Add my name to the list of people who would defend the rancher against political scum


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
First, the ding bats here labeled him a racist (they include both liberals AND conservatives, avatar for example)... then they twist his words, then they take his words out of context and make him a hate monger, then as I just watched on CNN web site the dingbat commentator accuses him of "pushing his agenda stating his opinion" - that is a contradictory statement - Opinion is NOT an agenda, the rancher is the OPPOSITE of racist, but in the world of politics it is ALL ABOUT MAKING AN EXPERT OUT OF YOURSELF rather than the truth, understanding or sincerity. these people are true parasites LOOK AT REALITY: you can blame republic rats all you want for starting wars, but your whole nation is dependent on serving international bankers that is why your own liberal scum voted with Bush to start war in Iraq, you are all living off government tit and you CAN'T HANDLE THE SIGHT OF A DEAD CALF.

There is NO liberal on this forum or on this planet who despises Neocons and Bush more than me, NO ONE, and I never took sides and I am NOT taking sides, but this is about a fucking rancher who raises cattle, to feed the nation and a fucking bunch of hypocrites accuse him that he is doing it on FEDERAL land - FUCK your federation you fucking welfare scum, all you fucking lawyers and hypocrites, get a fucking job and do something productive rather than sucking off the misery of others.

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