authority in the matter. The only thing you commies have produced is a difference of opinion on policy, a policy the president sets, not lifer bureaucrats.

We already know Hunter Bidens name was brandished at maobamas state dept, trying to influence investigations in Ukraine. We also know Vidman took it upon himself to advise people in Ukraine with no authorization to do so and was concerned with political aspects of policy which is none of his business.

Like Senator Kennedy said, you commies have decided Trump is going to get a fair and impartial firing squat, the facts be damned.

"If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that holla is the one ya’ hit."
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
Is the truth somewhere in between?
Nope. It's right there in Trump's lap because he told the truth and he's sticking to it. :D
That Tucker Carlson guy is one of the American television's biggest political propagandist hacks. He has no credibility and is one of the last people for referring anyone else to being a hack. His specialty is brainwashing and scamming dupes, suckers, and lemmings.

Lil Bow Tie Boy is a card carrying member of the Butthole Brigade ;)

Some things are true. USMB RW nutbags never tire of being lied to by Trump and they never grow weary
of their fellow RW nutbags posting falsehoods on these forums.
Of course whistleblowers deserve protection but that does not include their identity... If they are a progressive they cannot be trusted
Too, there seems there is a rift between Constitutional law experts, some who say this is NOT a whistleblower because he is a Deep State Democrat Operative who had a hand in the Steel Dossier's distribution to trick or place in ignorance some who were told it was backed up with irrefutable proof when the opposite was true.

I'm not a lawyer, but the alleged whistleblower is not a whistleblower, either. He's a dirtbag liar from the get go according to the same sources as evidenced in the OP, which fired my rockets because it was consistent with Mark Levin, a scholar of the Constitution whom I respect considering how right he's been on everything else. Nobody's perfect, but Levin doesn't let go of the truth because for some reason the Constitution is a personal matter to him in terms of respect. Just sayin'.
Some things are true. USMB RW nutbags never tire of being lied to by Trump and they never grow weary
of their fellow RW nutbags posting falsehoods on these forums.
No, I don't. I publish only stuff that is consistent with other truths swept hastily under the carpet by Hillary "I forget" Clinton. Thankyaverramuch.
Something you need to consider before being a whistle blower. Your identity is not protected. You don't get to make accusations from behind a curtain.

It's all irrelevant because he doesn't meet the statues set forth to be a whistle blower anyway. They don't apply to the president. They don't apply to private conversations between the president and foreign leaders. That's why they are classified. Trump has a right to privacy without some 3rd party coming in and saying they think they might have heard something from someone else.
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.
Whistleblower protection in the United States - Wikipedia

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”

You only quoted a law stating the IG is not allowed to disclose it. But that's it. GMU is right. NOWHERE does it say the whistle blower's identity has to remain hidden.

Ok. Is DT Junior the IG? Is anyone else other than the IG the IG? Then that law does not pertain to them.

Thanks for playing.
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Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.

Yeah, except the guy didn't just go to the IG, did he? No one, outside the IG, has any obligation to keep the guys name quiet. Nothing in the law can tie the hand of reporters if they know his name.

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.
what did the left try and sentence kavanaugh to?

CNN had zero issues outting the manafort jury and what would that have done to their lives, while still on that trial, by the rabid left who loves to attack "at will" also?

we need to focus on the behavior itself regardless of who is doing it or we just perpetuate it.
we need to focus on the behavior itself
Yes, so why won't you?
Of course whistleblowers deserve protection but that does not include their identity... If they are a progressive they cannot be trusted

WB protection has always protected their identity if the IG determines such, in order to protect them from intimidation from those being reported on ...retaliation...

And to ENCOURAGE whistleblowers to come forward to report, waste, fraud, and abuse.
This WB took part in creating the salacious lie about nekkid Trump that made people vote Democrat before they found out is was the lie that Donald Trump said it was and caused his wife considerable grief. Trump was never nekkid jumping on a bed with two shady ladies who he did not order to pee on a bed Hillary slept in. Some goddamn whistleblower. The poor little guy. /sardonic attitude spoken
Liberals-past is prologue
For over 3 years you have conjured and cast and witch hunted and made up and faked and not reported fact news but rather twisted as fact 2nd and 3rd hand innuendo
You are a disgrace to this Nation and it might be time to put in a window for your basement flop couch because you will assuredly be there into 2025.

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