Additional US federalization

American well-being is highly dependent on foreign policy. For example, American gasoline costs several times cheaper than in Europe, America drives big cars, imports a huge amount of oil, but if America stops believing in the world, nobody will need a petrodollar. What will they then refuel their five-liter engines. And that is exactly what the left wants with their "pacifism" and "sexfreedoms".
Against the background of the threat of a crisis of the leftist plague, as well as to eliminate inequality in the distribution of national goods (I believe that the Great Plains are deprived), additional federalization will be useful for the United States, which would shift the center of power from Washington to the West. Within the federation, you need to create two confederations, one of which is the East Coast and the Black South, and the second is everything else. Thus, the right-oriented west could defend itself against the advancement of foreign interests from the east.

"Right oriented west"?

You ever been to Seattle or LA?

You said "the west".

On the great plains we've got Chicago, St Paul, Detroit, Austin, St Louis, and many more. One wonders where you got your info?
The Great Plains is the central part of the United States where the steppe zones are. The concept is loose, but it is identical to the concept of "wild west", cowboy america. Chicago it seems not there, these are the Great Lakes.
Info is from different sorces of net and books
The Great Plains is the central part of the United States where the steppe zones are. The concept is loose, but it is identical to the concept of "wild west", cowboy america. Chicago it seems not there, these are the Great Lakes.
Info is from different sorces of net and books
Your proposed republican region keeps shrinking.

It doesn't matter here the main thing is the general picture. I cannot describe it as a precise geographic region, it is more cultural
Not being able to define a geographic region kinda blows your whole proposal outta the water, doesn't it? You were gonna split the us into conservative and liberal areas. Are you now saying that's not doable?
All data are about the same. North Central America has the highest IQ
But this has not direct relation with education.
Education is exactly what I brought up and put up Tony's (lol) map to counter it. Are you now saying that's not about education?
Not being able to define a geographic region kinda blows your whole proposal outta the water, doesn't it? You were gonna split the us into conservative and liberal areas. Are you now saying that's not doable?
This can be clarified in the process

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